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Darn rest in power, king

So long sweet commie prince :(

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Don't worry. We already bought a bunch of F35 to get the nuclear sharing treaty with the US going. :marseywholesome: :!marseynukegoggles:

Pathetic sneed

Okay listen paprika man, You aren't tough or good when you post literal nazi propaganda. You just show me that @Transgender_spez was right with calling you little mans syndrome. I tell you this:

You're probably a millennial/zoomer, so you already didn't have to deal with soviets or russians at all in your whole life. You can see how russia throws themselves out of incompetency and corruption into the ukrainian meat grinder.

But somehow you "totally not nazis" have to up one each other. Your absolutely r-slurred hate boner makes you look like pathetic losers and not some tough guy. So stop this r-slurred shit, like framing kids with an invented caption to lure gullible r-slurs. Just point at vatnigs not getting shit done and stop this neo nazi shit, then i will you respect a little bit more. Germoney and uncle sams strong arm will help ascend your butt anyway so don't piss them off r-slur.

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You are still wrong, @Szia_uram just hate nazis as much as @Szia_uram do ruskies. Anybody who is against meroticracy, democracy, market capitalism and a free liberal society is my mortal enemy.

@Szia_uram post nazi propaganda this case because they were right on the muskals nature and the total annihilation of russian people is the only permament solution too this problem. @Szia_uram is the biggest EU confederation shill you can find I'd probably be a FDP voter in Germonay, but alas @Szia_uram like it here in Budapest besides the absolute braindead government and rural poor population that votes them in.

trans lives matter, russian lives have a negative value.

@Transgender_spez is a dirty eurocommie, but those types can be pacified by factory job and we don't want too salamie Europe and @Szia_uram still want too believe @Szia_uram have more in common with him than a curry or chink :marseycheerup:

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