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Israel :marseyisrael: is an illegitimate state :marseytaliban: ... says Israelis :marseysaluteisrael:


Normally don't post multiple times a day, but today is a dramatic day:marseylovedrama:.

Half a million Israelis broke out in protest due to Netanyahu firing the minister of defense due to said minister undermining his attempt to reform Israel's version of selecting justices for their version of the supreme court

The protesters are joined by a few off duty police and IDF reservist (the israeli child police brigade beware)


Protest are characterized as being fiery but mostly peaceful


Jewish foids much like regular foids, are not content with something happening where they aren't the center of attention and don their traditional YA book regalia



the jews Americans did this

Nintendoyanhu's son whispers quietly, clutching his luger p08 Jericho 9mm and zyklon gas fentanyl syringe


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:!#chadjew:If my coalition wins a majority I will reform the judiciary


:!#chadjew:My coalition has won a majority and I will now reform the judiciary

:#marseymerchantsoy:NOOOOOO you can't do that we don't want it

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Sometimes we don’t do our best

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what is happening in israel, give me your thoughts, can we expect a civil war and liberation?

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Expects months of winding down unrest and nothing to come of it.

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>nothing cool ever happens


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Wdym, it bombs sand neighbors every few weeks?

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:#marseysal: ?

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can we expect a civil war and liberation?

Wdym expect? Already happened in '48. :marseywholesome:

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No civil war though it could spell the end of Likuds majority. Interesting to note that in the previous elections Arab List agreed to form a coalition with Labour which they've never done before, they've always stated that they'll never work with any Zionist party. One of the demands they got was cucking settlers in the West Bank which might be back on the menu.

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Parliamentary bullshit. Frick them.

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Important lore is that Jewland doesn't have a constitution which means the supreme court can rule pretty much anything. If the supreme court is compromised then it's joever. Netneighbor is under investigation and will likely get convicted of corruption but has advanced a law which would make the sitting member of the Knesset, including the Prime minister, immune from legal prosection.

Netneighbor was elected through esoteric parliamentary magic which everyone thought was a long shot, even the pali party decided to back Labour against Likud which is the first time that's ever happened. Settlers and the Haredim coalesced around Netneighbor causing Likud to win. Palis and lefty jewish chads are seething to degrees unfathomable as Netneighbor is Jewlands Trump.

Netneighbor stacked his cabinet with far right and pro settler people.

This shit is going to cause another election, no chance this doesn't escalate into the majority fracturing.

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Netneighbor was elected through esoteric parliamentary magic

Its safe to say all sucessfull politicians are involved in that kind of stuff

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Jewland esoteric paralimentary magic is another level, due to the razor thin margins that coalitions and the small size of parties in Jewland rule that means that patchwork coalitions of opposing interests have to work together and any fracturing means reelection.

The funniest scenario plausible is that Arab List goes through with previous deal to form a coalition with Labour which means that a Palestinean party can hold the entire government hostage and call for reelections at any point meaning they can blackmail the Israeli government into serving Pali interests.

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>Israel destroyed by leftoids

I'm actually curious what /pol/'s reaction to that would be.

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Generic golem turned on master sneed.

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Palestinians are truly the Jews of the Middle East

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That is the only good scenario.

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Not in better systems. Frick parliament. Frick politicians. Insert fedpost here.

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like what? dictatorships? you know hitler was neck deep in ocultism and same for most other dictators.

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90% chance you're talking to a burger, so his answer will probably be the American electoral college.

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Stalin simply browbeat everyone into complying.

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Not actual magic. Coalition bullshit! Frick them!

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lmao so the brazil problem basically

some asshat in supreme court decides theyre the president


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Without a constitution everything is decided through precedent, the supreme court can just overrule laws and government decisions as being incompatible with Israeli common law and nothing can be done about it. The new law would change that, allowing the parliament to override the supreme court. That means that criminal convictions against political allies could be overturned by the Knesset and nothing could be done if the law is passed.



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wow thats horrible, trading one imbalanced system for another. maybe get a fricking constitution (which only marginally fixes this)


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The issue is that constitution would have to make Israel's territorial claims clear and make the rights of Palestinians black and white which means either massive backlash or Palestinians being able to Jew the constitution over equal rights.

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would have to make Israel's territorial claims clear

Why? Just leave it vague. "Lands of Israel." There, solved the problem.

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I honestly cannot bring myself to tgaf enuf to learn what this is about

Can sum1 eli5? Pls


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Fertility rates in Israel are barely at replacement levels for most of the population but above doubling levels for orthodox Jews. This demographic time bomb has been ticking for over 20 years and is finally coming to a head. The last election gave a lot of power to far right parties (legit far right, the kind of people /pol/ would call based if they weren't Jews) and now they're trying to remove judicial review and pass all kinds of laws that favour the orthodox who barely contribute to the economy. It's so bad that people who've never gone to a protest in their lives before 2023 are now attending a protest every week and foreign investment is drying up.

It is extremely dramatic, the most politically disengaged people are seething in real life, day after day, for months.

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>mfw the jews finally get jewed

feels so good bros

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Admitting, and then pandering to, the Orthodox Jews has been a grave mistake to Israel.

Good write up, and good drama.

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Israel is about to be #110

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okay, but by /pol/ based do you mean north or south of the "genetically modified super aids to eradicate arabs" line? because welfare for orthos is boring nobody outside of isreal cares :chudsey:


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They want to pass laws that let businesses deny service to gays and Arabs. Some ministers have also praised vigilante attacks where Arab homes were burned down, sometimes with people still inside.

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bruh thats not even 1970's level of based by US standards


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You have to account for based inflation over the past 50 years.

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so true :marseytrump: let me know when israel deploys anti Palestinian bioweapons. the daily bombings are boring tbh


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It's ultra Orthodox Jews acting like this, they're called haredim, the men don't work and just the study the Torah and they force they're wives to earn for the family and live off welfare grants. They're also exempt from military service due to a loophole established at independence. Everyone hates them. The Orthodox are the majority of people in Jewland.

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>the men don't work and just the study the Torah and they force they're wives to earn for the family and live off welfare grants.

Uhm... B-based??


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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this comment just reminded me that DLMO left


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jews jewing jews i think

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What else is new :marseyclueless:

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so true :marseytrump:


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Just know the women protesting are all r-slurred

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Women moment

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Jews jewing while American evangelicals claim the Demoncrats are helping Iran overthrow the second coming of Jesus for them, Netanyahu.

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you know how on supernatural they kill a shapeshifter and it starts flipping between a bunch of different forms before it dies, it's like that but for a civilization




traditional YA book regalia:


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Israel is 110

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Isn't it literally 1? Or did the babylonians ban jews from vacationing at the hanging gardens or something?

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1 is Garden of Eden

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Israel has finally turned into a proper Middle Eastern country :marseywholesome:

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

#israel is an illegitimate state ... says Israelis https://rdrama.net/post/158321/israel-marseyisrael-is-an-illegitimate-state #AllQuietOnTheWesternFront #jews #palestinians

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