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>some mobile korean dogshit is going to be of slightly lower quality

stop the fricking presses

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:marseyaaa: Oh no, this company that makes a game nobody has ever heard :marseyjacksparrow: about did something that I find aesthetically offensive.



https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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>Regardless of circumstances, raising awareness like this is undoubtedly good. There aren't that many public cases like this, and even news about small companies or minor mistakes can go viral due to how social media works. The more people talking, the higher the chances of someone also acting. The more interest there is in the subject, the more people will question the current malpractice, potential consequences, vote with their wallets, and – in the best case scenario – demand changes to legislation. AI art is already an extremely controversial subject in many contexts, as is anything else AI-generated, so even minor mistakes are worth pointing out to win over the case. Assuming we all appreciate human-made art, animation, music, stories, movies, source code rather than the soulless garbage AI gives us.


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