Anon's doing a little trolling at his local Target outlets

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>what really happened

>o-one pair of leggings please

>oh yeah and the stuffed :marseystuffed: shark :marseysalvindicated: it’s cute lol

>thank you :3

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God funny :marseybruh: if true (its not, but still kinda funny)

Why do itemvoids require a manager :marseysuit: approval, and cause a writeup for the cashier? I've never :marseyitsover: understood that. Any poors want to enlighten me?

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If I was Mr. Target I would have my highly talented and resourced private investigator teams (real) locate this anon and leave a shopping basket full of Target pride merch on the doorstep.

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Fast service needed in "Queer Department" who is responding?

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Guys. The day has come. A woman has asked to see my peepee. I went to take a picture and realized I have no fricking idea how to take a peepee pic. I'm rockin around 2 1/2 hard but like what angle am I supposed to do this from??? Am I supposed to take it from the top?? The front??? Frick dudes this is the real hard part about taking Testosterone. No one teaches you how to peepee pic.

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