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Nobody is suggesting that prepubescent kids get hormones


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i'm having flashbacks to the "social justice warriors only exist on college campuses" days.

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It never happens but if it does it’s a good thing but it never happens but if it does it’s a good thing but it

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Puberty blockers are NOT HERMIONES

quick side note the name is spelled her-mi-one but people pronounce it her-moi-ni :marseythinkorino:

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mmm i love crippling osteoporosis in my 20s give me that bone hurting juice so i don't get balls and disentigrate to death before 60


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:marseybee: urself

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other puberty blockers are similarly fricked and u can have glass bones and a halfed life span, but Lupron is the least generic GnRh agonist drug and it's easy to look up and find :infty: INFINITE :infty: drama

cool history on the research of this puberty bocker / everything drug:

The Dr. Andrew Freidman grindset

:derpcornsyrup: "oh my bad did I fabricate at least 80% of my research from scratch? Did I make up patients and results that never existed? OOPS. Mistakes happen. Did I inject women with stuff that killed them? Well you see, my knee hurts from golfing and my son is stupid I mean look at his report card! This puts a lot of stress on me! MY LIFE IS HARD!"




he got a slap on the wrist and was hired by Johnson and Johnson where he works to this day under the name "Andy" with a different haircut

greatest fraudmaxx in US history

" :clueless: psst, hey doctors, wanna make cash by prescribing my shiny new drug--- Lupron? Yeah so basically lets's massively defraud the US Government and lupronmaxx every problem while pocketing the cash lmao it'll be great and we can beat AstraZeneca's version!"





:tfwyougettrolled: or was this all, a deeper scam? What does it all mean?



i don't even know man, LUPRON LORE IS INFINITE!!!


:marseyfrozenchosen: -> :marseybabushka:


thousands of woman might be dead from endometriosis treatments


what happens when lupron is used as a puberty blocker?


DON'T LISTEN TO BIGOTS, Lupron has been used for years to treat various things! Trust the science.


I think u gotta pass a test to get in


psst kids, want a new gender? Don't worry, no one ever gets seizures and shit after getting Lupron/Eligard injections.

:lolface: If you do did get seizures or myocardial infarction-- it was a coincidence. Lupron is safe and effective :)






I like how they are like "drink milk and take vitamin D to maintain bone density"

yuh, from what I see on facebook ( the women that had it 20 years ago for endometriosis (some of them injected by Friedman himself!)) are deteriorating, and they take plenty of supplements to try to help but it didn't stop their teeth from falling out


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Good comment :marseysoypointtrips: :marseythumbsup:

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You should make this a post, hot darn.

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how the frick is some shizo on /r/drama doing better research than the actual news? Like not just he lesbian haired bloggers. But actual mainstream news, even the ones who hate :marseytrain2:s.

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That's lpb's reaction :marseyscream: because he knows it's a really good effort :marseymissing: post and hates that he can't say anything :marseycoleporter: snarky back


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people pronounce it her-moi-ni

English pronounciation is r-slurred. It's all because of Norman conquest.

I HATE THE FRENCH :marseytrollcrazy:

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The pragmatic definition of neoliberalism is: whatever drives GDP growth, especially if it involves state intervention in markets, disregard for social traditionalism, and disregard for national borders.

It basically uses communist elements to secure the opposite goals of communism.

Due to the aforesaid, it makes sense they’d support child transition because it 1) opens up new markets, which 2) evaporates tradition.

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I understand what you mean, however neoliberalism used to be a well defined ideology, and used to be associated with Thatcher and Reagan. /R/neoliberal barely discusses economics at all, they are just a hyperpartisan socially progressive dem sub, and the socially progressive part trumps over economics, which means they will defend any statist economic policy as long as is defended by a dem politician, and would rather vote for a quasi socialist prog like AOC over a generic Romney republican because β€œmuh abortion” β€œmuh judges” or β€œmuh climate change”. Thatcher and Reagan on the other hand are demonized on /r/neoliberal, and they stood with Lula while believing every single lie about Bolsonaro (who was just an r-slur) being a fascist burning the Amazon. I’m a centre-right guy so maybe that’s why that sub is so off-putting.

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Pre-pubescent HRT would :marseywould: make no sense because s*x hormones aren’t what’s primarily driving :marseysteer: development at that stage

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Shhh. I'm getting an endorphin rush from all the updoots.

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It’s over

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"Most adults say gender is based on s*x assigned at birth”

It isn’t nearly as bad as the article title suggests, though there is obviously much room for improvement.

It was gender 5 fricking seconds ago because s*x is immutable WTF?! :#lemindblown:

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The meta changes fast. You still see wannabe wokies use the s*x/gender binary, only to get called out by hipper wokies who've updated to the latest s*x-is-a-spectrum talking point.

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I love when it comes around to spectrums because people walk right into "yeah, I kinda figured you were on the spectrum somehow"

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Holly Longposting will be my name if I train out.

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i wanna be haileigh thunderpeepee

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Based and mottepilled

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And 60% of Americans :marseyamericanpearlclutch: were opposed :marseybeandefiant: to same-s*x marriage :marseybride: in 2004.

Yeah but the gays weren't trying to groom :marseyveryworriedtrans: kids or attack :marseyerenabs2: women :marseyextinction: during the marriage :marseybride: battles.

They are now, but that's a different conversation.

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>Yeah but the gays weren't trying to groom :marseyveryworriedtrans: kids

Plenty of them were. That said, the gay marriage debate was framed as just being about the rights of gay people to peacefully live their lives like straight people do. And that's why it won. The trans debates are not analogous because there are no "trans rights" that are being arbitrarily denied like marriage rights. Instead it's just a weird bundle of cultural flashpoints over whether mtfs should be allowed to destroy women's sports or whether drag shows are appropriate for young children or whether young girls should be seeing peepeees in locker rooms.

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Yup. The trans discourse in general piggybacked off the success of the gay right discourse that was largely won by 2015. But TRAs trying to push 15 years of social progress that would have probably happened naturally into 2 years screwed them over hard.

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I don't think mtfs destroying women's sports was ever going to happen naturally. Or the push for children to transition against their parents' wishes, etc. And the trans community would have to start policing itself against obvious AGPs and such in order to win on the locker room / bathroom or other "I want to show my girl peepee in public" fights.

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And the trans :marseytransavenger: community would :marseywould: have to start policing itself against obvious :marseyoctopus4: AGPs

They're all AGPs or homosexual :marseyfemboy: dudes in denial. And the latter group :marseymarseyloveorgy: is quickly growing smaller by the day lol

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Asking people to pretend that there is no difference between a straight and a same-s*x relationship is still a bit clunky and weird but it is certainly less demanding than acting like a man in an anime wig is a woman because not letting them believe that is genocide.

Also literally all they had to do to fly under the radar was just leaving the kids alone. Don't talk about trans kids, don't lie about how puberty blockers have no side effects and don't let some pedohpile academic r-slur champion your cause by saying 9 year olds understand what gender expression is. They couldn't help themselves though.

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They can't seem to stop acting like victims and being histrionic even when the subject :marseyjurisdiction: goes to kids. All they had to do was shut the frick up about kids. But no... they couldn't pass on the chance to take advantage of a situation one time and here we are. The one two punch :marseypunched: - the democrats are grooming :marseygroomerarch: them in schools and trans :marseytuckermilkers: activists/narcissist parents are pushing kids into surgery :marseylobotomy: and taking drugs. It is fricked up but they dug this hole. The country :marseycountry: will never :marseyitsover: support this no matter :mlm: how much they cry genocide. Sick fricks.

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Part of the β€˜queer’ label is acknowledging that gay relationships β€˜aren’t just straight relationships but with same-s*x people’; that there are actually cultural differences involved.

Still r-slurred but the acknowledgment is there. Personally I take the Hegelian angle that our culture is still trying to metabolise all these changes, and will eventually settle into a status quo that is neither what the current anti- or pro-legbutts want.

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In a similar way, most people oppose legislation that restricts adult choo-choos in living their lives.

But inherent in that idea are further conflicts (whether you should be obliged to use their pronouns, whether you should philosophically believe that they are their stated gender).

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Gays weren't castrating and amputating themselves either.

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nobody is grooming kids you fricking goof.

It's a well known fact a lot of young kids question gender and it resolves in a few years.

what's going on is :marseytrain2:s are so insane and so devoted to maintaining the dogma they're just claiming any kid that ever questions gender is in fact trans and trying to push them towards that.

It's more so about maintaining their own delusions, it isn't some fricking grooming conspiracy. Rightoids engage in actual grooming at fricking absurd rates.

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they're just claiming any kid that ever questions gender is in fact trans and trying to push them towards that.

Are you saying rightoids groom sexually at a higher rate, or are you keeping a looser, cultural definition of grooming? Because the above seems a lot like grooming either way, especially considering the sexual nature of intra-:marseytrain2: discourse.

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Nah there's considerable grooming :marseygroomergrooming: happening :marseybongoukraine:

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once again you are literally correct and rdrama cant handle it

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call it common sense trans control

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I have a group :marseymarseyloveorgy: of college :mcmarsey: friends :marseymeangirls: I consider :marseygigathonk: my β€˜normal’ friends :marseytherachel: ( all of my other friend :marseychinchilla2: groups are artists and nerds and disturbed, like me lol.) They’re all politically and personally moderate.

I went to a state :marseylouisiana: school :marseyeric: in CO, I was from TX , lived in the honors dorm - they were all middle :marseyfuckyou: class smart :marseyneuron: kids from CO ( one Nebraska ). All Christian, probably actually :marseyakshually: more active but less evangelical :marseyluthersoy: fundie than mean median mode Americans.

Now they’re all grown ups with various relatively normal :marseychartgaussian: jobs ( one works in solar, two are teachers, one works with Catholic :marseyselfflagellation: charities, one is a civil :marseysaluteconfederacy: engineer, one works in landscaping ) with children :marseykermit: and wives.

We get together :marseyropewithchingchong: once a year for a college :marseycomet: dude reunion. I’m the weirdo online :marseyidio3: single :marseykiwimom: guy.

I taught them how to Uber and what Mansplaining means.

Now I’m getting exposed to their reactions to trans/gender issues - some confusion, some mockery ( from one I particular whom I gently call out/educate) and some aversion to gender :marseypassftm: politics- one is a β€˜they’re teaching my first :marseywinner: grader about people having three :marcerberus: moms, etc., like come on’ moving school :marseygrad: districts story.

Again, these guys are moderates - the dude who said the above is the green :marseylongpostglow: energy :marseyreactor: guy who was torn between :marseyzeldalinkpast: McCain and Obama :marseypredator: until McCain brought Palin on board and Obama :marseydrone: brought Biden :marseyliberty2: on board ( he went with Obama :marseyobama: to be clear ).

I’m not sure if any voted :marseyridin: for Trump, tbh, I’d put it at like one or maybe two out of the 6 or 7, or 0.

I haven’t taken a poll but I’d imagine the stance for most is - not in women’s sports. Not in locker rooms. Pick whatever bathroom you want. Do whatever you want when you’re an adult. Don’t teach my kids about it when they’re 6. Don’t do surgery :marseylobotomy: on kids.

Odds they all think :marseymindblown: he's a strag and laugh :marseydicklet: behind :marseynotes2: his back?

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Not everyone has your social :marseyblm: experiences :marseysmug2:

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"I taught them (...) what Mansplaing means."

He says this like it's a good thing. :marseycringe:

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The /r/science mods really went on a deletion rampage there. It's hilarious how much Reddit "scientists" hate science when it doesn't align with their preferred worldview.

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Most humans want common sense :marseytrain: control. And we know all know what β€œcommon sense ______ control” means

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So you're against it because its a slippery slope?

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You forget that chuds aren’t human.

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>There’s scant if any good data on what happens to teenagers (children?) who are given PBs and hormone therapy before going through natural puberty.

Yikes sweetie this is problematic puberty blockers are perfectly safe.


>This is disingenuous, because that's actually typical for pediatric care. Why? Because hardly any parents are willing to sign up their children for clinical trials. Something like half of all pediatric treatments are not approved nor is there better data on their use in children and adolescents. That's actually very common.

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what godzilla looked like that?

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This comes from arguably the longest creepypasta :marseysuicidesquidward: of all time: NES Godzilla


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Is it worth a read?

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I never :marseyitsover: read it fully lmao, but everyone says that it is very complex for an internet :marseytrogdor: tween :marseygirl: horror :marseyliquidator: story, and unlike most pastas, it also includes countless images accompanying it.

!macacos lembram das crespo pastas? caralho como essa porra enchia o saco :marseysigh:, foi parcialmente responsΓ‘vel pela nova onda dos emos dos anos 2010s, o que resultou nos e-girls e e-boys dentre outras emices do tiktok de hoje, os videos das traduçáes das cripipastas em portuguΓͺs eram cringe :marseycricket: total, vocΓͺs conseguem 100% saber que foi uma crianΓ§a de 12-14 anos que escreveu isso.

A ΓΊnica pasta brasileira boa e bem-escrita foi a do EpisΓ³dio Perdido do Chaves, essa ai Γ© melhor que muitas escritas em inglΓͺs! :marseymutt:

Esqueci de colocar o link: https://creepypastabrasil.fandom.com/pt-br/wiki/Chaves-O_Macabro_episΓ³dio_que_Espantou_a_televisa

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>worth a read


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It has some great pixel art and it's pretty good for a creepypasta, but the ending goes full r-slur.

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Holy shit


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Can we get a Marsey Jeff the Killer

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As a heads up: I think :marseynoooticer: that the sexy Indian dude :marseypakirentfree: sperg :marseyautistattentionseeker: is offering a 10k dollar :marseysamhyde2: bounty for the one who is able to locate the original Jeff image, that was probably from a 2003-2005 Japanese :marseykamikaze: internet :marseymisinformation: post, or webcam video, allegedly of a middle-aged asian :marseyjoseon: foid.

The search :marseyprostateexam: for this original image :marseymissing2: is 10000% more creepy :marseyecstatic: and disturbing :marseywut2: than the crawling :marseyalice2: in my skin darkness :marseybrucecampbell: in my heart :marseyvalentine: frick you stepdad story :marseyslime: that some teen cute twink :marseypizzashillblacked: wrote, I think :marseymindblown: that the same said cute twink :marseyfemboy: who has now grown up is now trying to cash in his my immortal :marseykvlt: fanfic and make merch :marseycarpmerchant: money, he also lied by saying that he made the original photo :marseyjourno: by making a latex :marseykink: mask, not only is this cute twink :marseyhomosupremacist: a bad writer, he is also a very bad liar!

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