Happy 100 birthday :hbd::marseyballoon3::marseyparty: to Henry Kissinger!

Today, former US Secretary of State turns 100.


why won't you DIE?! adrenoedchildren, son.

Redditors seem happy

I jumped up in joy, reread the caption, and immediately fell back down lmao frick😭

So much antisemitism

The party when he finally fricking eats it. I don’t care if my family doesn’t know why I’m celebrating. I’ll just pour a few shots, down them and be like oh? Kissinger finally croaked and then pour some for anyone else.


Here’s LSC having a good one

It's like you never even saw a star wars movie. Everyone between 70ish and 800ish is evil. There's one little barely achievable path to victory for decent folks, but we're plucky.

Just like heckin Star Wars :marseydisney:

I don't see his continued existence as an injustice, but rather, an opportunity, after all, death is a mercy he does not deserve, personally I think we should preserve his brain in a state of eternal, perpetual consciousness, stripped of his senses and any way to interact with the world outside his own mind





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kissinger did nothing wrong.

Sick of these kitty politicians. Back in real America days the shitheads of the world wouldn't even think of jumping because we'd have a carrier strike group off their coast within a day.

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Kissinger :marseykissinger: prolonged the Vietnam war by like 4 years because he was mad he wasn't part of the peace :marseymuslimwereback: talks.

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ong frfr tho I would’ve done the same thing, frick the Vietnamese (this is to be read in a Uber specific racist accent to say “nyet’namese”)

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Just imagine how many cool movies we would :marseywould: have been deprived of had it not been for the Vietnamese :marseychingchong: war :marseyprojection:

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Well, more dead american soldiers IS always very wholesome :marseywholesome:

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I love how libs say you can't have any admiration or hope for China :marseyspy: because of all the killing :marseymegalodon: and then turn around and say "you know what we're missing :marseymissing2: today :marseyclueless: are leaders willing :marseywould: to order indiscriminate killing."

You know who really did nothing :marseynothingburger: wrong? The guy he's talking to.


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Tbh everyone thinks this way.

The only thing that makes murder :marseybabykiller: and oppression wrong :marseyakshually: is who’s doing the killing.

Source: literally :marseyme: every time.

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"Noooooo you can't be a commie :marseyrussiaglow: they killed :marseyconfuseddead: a hundred gazillion people."

Every ideology that has ever taken power :marseychaosemerald: has needed mass violence. Every state :marseycoonass: that has become prosperous and powerful has used mass violence.

You wanna be pure and peaceful? Be an anarchist :marseylibleft: or libertarian :marseyahs: so that your ideas will always just be words :marseypop2: on a page.

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I think it's more that many modern commies present themselves as the most compassionate group in politics but people know how it would go and how it has gone. I respect the old school ones who are honest about it more.

But not the eat the rich ones. They're still deluded thinking only the rich would get the guillotine.

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They're still deluded thinking :marseyhmm: only the rich would :marseywould: get the guillotine.

I fricking :marseytom: hate all of the “le guillotines and pitchforks” nonsense posts on reddit. The people who say that know shit about the French :marseynapoleon2: Revolution, how it started and how it ended. Literal power :marseyzeldaganon: fetish :marseyforevertiedup: and copium :marseyhelium: to make them feel better :marseysaulgoodman: about themselves. Redditoids fantasizing about some violent :marseyclawjanny: revolution :marseyredcoat: in the US coming any day now are just like evangelical :marseyluthersoy: nuts waiting :marseysad: for the final :marseytonberry: judgment.

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Robespierre was based, sorry about it


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How so? Robespierre :marseyguillotine: was France :marseyfrenchitsover2: GigaJannie for less than a year, his loony :marseycommitted: legacy was undone immediately and he died like a b-word :marseyarthoe2: with his jaw broken :marseybrick: after trying to report :marseyreport: on his colleagues.

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Totally dude

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The reds are at it again


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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I like to troll Redditors by reminding them that Kissinger pioneered the policy of détente with the Soviet Union, and opened relations with China, thereby setting the stage for the peaceful end of the Cold War. Had it not been for his realpolitik, we might be sitting in a nuclear wasteland right now.

Yes, Kissinger also bombed some innocent peasants along the way, but so did Barack Obama......

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Yes, Kissinger :marseykissinger: also bombed some innocent :marseybeanadorable: peasants along the way, but so did Barack :marseyobamarope: Obama......

Leftoids hate Obama :marseyjetbombing: wym?

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I really don't get the hate for Kissinger. Dude was legitimately a master statesman.

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He was Nixon’s Secretary of State. Nixon was the 1970s version of “Orange Man” in the sense that journos and boomer :marseygrilling: libs freaked out about him, everything he did and everyone who worked for him.

Johnson held waaay more responsibility for Vietnam, but he gets a pass.

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Nixon was pretty popular up until the Watergate scandal broke. Was it the anti war element that ferverishly hated him?

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He was popular indeed, got reelected with 60% of the popular vote. The people who didn’t vote for him absolutely hated him though, and newspapers like WaPo reeeeeeed during his entire presidency. I know the majority of american :marseyridin: boomers are conservatives of republican :marseyliberty2: leaning, but the lib ones are super :marseycools: deranged. They treated Reagan as the devil :marseyfluffydemon: as well.

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They treated Reagan as the devil :marseyfluffydemon: as well.

Then bush i, then bush ii, then trump. Hey, I'm noticing a pattern here

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Yes, Drumpf :marseymagarentfree: was evil, but DeSantis is even more dangerous, he will actually :marseyakshually: put transgender :marseybardfinn: children :marseychildcatcher: into death :marseyhammersnoo: camps and send women :marseyextinction: who aborted :marseyaborted: to working :marseylifting: camps to clean :marseycarpjannie2: toxic waste :marseyradioactive: like in The Handmaid’s Tale.

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>Had it not been for his realpolitik, we might be sitting :marseyliquid: in a nuclear :marseyoppenheimer: wasteland right :marseyhesright: now.


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Tis true, although I'm not certain humanity wouldn't be better off that way.

(especially if the broads dressed like Tina Turner in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdom (RIP))


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If I were to put three portraits up in my bedroom, it would be Tito, Salazar and Kissinger. They were all just so streets ahead

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Atatürk arguably belongs up there too.

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Yeah, but it's different OK? Chud.

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Redditors existence is less valuable than his combined.

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It’s so funny :marseybruh: how they talk about how much they will celebrate :marcake: his death. Like, what’s even the point? The guy lived for a century, and is part of history, he will always be known as one of the most powerful and influential figures of the second :marseygunnut: half of the 20th century, even if you consider :marseyhyperthonk: him as as “le evil war criminal” he already got away, death :marseyjfk: is just something natural that will come to all of us, and I doubt :marseyreluctant: most redditors :marseysoypoint2: will live past their 70s.

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The celebration :marseycapy2022: is that he’s no longer in the present, I reckon.

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Wrong. Epstein was a redditor.

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Redditors hate him because he’s Jewish.

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All these people complaining about things he did decades before they were born.

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/r/iskissingerdeadyet has been getting a little rowdy with posting the demon's current address and implying something should be done...

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A century of plotting evil deeds. Truly a great life.

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