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u/hannibalbaracka is on a weird anti-parking crusade


He/She/It has been going around spamming city subreddits with what % of their downtown is dedicated to parking

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1686174796220789.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16861747955048807.webp

Not too sure what to make of it. Bot? Autistim? Carphobia?

They obviously spam info from https://parkingreform.org/, which is obviously anti-parking lots.

The Parking Reform Network educates the public about the impact of parking policy on climate change, equity, housing, and traffic. In partnership with allied organizations, we accelerate the adoption of critical parking reforms through research, coalition-building, and direct advocacy.

Blah blah standard DEI NGO more bikes and buses and less cars

These threads have the most impressions






edit: Thank you for the pin Carp! :#marseycarphug:

edit 2: Fun fact, Googling the org and it's just a house with a port-a-potty on the sidewalk in front :marseyxd:

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>click first thread


>its a map of columbus ohio

>its labeled columbus ohio


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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rdrama :marseysignup: certified :marseycertified:


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The website sucks and you have to click the dropdown to select your city. You can't link it per-city. OP should of at least added a screenshot of each city but I think they were too busy going to each city subreddit as quickly as possible in order to get :upsoren: to do so

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What are you insinuating? Because it sounds like you’re trying to convince people they can’t park in Columbus which is a fat fricking lie

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They just think that if they can inconvenience you enough you'll stop driving and either ride a bike like a child or take the bus like a poor.

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Don’t worry. If we cripple various city’s downtown economies then city councils will be forced to listen to our demands and implement them overnight!

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Lol imagine thinking you’re the rich one when @collectijism land by helicopter onto the skyscraper roof once every 3 months

Trans lives matter

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r u batman

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Just checkin @collectijism's traps

Trans lives matter

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I've noticed a huge uptick in r-slurs in my city subreddit that think the solution to all our cities problems is to get rid of all cars. Literally every problem is due to it. Housing through the roof? It's cause cars take up too much space to build it. Crime? People are poor cause there isn't enough public transportation to the good jobs from their neighborhoods due to infrastructure for cars, causing them to have to rob or steal to live (forgetting that we have decent public transport that no one currently uses). Insane levels of hate and severely misunderstanding the cities problems.

I'd guess this behavior is another outcrop of that

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People too young or poor to have a car are sneeding.

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Very true. Both types of people who shouldn't be allowed to post thier opinions on the internet

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Only land owners should be allowed to post online, and that's if they pass an IQ test.

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Funny how they scream induced demand every time there's talk of infrastructure expansion and in the same breath deny that legalized drugs induces demand for junkies.

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Hypocrisy is a wing cuck specialty

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Just your typical specific social issue that zoomers and cyclecel millennials fixate on. To these people "I would like more public transport, but I enjoy having a personal vehicle" is not a reasonable take, the only solution is total carcide; and for some reason it had a huge boom in popularity in early 2022 :hmm:

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City prices skyrocket

Quit paying rent, move to less expensive suburbs, own a home and build equity, and commute


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"I don't live downtown and I dont have a car and everything is great! I just use a bike and the bus!"

Do you have children?

"I'm antinatalist, a literal biological deadend! I live for myself and don't take care of anyone else! Everyone should all be antinatalists!"

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also you can usually see how they live cuz they ll end up posting in /r/gamingpc, /r/malelivingspace, etc. and its a small 2bdroom apt they split with someone else, or a MINISCULE 1bdroom apt

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What a great place to raise a family.

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yeah for real, i can not possibly imagine why people still single family homes. Truly mind blowing.

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It is kinda nuts how much space is dedicated to parking. Would be nice if we could clean it up somehow.

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Motorcycles only from now on.

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I agree. There isn’t nearly enough parking space. We could start by getting rid of some of these useless trees.

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Maybe bulldoze over the homeless shelter and methadone clinic too. Preferably when they are full

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actually woner how much of a city is homeless camps at this point, esp with seattle

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Another manufactured plague might do it.

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I thought most parking in city core areas now are multilevel underground garages now so most of the space is not only used for parking right? Or does the maps only count the parking lot fields.

Edit: just read their methodology :marseybrainlet: Looks like they are counting surface parking only but IMO most developers would probably like that land to be another condo or something so I'm sure there more than just big car at play at a lot of those locations

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What percentage of San Francisco dedicated to pooping?

All of it

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Despite making up only 13% of the real estate in Columbus, Ohio...

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wish she did OKC tbh

Secured my spot as a top 100 most memorable rdrama poster

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