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OP’s Roadrunner gets run over in the comments. OP says he doesn’t care, proceeds to care a lot.


Almost every top level comment has a reply by OP.

Background: OP posts a picture of his car in /r/pics in the same spot 40 years apart. Except now it has a huge blower and no hood and looks significantly different. Some users say they like the original more, which of course means OP has to respond to them all.

Super petty, low stakes drama.


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Crazy how little the tree grew in 40 years :marseynotes:

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Prostreet was/is the worst boomer car fad, bar none. That piece of shit appears to be tubbed in the back aka permamently and irreparably ruined. (Well, you could fix it with a donor rear floor and panels and a ton of work but nah shits fricked). Basically useless as a vehicle now for anything other than drag racing and beating up on riced civics at the stop light

Not reading the SRDine thread but thats actually a good find

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It's funny because he made the car look more like a hot wheel lmao

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All that money and he didn't get a hood built for it.

Resale value basically tanked too cos of the cage, even though he pumped lots of money into it. No one's going to want to buy this for whatever ridiculous price he's gonna ask.

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