To be entirely fair, the company behind the plan, Criterion Capital, has already fricking ruined it by turning it into a pod hotel with 728 windowless rooms.
!britbongs another big L on the books, although in my opinion London should be nuked from orbit anyway
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But yeah, its super dumb to have a mosque in Picadilly Circus but billionaire foreigners don't give a frick. Apparently it was supposed to have capacity for 1000 people, but after complaints they got it down to 390 worshippers. If he has any tact, he'd use the remaining space for an Islamic cultural centre/mini-museum so there'd at least be some use for non-worshippers and the wider "community" (as if a commerical centre like Picadilly would have one lmao).
EDIT: here's his bong (ex?)wife
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I'm noticing that every thread about british drama has a comment saying 'here's his wife' followed by a picture of drak'thar, stomper of villages
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Maybe it's because Bri'ish lassies are all
hence colonisation.
"The beauty of their women and the taste of their food made brits the best sailors in the world"
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'ere's the missus!
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almost spit out my coffee gg thank
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Worst part is that the last one is traced from a real person
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Not a person, as much as a weasel.
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From whom?
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It's a message, much like Tata buying Redcar British Steel in order to close it down. At least that's my theory. I don't know why else you'd do something that's so obviously a territory-marking act.
On the gripping hand, there's never been _anything_ of value at the Trocadero for as long as I can remember - it used to be an amusement arcade sponsored by Sega for god sakes - so this might actually improve the use case and average occupancy.
Just seems like a way to stir up some drama. How appropriate!
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religion designed to enrich its 'prophet' by world domination at sword-point
adherents mark territory
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My friend from Redcar just got fired.
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He should move, the place is a dump
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West Islamic caliphate when
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Its not about the prayer, its about sending a message
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The point is showing dominance lol.
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That lady is uglier than the ugly wojak lol
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"""famous landmark"""
never heard of the place
Also anything in that area that isn't some shitty tourist shop selling "american candy" is an improvement
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It once contained the London Pavilion Theatre. I think the reason most people haven't heard of it is because it's been gutted, stripped, sold off and traded between various investment banks since the 1950s. It's more a relic of the Victorian era.
and anything lycamobile adjacent
fricking country is full of these I want them eradicated
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isn't this is what happens to everything in Zone 1 and most of bongland's critical infrastructure?
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Yep. Foreign investors own something like 40% of all commercial property in the UK. The country is bleeding like a stuck pig
Also it's funny you mention infrastructure given the fact that some of the land stolen from Brits to build HS2 has now been sold off to foreign developers and not actually used to build railways.
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It makes me seethe to think about it. The UK needs a nationalisation programme and investment property regulations but Labour is too kitty to do the needful
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All Corbyn wanted to do was tax gardens
like we don't pay enough taxes
We should've listened. He's even doing the 'I told you so' face.
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I still don't understand how these "computer shops" stay in business. I'm yet to meet anyone who would trust them to fix a device. Unless it's a money laundering front there just isn't the customer flow needed for profit.
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They're all money laundering; drug dealers wash their cash in those.
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That and a tax dodge for the landlords
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Thereβs definitely a market for them depending on the area, a lot of these computer shops provide MSP services to small businesses. On top of that if you donβt want to get anally r*ped when you replace a screen, weβll order the parts at the customers expense and do the labor way cheaper than a manufacturer would.
(I donβt work at a shop full time but I sometimes jump over to my buddyβs to help him out under the table)
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they will fix your iphone screen for Β£40
they can often get all the unlock codes and stuff too
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I mostly see them used for broken screens.
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Bongland is a gay slave state for cute twinks. You deserve everything you get
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Your gay
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The American candy stores are mostly fronts for money laundering.
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Bongs deserve everything.
Here's reddit
70+ comments under this lol.
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Thanks king, added to OP. I'm on the clock rn so had to shit this post out quick.
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Christ deniers should find Christ or find a rope
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Scratch a lefty and find a stalinist
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I would say a mosque is an improvement, imo.
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It's going to be both - it is just parts of the building that are becoming a mosque.
It's so cool that we get to have both the soulless, crushing hegemony of international capital AND a backwards death cult in our cultural nexus!!!!
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Uk deserves it for being a police state
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At least police states are unambiguous and effective at what they do. Bongland is worst of both worlds.
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Just call someone a deranged
, I dare you. Coppers under your door in 2 hours. 
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Jesus wtf
You could install that literally anywhere. Why chose a pristine building like this to ruin? So the visitors could have bragging rights of staying in a palace?
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humiliation ritual
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The Chinese are turning London into a mosque!
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Middle of the West End, so location/convenience trumps practicality.
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Whoa, who let Hermann GΓΆring post on Reddit?
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Patriarchy is evolutionarily optimal in terms of # of offspring. Feminists need to frick more.
We did it to ourselves because we felt guilty for conquering half the planet. Reminder never to allow yourself to feel gullty.
Now that's just plain chuddy.
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lmao /r/unitedkingdom jannies not woken up yet? Some of those comments are bordering on sensible
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I just found an /r/london thread about this from 3 years ago. It's so wholesome in comparison.
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epic pendulum swing moment. In three more years they'll be calling for TMD
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I've seen a lot of these kind of chuddy anti-immigration comments on r/uk recently. I was wondering if there was some change in jannyship or if the jannies were striking, trying to show what happens if they stop valiantly defending us from chudthink.

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Itβd be interesting to see a revival of the national front shit. I hate bongland but this is England owned and the national front shit was very cool and stylish. I mean when youβre a slave state where freedom is literally illegal and human rights donβt exist, national front seemed like the only thing close to true liberation
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There is no such thing as reverse colonialism, or reverse racism. Mohammedans are racist and colonialist by religion.
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What can you say, other than that they brought it on themselves?
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Bongs would rather roll over and submit their bussies to Allah than face the alternative of going to church.
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Which way, British man?
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I took literally the first published photos of that protest as it assembled outside of my office on Baker Street. Sent them to Samizdata who had them up about 10 seconds later. Very weird sort of affair.
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pics or it didnt happen
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jesus, I had no idea they had so much protection. That's like half the bobbies in London (other half on Twitter duty no doubt).
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That was 2006 so I don't think twitter was quite the thing then that it is now
There were a loooooot of police there
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Dafuq there's a whole bunch of windows on this building, how did this even happen?
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The speculative value of land in London has become so ridiculous that the only way for hoteliers to maintain reasonable rates is to put tiny, windowless cells in weird parts of their building.
You might get a 'capsule-style' room or some kind of horrifying Black Mirror fake window on the wall. They're marketing this as 'innovative' and argue that there's a market there, but it's actually a borderline human rights violation. South Korea and Japan already have people sleeping in what basically amounts to torpedo tubes, such is their conviction that living like an insect in a hive is the correct way to organise a society.
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Ngl The Standard Kings cross looks pretty fetch
The rest just look cramped and awful. Do not want.
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I'm surprised it is only Grade II listed. Dealing with listed buildings is probably very annoying for owners but you'd only have to think how horrible the alternative is to realize how important it is.
The interior looks like it was fin-de-siècle and some art nouveau, which England doesn't have ton of but that is long gone now anyways. I hope he can't put minarets on the exterior.
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I often find it strange how anal retentive councils are about listing particulars, because you can get away with committing atrocities to the interior of a building, so long as the exterior is untouched.
My real concern is horrible soviet shit like this is going to start getting listed soon due to age, rather than blown apart with demolition charges, and their footprint salted.
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I hate like most Victorian architecture for instance but I would still support it's preservation but buildings like that were never popular with the public and I think represent a failing of architecture with its role in society. I'm going to guess they get jumped to the front of the line because they represent the welfare state or something
while grassroots orgs had to fight Bath from being leveled.
while I think being listed it's a good concept, I guess it's the fact that it has to fall to local councils that makes it often... not good. The same with the National Trust (that's more of an exampe of nightmares with huge, corporate charities than the government). I get so mad when I think of Clandon House.
maybe one day I'll write a post about that and the National Trust's recent activity.
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That particular case reminded me of the plans to 'modernise' notre dame. Still makes me
I'm really glad that Bath has (mostly) kept its character, but annoying that the fricking UN had to get involved to prevent local councils from turning it into Arkhangelsk like they do everywhere else
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I think people could now report it and get them fined but planners in like the '70s would used to let listed buildings get decrepit until it they were deem unsafe and had to be razed.
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Why would slimes want a terror commune in the middle of a night club district
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When Christians won't push back as mohammedans take an inch
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Good. A Muslim
city deserves a mosque.
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You're not funny, you're not clever, and no matter how much or how often you tell yourself otherwise, making other people angry has absolutely no value whatsoever. Even the enjoyment is fleeting; you know that. The rush you get never lasts. You spend your days being shocking for the sake of it, rolling in deeper and more wretched sewage like it's a race to the bottom of every ladder in the universe, and for what? You're not special. You're not in an exclusive club of the clued-in and the free-thinking. You are wearing a thin mask consisting of edgy memes, shock value and faux nihilism that you've convinced yourself is good enough to call a personality, that you think will cover up the nothing behind it. You're wrong.
Step back, reflect, admit your faults and grow up.
Snapshots: (click to archive) (click to archive) (click to archive)
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