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This "Person did a bad thing therefore they are mentally ill therefore they are not responsible for the bad thing they did" shit is so tiring

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>Therapy is magic and can cure anything; get some, sweaty

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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We need a comprehensive restructuring of the whole medical establishment including a complete overhaul of the mental health services.

Free Britney!!!

:soyjakfront: :soyjakfront: :soyjakfront: :soyjakfront: :soyjakfront:

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Isn’t it inevitable that we’ll eventually understand the root cause of every bad behavior? Sure takes the wind out of my sails, tell you hwat.

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Depressed no Stacy gf

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Furthermore, carp himself refers to "child molesting" rightoids in a way where the context kinda has to include me, among others. Guy's a shit stirrer. That we know for sure. Now the question is if he is some kind of glowie or anti-racism activist looking to disrupt 'racist' space. I dunno the exact specifics. I've framed this in a way that I don't where I'm basically investigating. But it is no secret he openly advocated censoring 'racists' and 'Nazis' at Ruqqus. If he isn't antifa or something similar - he'll do until the real thing comes along.


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