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EFFORTPOST [EFFORTPOST] People of the toki pona groomcords (2/2) - now with actual groomers :marseypedo:??? Read more to find out

Long time, no see, kittens.

Daddy Chad still has some quality gems :marseycrystal: collected from his last venture into language groomercords, and his :trollfaceball: :trollfaceball: s are itching to spR-SLURsh :marseynut: :#!marseysperm: all over your virgin screens.

Unfortunately, this is a little delayed - he's been a little :marseythumbsup: busy with certain important things :marseyanime: :marseygambling: :marseygooning: :marseysmokingcrack:

Why don't we begin?

For those unfamiliar with the concept of constructed languages and toki pona in particular, please visit the earlier nazi hunting :marseysamhyde2: effortpost (PREMIUM users only) and People of the language learning groomcords :marseygroomer:. Give both of them your upmarseys, Daddy likes his gold shit :marseygolden2: ;)

For those TL;DR chads :marseychadneuro: , imagine those childhood games where you and your friends invented a secret "language"? Now imagine this, but instead of you it's internet :marseyarthoe8: neurodivergents :marseywhirlyhat:, and instead of your friends it's :#marseypedo::#marseygroomergrooming::#marseypedo::#marseypedo::#marseygroomergrooming:

Let's get into it.


Sources used:

1. /r/tokipona (and the associated groomercords)

2. Toki Pona forums

Last time Daddy invited you there, there was some ongoing :marseyreportercnn: drama :marseypearlclutch: about Groomercord mods possibly subtly reinforcing :marseyputin: elections on language usage to bump the local chuds' favorite word down in notability and replace it with another in the dictionary?

Why would anyone do such a thing?

1. Make chuds :chudturbospergout1: seethe

2. :#autism:

:#marseyneat: Something new happened!

Shortly after Daddy's effortpost, a fellow shit-stirrer investigative reporter chimed in with the following question on the toki pona forum:


Responses were quick:


:marseyjanny2:: We would NEVER :marseychadyes: do such a thing

Meanwhile, in the poll's secret devchat - thank you to a special kitten ;)



:marseyhillary: : stats idea

The word "eliki", for those who don't read Daddy's last big, THICK :marseychonker: effortpost, is the word referred to as the "admin's pet project".


Unfortunately for dramacoin :marseycoin:, the chuds were less proactive.

Here is a snippet.


:marseyretardpearlclutch:: My neurodivergent hobby is literally 1984... in front of my very eyes...

Chuds kinda win because of the coldest ever read over a 3% poll difference. But kinda lose because it's fricking r-slurred to take the internet so seriously.

:#marseycoin::#marseycoin::#marseycoin: wins in the end anyways

They're back to circlejerking about their Minecraft server or whatever now, disappointing. Daddy likes neurodivergents slapfighting ;)

:#marseychad: Part 3: Drive-by trolling bangers

Asking about "enepi" is not the only way to get five different people talking to you the same time. Let's follow a quick masterclass on bait :marseyoctopus2: from a roaming chad and a fellow valued participant of the rdrama community - even if he doesn't know he is one:


:marseychad: : *enters the conversation without asking* I unironically follow Redpill YouTubers for health advice

Strong debut. Let's see how this plays out for him.


:marseytransavenger: and :marseypass:* immediately enter the scene. Daddy had trouble telling the marsey lady avatars apart - the originality of the zoomer's self expression isn't what it used to be back in the 70s :marseyboomer:

*of course they are :marseytrain2:, what biofoid would unironically use a pfp like that


:marseychad:: I'm not a filthy chud :marseychud:, I just like Jordan Peterman :marseypeterson: or some shit

:marseytransavenger:: WOW... I can't literally.


:marseygroomer: moment


Roaming chad proposes solidarity and :marseyrevolution:...


:marseytransavenger:: Pheh... Civility... Rules are the only thing stopping me from teleporting behind your back right now.


:marseypass:: You are :marseysoypoint: an r-slur :marseybrainlet:

Say it with me, rdrama. BADASS :marseyclapping2: TRANS :marseyclapping2: GIRLS


:marseypass:: You're young :marseywhirlyhat:, aren't you :marseygroomergrooming:

:marseywhirlyhat:: ???


Quick toki :marseyblackpanther: pona :marseylion: lesson time!

Daddy can see you eyeing that BOT label. They have a tool that allows a user to communicate as one of their plural :marseynoyou: headmates :#marseymeds: :#marseymeds: :#marseymeds:


:marseytransavenger:: You... think public's welfare is more important than homosexuality in Ukraine? Mods, ban :marseyjannymini: this :!marseylaugh: Nazi :marseyhitler2:

:marseychad:: But I'm le gay...


Look at this Dora the Explorer butt shit lmbo

The :marseychad: was later banned.

:#marseygroomer: Part 4: Actual grooming no cap - a case study

In the header, Daddy promised you actual groomers. And boy, has he got a delicious :marseylickinglips: surprise :snoosurprise: for you!

Our guest of the day is Lipamanka. An active participant in the community.

How active :marseyquestion:, you may ask?


:marseyquagmireshocked: 126,105 posts?

:marseychartuptrend: Assuming a span of 3 years, that ends up to 115 posts a day. That's more than 3 posts every hour - and you've got to sleep sometime!

What will we learn, if you look at those posts?


1. He is :marseymerchant:


He literally won't stop reminding you of it.


2. He is a virgin with rage :marseycwc:

:marseymerchant::microphone:: Why do all the girls :marseyavril2:

:marseymerchant::microphone:: Get all of the handsome chuds :marseychud:

Thankfully for whoever would like to imagine this performance, he is not shy about demonstrating his real voice either.



(Vocaroo mirror for lazychads)

Good content. Why a groomer :marseypedo:, though?

Here are a few interactions with another (female :marseyfoidretard:) member of the community over Groomercord and a ko-fi page:


:marseygroomer: : You live with your parents that you hate and can't afford to strike out on your own? Have some money, come visit me ;)


:marseygroomer: : Here's several hours' worth of minimum wage. Flee your family.

Frick it, I'll drop the character for a second. This is some creep behavior. You see all those internet jokes, there's memes about grooming this and grooming that all the time, but this is actually right here - in the open. I don't know what to do with that information.


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whats the point of a working fake language if you dont communicate in it

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Now that you mention it, they literally just keep using American English.

Esperanto strags are many things but they are neurotic about speaking it. I guess this makes more sense for a meme language.

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This is cherry :#marseycherokee: picked :#marseytrotsky:

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where's the toki pona toki pona drama

ma seme toki pona toki pona utala [??]

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just join the groomercords bruh fam :marseylaugh:

:marseys: :marseyo: :marseyy: :marseyc: :marseyh: :marseyr: :marseyi: :marseys: :marseyt: :marseym: :marseya: :marseys:

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Do you know if the YouTuber β€œjan Misali” was there?

If you wanted to :marseytroublemaker: you could involve him.

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