EFFORTPOST The terminally online rage at the blissful ignorance of the chronically offline



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:marseytransattentionseeker: people forgetting that these “unaware” people aren't value neutral apoliticals. the average person has internalised white supremacist and patriarchal beliefs. So being clueless about cultural discourse means they essentially agree, and are bystanders to oppression

:marseyconfused: Actually I think you just don't realize that there's a lot of people who don't live their life online and really don't keep up with whatever twitter is meltingdown over. Try logging out for a while, you might like it!

:marseytransattentionseeker: actually i was referring to the consistent discrimination i face for being visibly queer, visibly brown, visibly neurodivergent. Offline.

:marseychud: "visibly queer, visibly brown, visibly neurodivergent". This is why you have no friends. You are so focused on your own identity that you no longer have the tiniest idea of how to connect to humans.

:marseyfoidretard: their definition of apolitical is just everything that has been “normalized”'in the environment they grew up in, which is not always a good thing

:marseytransattentionseeker: which is why a key part of g*mergate was the war against queer/race representation. being apolitical inevitably leads to minorities being banished from public life. scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds etc etc

:marseyeyeroll: It has been NINE FRICKING YEARS. Let it die holy frick

:marseytransattentionseeker: yes let's just ignore an important cultural event that has had considerable influence on todays online landscape for better or for worse

I've never heard a person mention g*mergate that wasn't terminally online


:blacksoyjak: I'm sorry, but this is not appealing to me.

:marseylaptopangry: Himbo propaganda at its finest. There nothing appealing about someone divorced from social issues because these conversations are not just happening on social media spaces but in news media too. Man is living under the heaviest rock known to man.

:blacksoyjak: Yeah, exactly. Like it's one thing to not catch a reference to an internet joke, but being unaware of a genocide that's dominating news? No, thank you, I'm good on that.

Noooo you have to care about events that are 7000 miles away noooo :soycry:

:marseyshreddedmanletrentfree: only white ppl can do this

:blackwomanspeaking: minority groups are the ones actually affected by most of the discourse. I'd even stretch to say that only white cis men can do this.

:marseygrilling2: just simply not true. you could literally not watch the news and disengage from social media like anyone else, especially if u live in murica.

:blackwomanspeaking: Spoken like someone who hasn't had slurs screamed in their face for no reason. Lmao please sit this one out.

noooo i have to be terminally online because some people still say BIPOC noooo :soycry:

:soyjakhipster: This reeks of privilege. It's one thing to be unaware of the latest meme or other unimportant trends but to be unaware of the literal genocide happening right now is unforgivable. I can never stand people who live in their own privileged bubble.

:chadblackyes: Bro I don't know from the river to the sea and I actually use Twitter every day and youtube 24/7 and keep up with politics more than the average person...... I'm privileged for that?🤣🤣🤣 this is some stupid butt shit

noooo you cant just go outside and not care about the news noooo :soycry:

:marseyembrace: Chronically online people being surprised by the mass populace is so funny to me.

:marseysoycry: This does not represent the mass populace

:marseydisagree: just because you live online or twitter doesn't mean the mass percentage of people do the same.

:marseysoycry: I did not suffer through 2 months of bud light and pro noun jokes at work just to be told it's something only terminally online people care about

:marseyvaxmaxx: The truth is that the mass populace is chronically online, has been since COVID.

:marseydicklet: Chronically online take

:marseytrad: None of my friends over 25 are online anymore 🤣 just me they are hiking and living and I'm online learning useless stuff that non online people don't care about at all

>I'm online learning useless stuff that non online people don't care about at all


One day i will found someone who appreciates my vast austic knowledge of niche internet drama

:boomermonster: Young people blissfully unaware of the mainstream online culture are usually hard working, happy and a pleasure to be around

:marseyclueless: Only people I have heard that are like this age foreign students coming to the US through scholarships.

This guy doesn't talk to normal people

:marseyschizotwitch: Ironically the idea that the ”perfect person” is the opposite extreme of whatever being chronically online is is in itself a chronically online take. I live in a small rural town full of people like this and let me fricking tell you it is NOT good.

:marseyschizotwitch:No actually, being fully unaware of and uninterested in social and political developments both local and worldwide makes you deathly fricking uninteresting to be around and morally lazy as heck. Not to mention how privileged you need to be for this which of course they all are.

:marseyschizotwitch: I'm as put off by the chronically online as the next person, but I promise you the better alternative is not the opposite. The better alternative IMO is to be aware but to know which battles to choose, to care but not to your own detriment and to take action where it matters.

>I'm as put off by the chronically online as the next person

>but I promise you the better alternative is not the opposite














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i asked about it here, got several replies, I even asked questions based on those replies

still don't know what g*mer gate is

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Some dude wrote a really long blog post about how his girlfriend is a whore who banged a gaming journo for a positive review of her shit game, Depression Quest. Some people exclaimed, "I knew it! Those journos are worthless scum!" Some declared that the woman was indeed a whore. And then others (SJWs) bemoaned the fate of their damsel in distress (and the journos), so if anyone disagreed with them, they were called misogynistic racist trolling incels bad people, so people responded to the SJWs by mocking them, which made the SJW severely butthurt.

That's it, but the grifting reached high levels, and big meaniehead words were hurled at people. Unfortunately, many feelings were extremely hurt :marseybattered:, and journos remain worthless to this day.

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i really want to hear this from the POV of someone who views this entire thing as more than just some typical trope of foid getting caught fricking up the corporate ladder.

Cuz that's all I see it as, that's all you see it as, but I see too many references to it with too much seethe there has gotta be more....

maybe I'll craft a bait post and throw the line to Reddit lolol i just cant bring myself to figure out how to word it at the risk of it being a literal nothing burger

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A bunch of 'normal' young guys suddenly learned how scummy journaloids can be when they defend someone and just how blatantly they lie. This in turn created a massive backlash from guys online which wasn't in the progressive script. Some of those guys became rightoids or at the very least felt burnt out and had a harder time identifying with mainstream messaging (which is literally fascism).

So in my view libs got caught and then overcorrected and then became extremely anxious about moids not buying their shit anymore and so now they fantasize about an alternate history where the gaymers were all literal nazis and that if they had just #believedwomen and journos then Ruth Bader Ginsbirg would be president now and drumpf and putler would be in prison and everyone would heckin' wholesome chungus keanu.

Or something like that idfk everyone involved is r-slurred. :marseyshrug:

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I just remember all the pro "metoo" journos calling this dude a piece of shit for saying some chick cheated and abused him.

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yeh she fricked five guys, burgers and fries.

he got mad and wrote a blogpost about how she was awful and then offed himself

this was g*mers fault

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IIRC the guy that offed himself was a different ex boyfriend and he offed himself after he got blacklisted out of the industry from vague ‘abuse' allegations from Zoe Quinn.

The dude's sister was also a piece of work from what I remember and basically threw her brother under the bus after he committed suicide because she was a psychotic blue hair too.

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yeah idk what you mean by different

he was one of the many but I think he was like the OG and most dramatic since he blogposted and killed himself

i dont remember his name. aaron maybe

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Alex Howlka is the ex that offed himself.

The dude who wrote the original manifesto about her fricking journos was a different guy. Eron something or other iirc.

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a whole lot of completely random people got caught in the crossfire and accused of being on a side of the issue

and sometimes those people TOOK a side just because they were being yelled at, without knowing what's going on

[one round of the schoolyard game "telephone" later...]

:marseywomanmoment2: "wait... you don't want women to play video games? frick that >:("

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muh poor innocent men...having no agency...victim of circumstances

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I mean, it was also probably eye-opening for a lot of g*mers in regards to foid, journo and lefty nonsense.

Getting tarred and feathered as an evil bigot on Twitter was still fairly novel when it happened.

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Go ahead and see what you drag in, but that's the most accurate summary I came up with after reading his >9000-word crypost, some wiki nonsense, and some articles from there.

All that seethe is from the flamewar, which surprisingly at that time people didn't know they were in because they were mostly newstrags who got into their first spat and took it extremely seriously (and forever and ever, cannot :marseycope:).

Redditors will probably get annoyed at that paragraph because it's an accurate portrayal of them.

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I used to know some game journos and yes it really is that simple. They are the most fricking bizarre mentally ill people I've ever known in my life. The only thing I can compare it to is Mean Girls. Socially awkward people who are desperately trying to fit in so they'll do anything for their cult.

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Women have always been mad as heck about being judged for fricking their way to the top, this cultural event was a turning point where you're not allowed to treat them differently for it now, e.g. Kamala

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The left belief is that GG was a bunch of men (the straight, cis, white is just assumed) decided to attack a woman because her bitter ex-boyfriend wrote a manifesto full of lies. They slutshamed her, and because she was a gamedev and they were evil right-wing g*mers, they started sending r*pe and death threats to any woman or minority who stood up to them being buttholes and thinking gaming was just for them.

It got linked to things like Charlottesville and Trump because these are all things that evil white men are responsible for due to their bigotry towards anyone different from them. Another retroactive association was that it was heavily transphobic, because hating people different from them of course means transphobia, now far more than 2014.

To these people, it was the idpol type they hate the most, fratbro types who they imagine wearing backwards baseball caps and high-fiving over tits, pushing back against progressive empathy. And they won with Trump, The Great Evil.

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You forgot this DIERCTLY made Trump president

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I like how people say it directly did that. Then people mock them cause how absurd.

However the gaslamping piece of shit journos brought it upon themselves by blowing their load too early.

It was one of the first instances in the modern(social internet 3.0) internet where journos actively tried to suppress a narrative and tell people that they didn't see/read/witness what they think they did. Which did have a small effect into the Teflon Don internet smear campaign. Back around 2015/16 journos would claim Trump was going to start biological warfare cause he sneezed around another politician. The man could've personally cured cancer and they'd talk about him putting oncologists out of work. This was because journos felt an iota of power after gaslamping people.

I'll admit I don't know specific details about g*mergate but I know the general, someone slept with a reviewer, people got mad, “powers that be” tried to gaslamp into calling people complaining to be misogynistic incels (that term has lost all value) to change the narrative. And of course the typical lefty leaning socials ate it up because the journos were on “their side”.

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would claim Trump was going to start biological warfare cause he sneezed around another politician

Now rightoid journos won't admit he made the covid vaccines.

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Neither will leftoids, to be fair.

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Centrists win again.


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