Terrorist Group Tierlist

The Global Terrorism Database contains over 200,000 cases of terrorism from 163 countries, with records dating back to 1970. With such a vast sample size, there's bound to be some winners and losers among them. Here's a few I think represent the range well.

:marseyburn: Brimstone - The Irish Republican Army

Beneath the hero worship and carefully curated folklore around the Irish struggle for independence from the only nation even less qualified than themselves to rule them, the IRA suffered from living beyond its usefulness. It splintered into political groups and people's committees that had to disavow eachother over the latest accidental slaying of Irish children. It's ranked this low, in spite of being “successful” (really the Brits had gotten over their illusions of administrating the world and cut their losses), because of just how cringe they were while dying out.

:marseycoal: Coal - Jan 6th (lol)

I couldn't believe it but yes, this was in there, and no, @Impassionata, it shouldn't be. Nothing happened, no goals were established.

:marseyokaymilk: Milk - Al Shabaab

Somalia is a failed country and a living heck for everyone involved, so relatively speaking Al Shabaab's goals of administrating the region is equal parts r-slurred and achievable. The Muslim plurality give them enough cover to operate in the capital, and the fact that the terrorist group feeds and pays on time and in USD respectively makes it more lucrative to the layman than enlisting in the military or sustenance fishing. Honestly, just give the shithole to them.

:marseygem: Gem - Hamas

Possibly upranked due to recency bias, the world's largest martyrdom continues its near-century long tradition of pitting antisemites against antisemites in the First World. As a military power, Hamas is unequivocally BTFO'd by billions in defense spending and is by far the least successful group on this list. But in international positioning and politics, it continues to be a thorn that prompts left leaning first worlders into fifth columnists.

:marseychadfoid: Cute and Valid - Taliban

An organization that has chapters spanning three nations, including Afghanistan which they outright administrate and Pakistan which they are the primary merchants of violence. They have a code of law and schools, banditry and opium production has been ceased in their territory. They are everything that the likes of Al Shabaab wish they were.

!poll_voters !nonchuds What's YOUR favorite terrorist groups? Shill for them if you want in the comments.

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The RAF is(was) incredible I am still rooting for them https://i.rdrama.net/images/17160543569670873.webp

One of them recently got arrested near my neighborhood after evading the police for decades lol

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!germs wtf, borpa is a Berliner!? :marseypearlclutch:

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No I just live here

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Slavnig or Turk/Arabmaxxer? :marseygossip:

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I wasn't born here I'm just an immigrant stealing your grant money

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based. keep on cucking those germans :marseywholesome:

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He's stealing from Berliners :marseyking:

Who than steal from rest of Germany :marseydisgust:

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So, this is borpa?

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Holy mother of god :marseysunglassesoff:


It was @Borpa all along!?!!!?!!!!



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!followers !friendsofborpa new Borpa just dropped

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Ne, das ist ein Pfannkuchen

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OK das war ein schlechtes Wörterspiel. :marseyshrug:

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Äh, ich meinte, dass mein Wörterspiel unlustig ist.

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Ich hab gelacht :marseyshrug:

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The best kind of German.

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How do you feel about the allegations theyre Russia proxies??? The ppl on the ground are comfy ofc

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Oh I wish, but I'm sure it's a myth 😔😔😔

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i miss communist political factions so much

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When did we go from kidnapping "ex"-Nazi managers to crying about the misogyny of catgirl drawings on the internet 😭😭😭

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literally, !male feminists is it ethical to kidnap an ex-Nazi manager???

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Bank robberies are cool :marseyrobber: :!marseywhirlyhat:

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So much this!

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Imma let you finish, but Daesh had the greatest "opponents" section of all time.

Truly ascended shit stirrers.

State opponents



European Union














 Saudi Arabia



 United Arab Emirates[109]

 United Kingdom

 United States


Additional opponents





 Artsakh (until 2023)









 Bosnia and Herzegovina[109][113]







 DR Congo


 Czech Republic[109]
















 North Korea[122]

 South Korea[109]















 New Zealand[109]



 North Macedonia[109]








 Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic






 South Ossetia


 Sri Lanka[128]






 Trinidad and Tobago







Non-state opponents

Syrian Interim Government

 ∟ Occupied Syria

 ∟ Syrian opposition Syrian National Army[133]

Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria North and East Syria

 ∟ Syrian Democratic Forces

Syrian Salvation Government

 ∟ Hayyat Tahrir al-Sham



Additional opponents

Hezbollah Hezbollah


Syrian opposition Free Syrian Army


Nineveh Plain Protection Units

Badr Organization[135]

Popular Mobilization Forces

Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq[136]

Kata'ib Hezbollah

Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba

Full list...

National Defence Forces

Kata'ib Sayyid al-Shuhada

Kurdistan Communities Union

Ahrar al-Sham

Al-Nusra Front (Tahrir al-Sham since 2017[137])

Libya Shield Force

Shura Council of Mujahideen in Derna[138]

Army of Conquest (2015–17)

Liwa Assad Allah al-Ghalib fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham[139]

Jaysh al-Mu'ammal[140]

Syrian Hezbollah

Quwat al-Ridha[141]

Liwa Fatemiyoun[142]

Liwa Zainebiyoun[143]

Islamic Front[144]

Ajnad al-Sham Islamic Union

Ba'ath Brigades[145]

Venezuela Venezuelan opposition[146]

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Call them ISIS like a normal person it sounded cooler :marseyindignant:

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They hate being called Daesh, so I will keep calling them that in hopes they declare Jihad against rdrama

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Just do an rdrama "draw Muhammad" event.

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its cool to claim you can solo, even if you can't

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I just think it's funny that !edgelords pls chime in :marseybegging:

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i just think it's funny that !edgelords pls chime in :marseybegging:


best filter ever

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i truly am the goat

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i feel like Miss

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Where are the worst terrorists of all?

Stochastic Terrorists?? :marseyscared:

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i hear they're trying to subvert reddit into supporting blormpf

watch out, kings because they could be anywhere


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Wolverine Watchmen

Germany has also those groups that end up being more cops then real plotters

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What's YOUR favorite terrorist groups?

The US military


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:#soysnoo3:< No! It's the IDF!

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Personally i always liked Red Army Faction.

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I just think it's funny that good vibes me on Red Army Faction???

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Hezbollah is not a terrorist group

@Ihearthenakba stand with israel not

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My favorite :mersya: is the one who tried to gas the jap subways

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Fusako Shigenobu is much cooler

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ISIS is the shiniest gemerald by far. Even the Taliban has taken anti-terrorist measures against Islamic State forces

When ISIS says they're sending fighters into Gaza, they're probably going to be killing Hamas just as often as IDF :marseyxd:

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i support ISIS because it would :marseymid: be cool to have a 21st century caliphate. you're gay and seriouspilled if you oppose :marseydisagreewarpspeed: them.

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How many deaths do they attribute to Jan 6th?

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By August 2021 four capitol guard officers died by suicide: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/officer-who-responded-us-capitol-attack-is-third-die-by-suicide-2021-08-02, that's 1 every two months, extrapolating the current death toll should be in low twenties.

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1 chud :carpsnipe: and 10,000 libtards (yt women) who died from anxiety :chudsmug:

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I don't think they count as a terrorist group once they run a country. Now it's just the Taliban government.

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>implying the GOP aren't fascist stochastic terrorists

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>implying the DEMONcrats aren't fascist stochastic terrorists


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>implying centrist grill pillers aren't fascist stochastic terrorists

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They aren't.


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didnt read lol op is a strag

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my heart is telling me 41% cute twink

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Cute twink :#marseylaugh:

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Ukraine /@ukraine.

West russian neo nazi terror group sponsored by nato, filled with cute bussy twinks and constantly broke. Like all evil groups, they shall never succeed.

Glory to Russia! :marseysaluteussr:

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wtf a good @Giselle post???

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The Taliban are based and redpilled Aryan chads and I hope they subjugate all of Pakistan (and eventually the entire Indian subcontinent)

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What about LTTE babe? They invented the first suicide bomber

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I'll add Grey Wolves :marseyturkroach:, one of their members tried to kill a pope and wolves are cool :wolfglowie:

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I'll add Grey Wolves

!karaboga terör :wolfsad:

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Chechen terrorists are pretty hardcore :marseyakbar:

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I still think about the Boston marathon bombing sometimes.

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The Turkestan Islamic Party had a genocide start because of their comparatively tame actions, bottom of the list.

ISIS gets some credit for taking over half of Syria and Iraq, and getting literally everyone in the world to hate them, but they lost and didn't get close to their goal of taking over the entire Islamic world.

Weather Underground members now serve peaceful cushy university jobs, lame.

The Azov :marseyazov2: Battalion is considered a terrorist organization by Russia. Pretty cool how football LARPers turned into an elite unit over the course of 6 years.

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Azov bussy twinks were not even original, the serbs had arkan's tigers who too were football strags and became folk heroes through their murderous quest for bussy.

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Yeah but they were never labeled a terrorist group.

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they are?

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Hard to argue against ISIS, but I need to mention the Chechen people who managed to push out the Russians for a few years. And later to get the Russians to kill lots of their own in the 2002 Moscow theater incident. Now they're living under Kadyrov rule and Wiki says many went to fight on the Ukraine side.

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i stan our tali kweens because they dindu nuffin to 'murica, just manhattan

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