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"I trust science"

"No not like that"

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Black dudes sell drugs because it's the most lucrative option by far. Black dudes get 30 years for moving crack because biden and pelosi never repealed any of the r-slurred shit they passed 40 years ago.

Thus each generation of black children gets raised by single teenage r-slurs. They grow up with emotional issues and the cycle starts anew.

50 years of throwing money at their problems has demonstrably failed. The only remaining solution is to legalize crack.

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Actually drug dealers make less than they would working at McDonalds. Itโ€™s just that McDonalds wants you to be sober, polite, clean, and not gun down Burger King employees.

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McDonalds wants you to not gun down Burger King employees.

Defund the police so McDonalds can fix that mistake

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Black dudes get 30 years for moving crack because biden and pelosi never repealed any of the r-slurred shit they passed 40 years ago.

Nah, crack dealers can watch their bussy in prison.

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Based and Libertarianpilled

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Estimating the population prevalence, we find that 11% of all black men in Pennsylvania, born 1986 to 1989, were incarcerated in solitary confinement by age 32. Reflecting large racial disparities, the population prevalence is only 3.4% for Latinx and 1.4% for white men.

I want the results to affirm my hypothesis about systemic bias against black men. Okay, if we shorten the dates to these four years, ignore all other forms of incarceration, and drop the outliers and dirty data, then the results suggest that I am indeed correct.

:!marseyprisma: SCIENCE!!! :marseyprisma:

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Gotta make the black community feel oppressed so they feel no reason to work hard for anything.

Gotta keep black people poor so they continue voting democrat.

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Nah. It's more about appeasing the ironically racist white liberals. Statistics hardly sways most people from finding a reason to be unemployed, and plenty of poors vote Republican. Sure, it's part of the grift, but that propaganda is mostly for white libbies and their crusade against The Other Team.

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Someone post this to r/dataisbeautiful

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The jannies are quite active there, I've posted that kind of stuff and it's removed within an hour :marseygiveup:

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when will the systemic discrimination end???

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Their official policy is deleting all top level contents except Science Comments(tm). The deleted comments must not have been sciencey enough

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I went on rdrama.net hoping to show them that LGBT people aren't all the wholesome kinds of people they see them as. After months of reading their documentation based on actual digital footprints, I realize they are right about a huge number of them. It's very depressing.


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If all you care about is preventing recidivism, killing all prisoners would work better than solitary confinement.

Works for me.

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Jeez, read the room, scientists. /s

Janitors created an actual comment holocaust in this one. They might have hit over 1000 deletes, many with high scores and awards.

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