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gigachad :marseychadthundercock: roasts the r-slurs of /r/gamedev


I've seen a lot of posts lately about people talking about their NextFest or Summer :marseybeach: steam :marseyfreeman: event experiences. The vast majority of people saying it does nothing, but when I look at their game, it legitimately looks worse than the flash :marseyezramiller: games :marseylegioncommander: people were making when I was in middle :marseyfuckyou: school.

This (image) is one of the top games :marseygamer: on a top post right :marseytransmisiaaward: now (name removed) about someone saying NextFest has done nothing for them despite :marseybipocattentionseeker: 500k impressions. This looks just awful. And it's not unique. 80%+ of the games :marseygamer: I see linked in here look like that have absolutely 0 visual effort.

You can't put out this level of quality :marseygraze: and then complain about lack of interest. Indie devs get a bad rap because people are just churning out asset flips or low effort :marseymoreyouknow: garbage :marseyraccoonregular: like this and expecting :marseypreg: people to pay money :marseygeralt: for it.

NextFest is a Steam :marseyfreeman: event where :marseydrama: they highlight upcoming indie games :marseylegioncommander: and devs release demos of their games :marseygamer: so people can try them out. Every other post on the subreddit has been "why isn't my shitty game getting any attention" and their game looks like this:


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Actually filled with really good comments. :marseythumbsup:

Wait till Janny comes home :soysnootypefast:

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/r/GameDev has weekly "retrospectives" where r-slurs complain that their games are perfect gems and their only mistake was a lack of marketing, and then they link the games and they look like the screenshot from OP. :marseyspecial:

Not sure who that sub is actually for but it's certainly not game developers

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It also has a huge population of theoretical :marseyfreeman: game devs

:marseysmoothbrain: yeah, the game is in my mind and all coming together. Which engine :marseythomas: should :marseynorm: I hello :marseydext: world :marseyww1british2: in next? I just bought a $300 course on programming, I taught myself :marseypain: some html and even css back in the day tho. Completely self taught. I also bought $130 of assets the other day. A good deal. I'm gonna :marseyvenn6: use them in my game, I have it all planned :marseyhanger: out in my head, though it's evolved a bit since 2015. Oh yeah, it's all coming together.

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I have a really cool app idea, I just need a codecel to completely build it for me

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I'll sell you a $900 course on how to aquire and manage apps :marseydisconcerting:

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Actually that was my app idea

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my idea is powered by AI :marseyindignant:

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Ai blockchain driven synergy

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I like to think of myself as an ideas guy.

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Immplying jannies leave thier homes.

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The reason NextFest isn't helping you is probably because your game looks like a child made it.

I think most of them really are just children (or at least teenagers).

It kind of reminds me of the bands me and my friends would make when I was 16 or so. It was always about just producing something first and worrying whether it was actually good or not later. And judging by the other bands that would play gigs with us we weren't the only ones with that philosophy.

It's probably just part of growing up, people can't empathise well until later, and that includes understanding what other people will enjoy or not. And when you've spent your life so far being told whatever shitty childhood artwork you made was amazing, it's easy to overestimate the quality of your creations.

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Every indie game community seems to loathe or outright ban actual criticism or as they will call it "unprompted feedback" because these r-slurs have never worked anywhere or been told their art or code is shit.

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It's just like writecel subreddits

full of theoretical :marseyfreeman: authors that are working :marseylifting: backwards :marseypoint2: from how they plan their book signing booths to look

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Mfw me and a guitarist i know just jam out and tell folks if our improv is better than your tracks its time to retire


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Good jam bands are more fun to see live than 90% of bands that just do their top songs.

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This is from a few years ago, just some shit we came up with in the moment, literally starts with us trying to pick tempo then going ham on just a whim. It's pretty sloppy at times since my friend was just fricking with effects and I just made up beat to try and match the guitar and egypt desert rock theme (needed shimmer but cant get it without crashes which are overbearing), but it's still something I think could get a crowd roaring. Better than a good majority of local bands at least, especially if we actually lived close to each other and could legitimately bandmaxx and write stuff out. Cell phone recording too so trash quality.

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This is what it would look like if Wes Anderson were game developer

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There is one guy who is getting good publicity from it.


Pretty great. An extra 619 wishlists over the past three days. Started with 1441 wishlists so that's already an increase of 43% in just a fePretty great. An extra 619 wishlists over the past three days.

He makes elvish porn games :marseyxd: I never understood why someone would buy one of those games.

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I legit don't know why more amature devs don't just make porn games. Honestly when a I'm casually window shopping on steam seeing the absurd porn games and laughing at them is half the fun. If you have half decent art I bet you can get some horny losers to buy some really low effort porn slop.

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I think it's funny how so many comments in that thread agree with OP, not realizing that it's about them.

"Haha yeah, so many shitty indie games that are going to fail miserably. Not mine though, mine is good"

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The only reason I'm still subbed to gamedev subs is to point and laugh. I'm practically fully autonomous at this point and only go to reddit when all the documentation fails me.

It is absolutely fascinating how consistently bad at their hobby that userbase is.

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All hobby subs are like that because no one who is actually good at a hobby wants to spend their time somewhere spammed with questions like "how do I stop eating my glue?!"

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The gamedev subreddit is full of literal r-slurs who think putting unity store assets into the engine makes a game.

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The gamedev subreddit's really weird because on one hand they're absolutely right about gamedev not being a sustainable and profitable way to make a living, but then sometimes you'll see someone talking about their game and then you look at it and it just looks like some flash shit or w/e. When I think about a 'failed' indie game I think about virtually any of Devolver Digital's games after hotline miami 2, not whatever the people on these subreddits are putting out.

That said, something I don't really understand is that the ps1 aesthetic is somewhat in vogue nowadays and wouldn't be that hard to try to pull off compared to the other options:

  • Realistic Custom 3D models and animations

  • Basically any 2D artstyle ever (pixel art, sprite art, etc)

I say this cause all you really need for the ps1 aesthetic are

  • Some shitty 3d models

  • Some textures for the said models (you can probably just downscale a bunch of free sample ones for this)

  • Sounds (learn how to make weird noises on ableton or w/e)

I also briefly knew a guy who'd code his own games using bare assed C in his own engine. He was noticably skilled and the games looked good within their genre, but would basically end up getting only like 400 reviews or so tops on steam because he wouldn't do any marketing.

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For a PS1 graphics game to work it has to feel like a PS1 game, I've played a few that just feel too modern and it makes it bad. The soullessness sticks out too much.

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To be fair I've never actually played a PS1 game, I'm not a fricking old man like you.

They're honestly kind of disappointing as a whole at least in the horror genre, since they all tend to be granny/hello neighbor clones for some reason

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I love next fest

Highly recommend dungeons and degenerate gamblers

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what's the name of the game in that picture i could be convinced to play a game that looks like that

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