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:marseywolf: :marseywolf: :marseywolf: :marseyshooting: They are onto @Gigavaccinator again


"White trash" is racist because it implies that non-white humans are already trash. Maybe it's just my hot take, but I've always felt that way about the term. Not that you meant poorly by your comment, this person is obviously a POS.

Wolves are muslims of the dog breeds. That is: cool, proud and misunderstood

I guarantee it's a mUh pRoPeRty riGhTs include killing endangered species Trumper.

Its probably people with cattle. One way to get revenge is to stop eating meat. It also helps reduce the problems of deforestation aorund the globe.

Industrial cattle farming has done immeasurable damage to the earth. And apparently a lot of cattle ranchers are entitled pricks.

doxxing Giga

I totally am hoping that the person or people poisoning these wolves has something unfortunate happen to them.

I'm more scared of these unhinged rednecks in the woods than I am of literally any wildlife.

:marseywolf: :!chadlibleft: :!marseyshooting: :soyjakmaga:

People can be real pieces of shit. Remember this the next time you see an article about the declining population “problem”.

True, it's really the human population that's out of control. But also: never talk to cops.

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"White trash" is racist because it implies that non-white humans are already trash.

I'll never understand this line of reasoning. Does the phrase "white school shooter" imply non-whites are already school shooters?

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I mean statistically speaking, mayos rarely appropriate the traditional school shooting from kangz.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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The day I see a wolf on my property is the day I kill a wolf on my property.

Frick nature I'm not trying to lose thousands of dollars.

Its probably people with cattle. One way to get revenge is to stop eating meat. It also helps reduce the problems of deforestation aorund the globe.

Please stop eating meat. If you're thinking about becoming a vegan, please take the leap and commit. Especially if you're poor. You're making a difference.

I'm more scared of these unhinged rednecks in the woods than I am of literally any wildlife.

You should be :marseyface:

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I'm looking forward to carp panicking when the cops find giga's dog torture room and drama ends up on the news

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it's called The Bone Pit

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It grabs the baby by the neck or it gets the hose

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I'm 1000% more likely to go away for insurance fraud or tax evasion than doggy genocide

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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I'm more scared of these unhinged rednecks in the woods than I am of literally any wildlife.

This makes sense. Wolves were able to become domesticated and help humanity, in the earlier days as hunting partners and now as a means of keeping married foids happy as the spark 💥 fades :marseywolf: :marseybigdog:

Left unattended, the average ruroid turns to Fentanyl, corn sugar, and network television, creating a breed of :marseychonker: :brainletmaga: :brainletpit: :brainletcaved:

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i have a small food forrest

No you dont, you have a spice garden you never harvest and some carrots and potatoes growing where you planted them. Maybe a blackberry bush as well. Also seeing a deer at the park near your house doesnt mean the deer is threatening your harvest.

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Its probably cattle ranchers doing it fricking blah blah blah

Followed by

the state pays ranchers for cows killed by wolves

So its probably not ranchers then since why would they give a shit? Is it harder to get state cash for livestock than raising and selling them?

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Fricking ACAB dont talk to cops is the best message for white urbanites to adopt, either they cant complain when ppl break their r-slurred laws or they cant complain when cops do stuff. Frick im fuming rn

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I was just removed as a moderator, and it saddens me greatly to no longer be a member of the mod team. I'm a tall bearded burly man, and I ugly-cried about it into a pillow last night. Being removed as a mod has ripped my guts right out of me.


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