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Made a white trash ping group

My dad got another bylaw complaint from one of the city ppl that moved into his rural area about his lawn looking like shit (ACAB includes the bylaw man), his final plan is to sell the house to his Heck's Angels buddies so the citycel has to live next to that but for now he's buying some goats to eat the lawn cus he knows the guy will :soyjaktantrum: and try to start more shit lol. The rules say you gotta keep your lawn trimmed but don't have anything against livestock :marseyxd: he was just gonna yolo it and call them emotional support animals anyway tho https://i.rdrama.net/images/172106478712157.webp

Join !whitetrash if u have a natural immunity to tetanus from the amount of scrap metal in ur backyard, if you have 5 or more broken lawnmowers rusting to shit out there, your christmas memories include calling your family in jail, you've ever done meth (intentional or accidental), your uncle drunk drove into a fire truck and then pretended to have a heart attack and somehow got away with it, etc. not required but encouraged: post some personal white trash bullshit below, I have basically infinite white trash dad stories I would love to trade

!bumpkins not all of you but at least some of you are some real ones @676974 @iStillMissEd @r-slur we will wage war upon the suburban property value enjoyer

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Make sure to filter out the fakecels.




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Racist Indians are so funny to me. I remember when the new sand war kicked off and they were WE ARE ISRAELS GREATEST ALLY posting and the Jews were just like "no you aren't stinky :marseyzizek: "

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What a strange and disturbing alliance. To be fair its Pakistans fault for existing and being the worst. They are begging to get nuked.

Nvm I was wrong.


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Wait arent you some form of mexican

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:mjlol: I'm mayo (sorry) I wanna know what made you think that though

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Lol your name sounds like the mexican version of elegant like having that thing on their letterś.

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I love it I'm Esperanza Eleganza from now on :marseymariachi:

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Please identify your chudlocation.


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I am praying I get to be with the coal rollers when I get to the US but for now it's real Trailer Park Boys hours

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!burgers why dont any of you neurodivergents sound like this.



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i basically agree with pyrex's thoughts on this but i also dont think hes going to go far. he should just ghostwrite

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Hi I am reformed white trash who married into a nice higher income family.

Here are some of my family's white trash behaviors:

•three large dogs in a tiny butt house that are completely untrained

•two of said dogs were left alone and intact, making the third big dog and 8 other puppies on "accident"

•my younger sister and brother are officially past the 35 mark on BMI (super morbidly obese/extremely obese)

•the front yard of their home is constantly trashed and is trying to heal from them riding ATVs on it (they live in a suburban area btw)

•shitty tattoos and piercings galore

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Lets fricking goooooo. I like to think I pass for non-white trash when it calls for it, not missing teeth, not wearing a muscle tank I made by cutting the arms off a shirt that came out of a beer case. But in my heart I will always be trash :marseyrecycling:

>•shitty tattoos and piercings galore

My cousin that overdosed on fent and died recently had his own name tattooed in giant font on his chest lmfao. His mom named his little brother "Aryan" (and I think she's too dumb to know what that is - I think it was a tragedeigh spelling) so thankfully it wasn't him at least

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I've been told I look nothing like my family because I just don't come across as WT.

It's honestly so sad lol

The muscle tank thing is really popular with my younger pork chop of a brother

Bonus points because he wears almost exclusively green American flags, camo and listens to shit like this:

I'm relieved I'm the only one of my mom's kids who's passing genes


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LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I know if I sent that to my brother he'd be like "oh I already bump this shit"😭

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It'll be ok, you largely made it out

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•shitty tattoos and piercings galore

I remember being shocked when I found out the reasons my families tattoos where all a faded shade of blue was because they were done with pen ink in prison lmao

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My mom's last long term relationship was with a man COVERED in awful tattoos he did himself. It was like 45% shitty prison tats

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my younger sister and brother are officially past the 35 mark on BMI (super morbidly obese/extremely obese)

Aren't they literal children?


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One is, my sister is 23

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the front yard of their home is constantly trashed and is trying to heal from them riding ATVs on it (they live in a suburban area btw)

The rest is cringe tbf, but this is extremely based

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from one of the city ppl that moved into his rural area

Eventually, people outside of cities and California will develop agency to choose their own bylaws. Until then, we must mourn the townships that fall victim to a handful of people from "not around here," who apparently use Jedi mind tricks to change laws to oppose what locals want.


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!nonchuds imagine someone trying to justify gentrification and favouring the nasty nasty :marseysick: law man :marseysick: over the native peoples of a land when ACAB and skibity :marseyblm:


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>West Virginia, never conquered!


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Who chose the law he's enforcing, and how long has it been on the books?

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It's not a new law, it's just that white trash don't give af about enforcing bylaws on their neighbours lol

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Communities should get rid of laws that aren't good rather than rely on non-enforcement. I tell leftists this all the time for BS like "sanctuary cities" and DAs that refuse to charge criminals. The leftoids still go surprised Pikachu when their friends get charged for obvious lawbreaking by an unsympathetic DA.

Rightoids should also consider the advanced hypothetical of "maybe my buddies won't be the ones making enforcement decisions, so the actual law matters."

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yeah fair, he's moving to an unestablished township (so no bylaws currently) to avoid all of it cus a lot of people are GTFO-ing the city rn and showing up there. i'll tell my dad to see if he can get in on that both at his current house with the rest of the community (who also hate this stuff) and the new one if the township ever moves toward establishment. imagining the seethe from the neighbour if my hillbilly dad succeeded in getting that one removed :marseyxd:

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I agree. I think it's a bad bylaw to regulate property appearance directly. People can use HOAs if they want to regulate property appearance.

I'm a "do what you want with your property" maximalist.

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Californchads are staging a reverse colonization of America. Complaining flyover cucks are just the 21st century redskins BVILT for BCC and susceptible to Basedworld diseases like Human Feces and Homeless Swarm.

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Let me in. I have a DUI on my record and own a diesel truck. Also here is a picture of a tractor and combine that we have.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17210725876919427.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17210725920518415.webp

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My dad loves his diesel so much it's so fricking big it pisses everyone off every time he goes to the city. He keeps pylons in the back so he can put em down in parking spots he wants and the citycels abide by it :marseyemojirofl:

So jelly of your equipment that's beautiful :cryingatcuteness: pls join

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my fire pit in the back is made out of an old washing machine


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Oh that rocks lmao, ours is just a classic barrel. You got one of those smokers made out of bathtubs?

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But I'm not cletus

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mod plz


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added but with the condition that you give us a story about your bad boy days

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Not really bad boy but on brand for the group. A series of recollections in no particular order from the same night.

For senior homecoming my date had been expelled the year before and was still expelled but she was a lot of fun so I wanted to take her anyway but it's a small town so everyone literally knows everyone especially school staff vs. students but we got her in by just putting an absolute shitton of makeup on her so she was completely unrecognizable and a pair of massive sunglasses as overkill. I ended up getting ejected despite being on the homecoming court for getting drunk and not even seriously fighting with a friend and SHE ended up staying the entire time. Friend and I left and I ended up passing out at the wheel and drifting along a guard rail taking a bunch of paint off the piece of shit car. Prior to homecoming we were all over the expelled girl's house and the first thing I heard when I walked in was her (single) mom shouting THE LITTLE SHIT SHAT ON THE BED AGAIN over and over and it was apparently about their cat. Anyway the girl died a few years ago in a DUI of her own on an icy road with her baby in the car. Baby's fine. Mom has it though so I don't expect it to do any better which is a shame.


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LETS GOOO threads 20 minutes old and we already got a drunk driving story :marseytwerking:

Sorry she died tho :marseydepressed: sooooooooooooooOOOOOOOooooo many people from my HS are dead too from various trashy bs. Actually we had a ton of assemblies while in school about how racist and awful we were because Native kids were killing they selves at school but it turned out to just be them huffing gas in the bathroom :marseydarkxd:

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I was such a problem as a child and I will be forever mystified at how my parents did not drown me. Really wish I could go back and be even worse.


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At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this site is now dumber for having read it. May God have mercy on your soul.

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!bumpkins good group to join.

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I've done doughnuts with my pickup on frozen lakes and have eaten more hotpockets than you could conceive

Let me in :boomerportrait:

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god the internet really wants to take fricking around on frozen lakes from us. idc how many dead kids you guys try to scare us with real OGs know when it's safe to do burnouts on the lake!!!

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we will wage war upon the suburban property value enjoyer


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@Holly_Jolly_Kong make sure you join this one.

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im like mid class I guess.

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i grew up in a series of trailer parks, i have no father and my mother is an insane alcoholic. let me in :marseywholesome:

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Do you have any funny stories from the parks bb. We got a house for 40k so we were SET but to our trashy asses the trailer park down by the ponds were like the PEAK of having it made. Like to us you had to be a billionaire to have a cottage, but if you worked really hard and saved your money you could <del> weekend</del> at the ponds in your trailer :marseychic:

We never got one but there was this really nice family we visited often, the mom was like 500 lbs and my dad had to go into the basement and jack the supports up to make sure the living room didn't collapse before she was allowed to visit

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@Aevann how do i get it to look like https://i.rdrama.net/images/17210674161451201.webp when i put a \ before the ~ it changes it to <del> :marseycry:

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fixed queen

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lol heck yeah dude. i've probably got a few decent ones, although my upbringing was a weird mix of really sheltered and really not (my mom was insane, again). busy right now but i'll think about it

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My dad once ran something over with the car and then cooked and ate it. Pretty sure he did it out of spite cause that hog fricked up his truck.

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Respect. I really wanna make a davy crockett hat and I have to restrain myself to not pull something similar lol

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sad you haven't blessed us with any stories :marseysippingsad:

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A couple years ago i got invited to go to a friend's thanksgiving because i didn't have any where to go, except the morning of he got drunk and got into a fight with his grandma about it. I just left and sat in my car and he came out with a duffle bag and was like "go. We gotta go" I eventually calm him down while driving and convince him to go back, there's like two or three cop cars in the driveway and he's freaking out telling me to keep driving and started getting calls from a restricted number that i did not answer. I dropped him off at a motel and went to a bar and his grandma calls me. Apparently he decked her and she didn't wanna give them my phone number but they took her phone and got it from her texts. Next day he gets picked up for it and also had a shit ton of weed in the bag because he'd sell it. While he was in jail I'd still come over to help her with stuff around the house and drive her to and from the doctor and stuff but i completely cut him off

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Our white trash hero :marseykingcrown: I'm sure grandma appreciated it after her grandson was such a POS. Hope you got to have something resembling a thanksgiving that year

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still unemployed then?

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Frick city sissies - i call them CISSies, get it? Now that I'm MAGA I'm an honorary rural even though I live in New York.

Anyway, if you don't have at least three broken down cars up on blocks in your yard, I don't give a shit about any of your opinions.

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I don't know what a bylaw or a township is :marseyshrug:

in texas if ur not in a municipality your'e free :marseycool:

I haven't mowed since march i think, I can barely walk out there

anyway live in trailer plenty of old cars and collapsed sheds/carparks etc around, the works

raise birds in front the house

'house' :marseysmughips:

just got power back after beryl nd its a mud pit from nonstop rain

mud and birds

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One time my dad got really trashed and took the cherry picker out in a thunderstorm and did donuts with it and turned part of the yard into a mud pit

When I tell non white trash that they're like, "why?" but I ask myself why I'm not just doing that instead of normiefying myself

Texas sounds incredible I'm so jealous I hope I can visit someday :marseyadmire:

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It's nice from November :to: march

I want to be an hyperborean snowpilled Alaskachad doe :marseyflagalaska:

Grass is always gender ig

Or whiter in my case :marseycumplosion:

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If you like fishing, sorry to recommend a :marseysick: french :marseysick: place but northern quebec in the winter is incredibly beautiful and I'd highly recommend a fishing trip there

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I've been listening to Bitcoin podcasts and reading posts on here and I've noticed a lot of you Bitcoiners are falling into the same logical error that I would expect a Keynesian economist or a particularly smooth-brained chimp to fall into. Fortunately I'm here to educate you guys.

Money is NOT a tool primarily for spending. This is NOT the most important feature nor primary purpose of money and is NOT why money has value. You do NOT use money when you spend it on a ham sandwich.

Money is a tool primarily for saving. This is the most important feature and primary purpose of money and is why money has value. You begin using money when you save in it and you cease using money when you exchange it for a ham sandwich.

This is why Keynesians and midwits with limited cognitive ability do not and will never see the value of Bitcoin. In their limited minds spending is what is important and this is why they go on and on about nonsense metrics like GDP

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