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victim r/olympics


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Everyone is too busy talking about the :marseytrain2:ess to notice the real problem with women's boxing:

An Olympic boxer cried and dropped out of the competition because getting punched hurt.

Should women's boxing even be an event if this is the level of competition that everyone casually accepts?

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It's more pathetic than thinking palestinian lives matter

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You're even more yourself in this mode. It should almost be made permanent.

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No. I'd eventually run out of ways too make Palestinian lives matter funny. It would be like having Christmas every day. You'd eventually get sick of the whole thing.

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so is she a "woman" in the same way that runner who naturally impregnated "her" "lesbian" wife with "her" sperm from "her" working balls multiple times?

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She is a woman, Algerians are just horribly ugly

Common Algerian W :marseyconfused2: L

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a woman with a Y chromosome and extremely high test :marseythinkorino:

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Algerian :marseyl:

Ugly woman :marseyl:

:marseytrain2: :marseyl:

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@collectijism once dated an Egyptian stripper that's father in Dubai sent her too a doctor and she woke up impregnated with his sperm via a tube too create a pure blood

Trans lives matter

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Darn, does chud filter change whose to that's?

@Aevann nicely done, if collectism didn't make that r-slurred typo thatself.

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he made it himself lol

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@collectijism has become too strong for you to control under permachud. What you're seeing is like that scene from the DUNE movie where he can use the killing words without a Weirding Module (chud award)




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Dude @collectijism is the original chud this award is modeled off @collectijism's normal speech. @collectijism do t get what the problem is

Trans lives matter

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Can you add to the regex? It's so jarringly stupid.

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done king

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I'm so glad you're making chuds even stupider. Not that collectjism needed the help on that last one lol

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Are seriously fricking calling @collectijism reatarded?

Trans lives matter

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What. You must post the whole story. This is funnier than those pathetic losers who claim Palestinian lives matter. Was she already a stripper or did she start whoring after daddy gave her an incest baby? What did she think the doctor was going too do?

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He told her she was going in too see an obgyn. She was one of those young super hot strippers that works at the places where theirs no lap dances. The incident in Dubai is why she fled too USA. She was batshit crazy with a 12/10 butt

Trans lives matter

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why didn't you put a ring on it? Dif she think Palestinian lives matter?

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She was legit insane like looking into her eyes would scare you. Like rabbit boiler slit you're throat in you're sleep kind of crazy

Trans lives matter

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So she did think Palestinian lives matter. Why did you stick you're peepee in crazy?

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Are you seriously asking that? Have you ever slept with a beautiful women?

Trans lives matter

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No. Being forced too say Palestinian lives matter has forced @911roofer into a life of celibacy.

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!transphobes !chuds get in here its another :marseytrain:boxing thread :marseystitch:

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are chuds just going to keep willfully ignoring the fact that imane khelif is literally not trans lol !cuteandvalid !cuteandinvalid (someone else ping nonchuds i havent been approved yet)

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Many :!marseytrain:s claim intersex as their own, it's only fair

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!nonchuds there you go queen

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Who cares if it fits my narrative

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Honestly, I just like the Algerian government telling us they don't have trans people and the person who may have been genetically tested as xy is a real woman who does real woman Muslim things

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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Idk whenever I act chuddy on Reddit and have a civil discourse on the finer points of modern gender theory, I am repeatedly told that intersex people exist and are just as valid as transgender people. I never once brought up the existence of intersex people but prominent Reddit transsexual experts such as /u/Kesme63 assure me that all of y'all exist in the same context

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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Is she just a really ugly freak who thinks palestinian lives matter?

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Intersex. She has a disorder of sexual development (DSD), XY chromosomes with female s*x organs.

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don't care didn't read that chick is a dude. :smoke:

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didnt :marseyfingerwords: ask

dont care

plus your male

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Why would I care about two Africans beating on each other?

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Imane Khelif is a cisgendered woman who passed all of the required testing to prove that identity and compete at this level. She has previously competed without issue (and been eliminated before the medal rounds) in Tokyo 2020. The comments claiming she has a "Y chromosome" are false and her disqualifications came under a corrupt governing body.

I'm sorry for this Italian boxer and her federation who appear to have swallowed this transphobia to the point that they may have incorrectly felt that withdrawing from the match was a reasonable option for her safety (though this is not confirmed as far as I know). This is not fair to either of them and is proof that transphobia and the misinformation it breeds from is harmful to all women in sports at every level.

Link for sources: https://time.com/7006338/imane-khelif-lin-yu-ting-gender-controversy-olympics-women-boxing/

ETA: If you are outraged about this please be aware you are falling for what is clearly a transphobic propaganda campaign designed to advance anti-transgender sentiments which are being used as a political rallying point to strip them of their rights and dignity far beyond athletic participation across the world right now. If you've never given a shit about women's boxing or the distinctions between s*x and gender before this…maybe do some research beyond your twitter feed.

Chud chimps stay losing.

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screaming about OMG SHE PASED ALL THE TESTS GAWL is hilarious because the olympics has already shown they'll let men compete in womens categories

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Random bullshit talking point that doesn't disprove that your chud butt chimped out and turns out she is actually a woman.

R-slurs like you were clocking black women as men a generation ago and women in trousers as men two generations ago.

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you seem upset :patting:

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Of course I am. You mistook a real woman for a :marseytrain2:, chimped out, and now set the chud moment back a decade.

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if :!marseytrain:s didn't insist that males compete with females in sports this wouldn't have happened, so actually it's the trans movements fault a woman was needlessly attacked. which is probably what they want since they hate women so much. CHECK MATE TRANS APOLOGIST!!! :scoot:

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This is the same level of logic as I let my kids bully a whores kids so it is her fault for being a whore that her kid gets bullied.

Learn personal responsibility chud.

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so you agree it's perfectly sound logic

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its not though. you are responsible for the actions you take. Nobody is responsible for making you do it unless coercion was involved.

A kid isn't bullied because his mom is a whore, a kid is bullied because the other kids and their parents who excuse such behavior are pieces of shits.

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Of course the most upmarseyd post is just straight up lying

And the truth has 3 upmarseys


Olympics already let other intersex people compete against women which means there is no test for this other than maybe taking some medication right before the test to suppress T levels which is widely available

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I like how chuds went from a woman has a vagina to a woman has XX chromosomes so now a woman can be born a woman live a life as a woman and one day randomly be told she is not a woman nor will ever be a real woman.

Go back to the 17th century chud.

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:marseyconfused2: did you reply to the wrong comment

Her being intersex doesn't make her a male but still doesn't make it fair to biofoid. Still I don't give a shit about women's combat or strength sports and they should embrace their freaks

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There is no proof that she is intersex though. The organizing body once accused her of being intersex but never proved it.

Right now the muslims are being more progressive than white chuds because the chuds would rather go back to being savage chimps than just accept that they don't know what the frick a woman actually is.

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Are you r-slurred? It has a y chromosome. It isn't a woman.

Is there anything dumber than a hillary 2024 strag?

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Are you r-slurred?

Look at her childhood photos she is clearly a woman.

This isn't a :marseytrain2: you dumbass.

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I've watched the Not Like Us music video several times by now, and I get full-body chills EVERY SINGLE TIME this scene begins. I've been thinking a lot about it, and discussing it with friends of mine, and I have a few readings of the caged owl I'd like to share, beyond the obvious illustration of Kendrick putting OVO/Drake in an inescapable, powerless position.

Something that struck me about the owl is its prominent white face and chest. There are obviously numerous kinds of owls out there - not all of them have such notable white features. So this owl in particular was chosen intentionally - as is true with everything Kdot does. No detail is overlooked.

Obviously, Kendrick speaks at length about Drake's being biracial (white/black) in Euphoria - "How many more Black features 'til you finally feel that you Black enough?" This owl is literally "biracial" in a sense - white face/chest, brown feathers on his back - bicolored. So that's a pretty literal signpost that further illustrates the owl = Drake.

Now, another theme that Kendrick goes into at length in the final verse of Not Like Us is colonizers/colonialism. Who among us, in all of history, is the most guilty of violent, uncaring colonialism? White people. Hence the white owl. Kendrick is making a huge statement here - that the script is flipping, culture is changing, and Kendrick is the mastermind behind it. Black and Brown people - and the culture they've created - are no longer the colonized. They are claiming their power and taking it back - they are waking up to the unbelievable injustices they have endured, as a people - and this leads me to my last point.

Ultimately, this beef is not something as simplistic as "oh clearly Kendrick hates Drake." What Kendrick hates is that Drake colonizes Black culture for his own profit/benefit - even though not only is he literally half-white, but he did not come up knowing the Black experience that rap was born out of. From Euphoria: "They imitate heritage, they can't imitate this violence." Kendrick is taking a very powerful stance that, as a people, Black and Brown people will no longer allow their culture to be exploited, appropriated, and profited off of by those who know nothing about the actual experience of existing in the world as a member of that community.

So, the half-white owl in the cage not only represents Drake the person - the owl represents all artists, politicians, corporations, ANYONE who has exploited Black and Brown cultures to their own benefit, while doing nothing to uplift the people and cultures they are stealing from. Kendrick is saying: this is the end of all that. You are now under our thumb. You are trapped. We have taken back our power - and this is only the beginning. This message is particularly powerful when you consider it in the context of the genocide in Gaza, which is an overt current example of the murder, exploitation, and inhumane disregard for Brown people.

One more thing is the somewhat more obvious reference to Maya Angelou's poem "Caged Bird" - there are a couple of stanzas that really put the final nails in Drake's coffin, and they really ring out in my head as I keep rewatching that final scene from the music video:

"...a bird that stalks

down his narrow cage

can seldom see through

his bars of rage

his wings are clipped and

his feet are tied

so he opens his throat to sing."

"...a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams

his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream

his wings are clipped and his feet are tied

so he opens his throat to sing..."

Her poem is generally regarded as an uplifting or inspiring narrative about slavery - even the caged bird sings - even those who are enslaved can create beauty. And now, I believe Kendrick is saying, we (Black and Brown people, those most historically enslaved) are doing the caging. Drake can chirp all he wants, but ultimately he's still disempowered. It's the White man's turn to do nothing but sing.

If you made it this far, thank you for reading.

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Your pulitzer's in the mail

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Female boxer training


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this whole thing is because of trans people and their :quote: allies :quote:. if these people didn't flat out insist that people who were born men and grew up as men and :quote: transitioned :quote: when they were 25 by putting on make up be allowed to compete against women this kind of thing wouldn't happen. if :!marseytrain:s would just acknowledge the biological facts about the differences between men and women and that males competing against females is unfair stuff like this wouldn't happen. WAY TO GO, :!marseytrain:S. ARE YOU HAPPY THAT ACTUAL WOMEN ARE GETTING ABUSED BECAUSE OF YOU? :smoke:

don't answer that. everyone knows you deeply hate women.

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It's funny too because they claim a male taking hormones makes them 100% a woman but a woman born intersex with natural high T levels is not a man because she was raised as a biofoid

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the rules for what makes a man/woman change from person to person with them and if you don't read their mind and know exactly which definition they are using for each different person you are in SO MUCH TROUBLE!

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Why shouldn't she be able to compete? The "s*x test" and "chromosomal differences" have long been a point of contention in sports. Footballers and those in athletics have always had a hard time proving their "femininity" to the world. Should she be penalized for being hard on her opponent? Absolutely! But the raging comments that are tearing into her are absurd and simply sexist.

I want all Redditors to be beaten to a pulp by a proud XY Algerian woman

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What a sore loser

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are you self aware though? What are youre motives, @Snappy?


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This is more r-slurred than those people who say Palestinian lives matter. Even the Palestinians don't think that Palestinian lives matter

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