EFFORTPOST What is a Maruti car? Where can @ObamaBinLaden test drive one? Most importantly, how did the jeets manage too take the Yugo (one of the worst shitbox cars of all time) and make it even shittier? [ @ObamaBinLaden say this as a feminist ally ]

@ObamaBinLaden say this as a a feminist ally

let's get this shit out of the way first, don't want too see it get deleted because of this cuck quote

One other things - @ObamaBinLaden know how touchy jeets are about their country's achievements. The most educated jeet is no better than the worst fent addicted hillbilly in misguided patriotism. If you are one of those, ROPE. NOW.

How the fuck did they fumble a design so hard.

Don't fucking tell @ObamaBinLaden too Wikipedia the history of Maruti, it loops back into itself


(Before any of you bharatias come at @ObamaBinLaden with the bullshit cookies cutter excuse, yes @ObamaBinLaden too have read the wikipedia article which says it was a nepo job by the then prime minister's son, the minister herself being a nepo placement because her father was the first prime minister)

That doesn't excuse shit. The USSR was a corrupt shithole and yet they still produced at least aesthetically pleasing cars. Cars which didn't make you gag the moment you laid eyes on them.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17262196968191137.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1726219696905139.webp

Both cars are from the erstwhile soviet bloc, made in the 70s and 80s.

Being a poor country didn't mean shit. The Indians were deeply embedded in the soviet bloc of influence, buying redundant shitty weapons from Soviets (like they are still doing till date) at billions. non partisan, non aligned my ass nigger

Now all of us know the Soviets being commiebrained ( !anticommunists your chance to laugh at something the commies were hilariously bad at), they never really grasped what supply chain manufacturing in consumer durables is and thought cars were a luxury, even though just considering the European part of Russia, it's still the 7th largest country in the world, bigger than india, Argentina etc.

Commietardness is the opium of the politburo
                      - Karl Mersk

However the russkies failed because they had no organizational skills. Even after Albert Kahn with his 300 IQ jewbrain showed the vodka guzzling neanderthals how too streamline manufacturing, increase management efficiency, the russkies, being dumber than a medically brain-dead pygmy thought "oh ooga booga, streamline manufacturing? Ivan use only for missiles too blow capitalist pigdogs". They sneered at Taylor and Fayol's managerial theories and saw marketing and sales as a satanic ritual. It was over before it even began. We need people too be car salesmen? Just create a new layer of state bureaucracy thats job is too do that.

Sauce for nerds - Scientific Management, Socialist Discipline, and Soviet Power. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1988.

But still, @ObamaBinLaden could argue, the Indian government could have taken the designs from the USSR and then proceeded too make it in India with whatever cost cutting they wanted. It's not because of price point or security. It's not like they were ever mindful of safety and security.

You can check the crash test ratings of currently available cars for domestic sale (not counting imports) in india.


@ObamaBinLaden couldn't find a single maruti car with a rating above 2.0. Where as another domestic company, Mahindra, without any global brand name tag like Suzuki attached too it, scored a 4. So, it's not likely that Indian companies can't manufacture an acceptable personal automobile. Why has the Maruti Suzuki failed so spectacularly then

Point of concern - @ObamaBinLaden is not talking about sales, the maruti cars did well, but the truth is that it only did well because India put high tariffs on imports and pricey licenses too dissuade other companies from building factories. @ObamaBinLaden haven't seen such brazenly thuggish behavior from any other country, not even the USSR. The other companies only started too pop up after India opened itself up too international trade and let go of its license raj in the post soviet 1991 era.

Nobody is judging a 1980s car by today's standards. However if it didn't/doesn't hurt the eyes, you knew they were going too get better with time

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17262196972003212.webp Accord 1980

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17262196975270555.webp Accord 2024

So the country had neither its own designs, it stole them from anyone it could, decided on the ugliest piece of shit design, then put tariffs too disincentivize competition, paired up with a globally recognized brand too lend itself a false sense of debonair, failed spectacularly outside India, went inwards again, and has remained in that same state of decay and stagnation till date.

!anticommunists !burgers !forumposters !engineering

Someone tag antibharatia too

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This should help you understand:



Historically education was reserved for the top/upper classes in India. So you had a minority brahmin class of Indians who were highly educated then everybody else was ignored as r-slurs.

The upside to this is that Indians successfully replaced the jews in the intelligence department in the modern world.

The downside to this is that 10 kinda smart people is better than one very smart person in your team because with 10 kinda smart people you can split the labor.

The westerners figured out that providing a minimum of education to the entire population would actually improve the quality of the country and increase its wealth, in China on the other hand the ruling class got scared of traders gaining too much power and shut down the age of mercantilism. As per my understanding the Indians similarly gave up on the possibility of educating 90% of Indians beyond how to do their job for the majority of Indian history.

So you know how you can either maintain power by consistently increasing your wealth, education, or competence, or you can maintain power by pushing anybody below you trying to rise up down again and again? The west leaned more towards the former strategy meanwhile India ended up leaning more towards the latter strategy.

For now though India is doing pretty good as the economy is growing steadily year on year at a good rate so for the moment there isn't much to complain about as you can't grow faster than that.

To understand why Indian design philosophy fails in India you must understand the Indian mentality. Indians are based on a make peace with what you have culture and go with the flow culture. It suffers from the innovation failings similar to all the other East Asian cultures. The only reason India has an actual chance of making it out safely is because India isn't as disciplined as the East, which might seem bad on the face of it, but also allows for Indians to experiment more and adapt to different ideas more so than East Asians.

The primary challenge for India is that Indian culture hasn't built the last 1,000 years of scientific progress or global work standards, and so the only way for India to move forward is to embrace that which works, which is more often than not Western ideas because they are the guys who set up global standards and improved upon them since the 18th century. Combine that with the extreme Indian patriotism and faith in practices that are a 1,000 years old, and you can see why inefficiencies develop in Indian practices within India.

India, similar to all other non-western nation states, is actively trying to embrace as little of western methodology as it can while still continuing to move forward, the irony being that every single non-western nation state instead of going full progress is instead taking the smallest steps they have to, and finding themselves repeatedly having to embrace another step of westernization to move another step forward.

The problem remains that western culture isn't superior because it is western culture, it is the better choice because it has been evolving ideas of how to run things for multiple centuries with those ideas having proved effective over time.

It's been hard even today to convince the third world that you need to look after your kids since day one, and just because a child doesn't remember what happened at the age of 2 doesn't mean it didn't impact them.

The primary problem with the third world remains that they are still being trained to only be good at their jobs and everything else is extra. The lack of individualism has resulted in a population that is pretty much r-slurred outside of their extreme specialization in their one job area where they are expected to be with their heads down 10-16 hours a day every single day.

India still hasn't in practice meaningfully grown out of that thinking is only meant for specific groups and classes of people mentality. The fact that a noticeable minority of people are actually kinda r-slurred doesn't help either.

I would also encourage you to be less racist in your rants. We are all together in this boat.

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make peace with what you have

For an individual person it's often best to have this kind of attitude. If you're not going to be able to get ahead in life you're better off enjoying what you have than trying and failing over and over again. But when you have a whole society full of people who've been beaten down and given up it has a really toxic effect on your culture.

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In the evolutionary arms race, stagnation is death. The only time a conservative is right is when the liberals are jumping off a cliff. It is better to take risks when it is not going to hurt ya.

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I've known more coherent downies.

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