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  • FamilyGuyShill : i saw thsi on twitter 3 days ago, old drama
  • Starsix : Waow thanks PBS!
  • HailVictory1776 : Propaganda Bullshit System
  • Fresh_Start : These jobs are going to Haitians now. There is nobody poorer so this is the last generation.

Factory owner in Springfield Ohio says he likes the Haitians because they consistently show up to work and don't have drug problems unlike all the Amerifats he's used to

From this video:

To all the non-Haitian residents of Springfield:


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No one deserves asylum. It just enables people to flee their country and not work on making it better. Heartless? Maybe, but better for the world overall. :marseyjesus2:

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If I force this engineer to stay in polpots Cambodia it will fix Cambodia.


If it could be fixed they wouldn't be leaving, people have a bias for staying on their land.

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My argument is, yeah who cares? They're not our citizens. Sucks to be 'em.

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Yeah. People seem to forget that the single most important determinant in the course of a person's life is supposed to be which side of various imaginary invisible lines you were born on.

The last thing our country needs is for the bravest, most-ambitious, hardest-working risk-takers in the world to gravitate here and disrupt our perfectly balanced system where life-outcomes are assigned by zip code at birth. Just look at the video linked above.

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>won't fix their shithole


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this is the dumbest meme, you can't fix a country by yourself and, even if you could, why would you if you can guarantee a better life for yourself simply by leaving it? haiti will not become a good place to live in in our lifetimes no matter what

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you can't fix a country by yourself

Gotta start somewhere

why would you if you can guarantee a better life for yourself simply by leaving it?

Because you'll inevitability turn that place into a shithole and flee to the next gibs like worst kind of locust.

haiti will not become a good place to live in in our lifetimes no matter what

Not with that type of quitter BIPOC mentality

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real life isn't anime

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In an anime fleeing to another country would get you a mcguffin that'd fix your old country

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Reddit brained comment

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won't fix their shithole

Of course not. Trying to solve the problems of one's countrymen is socialism. These are brave, ambitious, hardworking people who want to make a better life for themselves, and not slave away for the collective good. that's why we need to stop them from coming in and taking the societal privileges that Native Americans are entitled to as a matter of birthright.

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They shouldn't slave away for the collective good just slave away in another country for whitey. The only positive for them seems to be they can eat the occasional cat.

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>The last thing our country needs is for the bravest, most-ambitious, hardest-working risk-takers in the world to gravitate here and disrupt our perfectly balanced system

The system isn't perfectly balanced, because you don't fit this description and thus are wasting valuable air and land that should go to more deserving Haitians and South Americans

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Id support immigration if it was only hard working and ambitipus types coming and we didnt have welfare. As long as we jhave robust social system unfettered imigration will always become econ9mocally unfeasible and simply lead to more poverty/income inequality.


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Yes. Borders are completely imaginary lines and nothing differentiates people on either side of them in any way. Seen famously has had 0 trouble with it's immigrants and proved what racists all those right wingers are.


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This is leftist propaganda. I live in the Oak Hill zip code of my town. The people who live in the Cedar Point Zip Code are basically animals. That's why all of my neighbors' kids will go to good colleges and get good jobs, and their kids will go to prison for using the wrong kind of drugs and get leased out for farm work.

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you realize zip codes and countries are different things right?

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More leftist propaganda. the woke mob have been trying to convince everyone for like 300 years that all men are created equal but it's categorically false. All you need to know to predict a person's income, educational attainment, level of police interaction, likelihood of being arrested…you can basically tell it all from their childhood zip code.

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This but unironically

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Only citizens are humans.


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Service guarantees citizenship.

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No, you can't braindrain the rest of the world and build a country from the cream of every nation, that's unethical! You have to make all the talented people stay in their shithole countries or else you're a big meanie!

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Because that's who we are letting in. The talented people.

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Why not brain drain 'em? Take in only the smart ones.

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Haiti killed all the smart ones 200 years ago.

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It just enables people to flee their country

Which in the end benefits burgerland, get fricked thirdie scum

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Ok globalist. See you at the insect buffet.

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Ok globalist. See you at the insect buffet.

i don't give a frick about a third world shithole, my country creates them :marseygiggle:

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World GDP would be doubled with open borders. You just hate winning don't you?

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Yeah, all they needed all along was access to magic soil that the vile first worlders are keeping from them.

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Yes it is magic soil. Why do you think europoors earn shit compared to here?

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but no attempt is made to quantify the public finance implications of open borders, and of course the cultural implications are far beyond the scope of the paper.

This cutoff is of course arbitrary

The poor foreigners will get richer, who cares about the effects on the natives?

If it's not magic soil, why are they unable to be productive in their origin countries? What is the problem in those countries?

Internal migration data for the U.S. show much higher migration rates for skilled workers, suggesting that the attachment to home may be weaker for skilled workers. Thus if the efficiency differences are similar, one might expect that the flow of skilled workers would be larger with open borders

lol utter r-slur. economists lmao.

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Frick your culture.

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Jews and Poles, let it be known: try harder next time.

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I feel like that's an argument for my opinion, not against.

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Yes, all these people may suffer. But that is a sacrifice I am willing to make :marseygigaretard:

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