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  • HailVictory1776 : Bike lanes are a suggestion and not mandated in most states. Bike lanes suck. Ride in the road

Ledditor complains that bikecels are riding on a road despite there being a perfectly fine bike lane right next to them, bikecucks of reddit swarm in to explain how this is actually perfectly OK and its the cars fault anyways


This brave redditor calls out the bikecuck :marseybike: reddit menace, causing bikedditors to attack him from all fronts, using such impeccable arguments as:

you can see the bike lane ending and it turning into a sidewalk just ahead. Looks like an amazing bike lane that leads nowhere.


:marseyconfused: All i see is the white line not being painted on what is seemingly some sort of crossing

So the reason they're in the road is because there is no bike lane, it's an asphalted sidewalk.

Apparently the bike line is not good enough for the bike elites :marseyitsallsotiresome:

This guy notices how entitiled bikers are often behaving:

The cycle community loves to go from 'legal vehicle' to 'pedestrain' in the same breath. I.e. shit like this vs stopping at stop signs.

With bikecucks already proving his point in replies

According to a multitude of ledditors apparently to overtake a kid on a bike you need to get 10 meters away from them?

Child riding on path going slowly. Oncoming woman riding towards. Going out onto the road and passing both safely is far better. Those cyclists are likely going 18 mph vs 8 mph of the kid and 12 mph of the woman. Cry harder, but this is way safer for all involved.

Ex. 2

Ex. 3

But what about muh cars

Muh cars x2

Some other stupid arguments, mentioned before or not:

Ex. 1

Ex. 2

Ex. 3

I wish Demise upon these kind of bikers !chuds

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  • HailVictory1776 : Road cycling owns. MTB owns. Cycling owns. Tridorks can go to heck tho

I fricking hate cyclists.

I never transitioned out of my mountain bike phase, so while a lot of my friends got super serious about road biking and going out all day dressed in lycra, I thought that was kind of gay and also not fun.

Must be something you learn at lycra club about becoming the most obnoxious and entitled road user in existence. Guess the separation is whether you see yourself more as a vehicle (r-slurred) or a pedestrian (correct).

Get the frick out of my wait you lycra bellends.

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Bikes are vehicles like tractors are. Follow the rules of the road, don't act weird, and cars will know how to behave :marseyshrug:

@Grue stand with Israel

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Good comparison, I also honk at tractors and don't want to share the road with them.

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@Grue stand with Israel

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Tractors at least wave you around when it's clear

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I'll run u over bb

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Thank you foryour valuable contribution to the thread, now provide it with an upmarsey :marseyfluffy:

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I'm a mobilecel and scrolling threads with my thumb in my left hand and the upmarsey button is alllllll the way on the right and very hard to reach.

I reckon there's by 5 times as many upmarseys if the vote button moved to the left.

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Lose some weight then :marseyderp:

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I stretched right over but accidentally clicked the downmarsey button.


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in my left hand

Lecherous adulterer

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I fricking hate cyclists.

I never transitioned

!metashit @UncleAbortion ADMITS shocking truth that their whole "I'm FtM :marseypooner:" is a LIE :marseypoggers: claiming:

>"I never transitioned"


I knew it was a :marseytrain: larp the whole time :marseyindignant:

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Anyone old enough to drive, but still rides a bike for any reason is a loser.

There's no good reason for it. Not even exercise. You want cardio? RUN.

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And these cute twinks NEED to use skinny road tires which can't go on any surface and burst when you look at them.

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Paying extra just to have less practical equipment is peak bikecuck.

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They have to compete with one another. Its never about their personal health or enjoyment.

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The best way to use a bicycle is to put on a two stroke direct drive, then while maintaining 35 miles per hour, swerve across sidewalks, bike lanes, the road, through grass, cut off intersections

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u sucks

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The moment you start wearing tight clothes or aero helmets outside of a race you have become an irredeemable cute twink

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Op, I know exactly where in Uppsala this is. The bike path ahead merges with the sidewalk, and doesn't allow bicycles on it. So the cyclists has to bike on the road in 20meters anyway, so they might as well do it now instead of dangerously dropping down from the curb and entering the road at low speed.

The only mildly irritating thing here is the path design.

The bike cucks are right to increase their total happiness at your expense. :marseyoverallhapiness:

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It's not at you're expense?

@Grue stand with israel

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See Darwin had all this figured out but instead of letting the fittest bikers survive, we are coddling r-slurred bikers and breeding the worst breeds of biker imaginable. You probably see 1 out of 40 bikers these days that seems aware that they are only alive because of drivers consciously forcing themselves not to run over the biker at all times. Don't tell me you don't fantasize about it every time you see those cute twinks in the tight clothes and tiny seat, glaring at you from behind their slim shiny glasses with their 90iq beady eyes

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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When I would bike to school, I'd stop behind cars in the intersection so they didn't have to constantly pass me. Idk why this isn't common sense. Like 90% of other cyclists would just fly through red lights like they wouldn't end up being paste on the asphalt.

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How do we not constantly hear about bike deaths from the complete lack of situational awareness. It has to be some vastly underreported statistic.

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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Kinda like motorcycles... Probably happens so often that it's not worth even reporting on unless it's something crazy like an entire group getting hit.

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I feel like bike riders are too annoying for this to be the case. We would never hear the end of it

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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Cyclesexuals do this near me. Town spent millions paving a bike path about 50 yards off the side of the road, definitely in better :marseygenetakovic: condition than the road, instead they choose :marseyvalentine: to ride in the street :marseywallst: on a narrow two lane road that's a no passing zone and hold up traffic. I'm totally convinced they do this craving confrontation so they can claim to be a vehicle :marseykilldozerhappy: and pedestrian depending which is convenient at the time.

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Being a nonbinary road gender is the best thing about cycling and almost makes up for getting rained on.

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Bikers should get license plates, pay taxes, and hold insurance to cover their liability in an accident. Then we can pretend they are vehicles. It's 2024, why not?

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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They should :marseynorm: also get automatically ticketed every time they touch :marseygrass: the road for disruption of traffic.

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They almost never choose a less-busy parallel road either. It's 100% about getting in the way of regular people in cars

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Post Google maps

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Ok :marseyblush:


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>The cycle community loves to go from 'legal vehicle' to 'pedestrain' in the same breath. I.e. shit like this vs stopping at stop signs.


The consistent hipocracy/flipflop is why I advocate for TCD (C = cyclist)

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I can see this depending in the road changes but the lycra cute twink cyclists do it at the expense of everyone else and ruin it for other people biking.

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Reminds me of when I complains about bikers ramming through the sidewalk on campus (a place with heavy foot traffic) only for bikers to swarm me about how bike lanes are totally unsafe as a car could hop the concrete median anytime and kill them because cagers are evil :marseysmug2:

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People don't even pay any attention. Would you really trust any of these people with your life? https://i.rdrama.net/images/17265865806300855.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17265865808434632.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17265865810735986.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17265865813053591.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17265865815763147.webp

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I would trust them with a cyclists life.

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Bike lanes are r-slurred, sidewalk riding is unsafe. Control the lane, release traffic, like any slow moving vehicle.

@Grue stand with israel

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Sidewalk riding is perfectly safe if you aren't r-slurred


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>Op, I know exactly where in Uppsala this is. The bike path ahead merges with the sidewalk, and doesn't allow bicycles on it. So the cyclists has to bike on the road in 20meters anyway, so they might as well do it now instead of dangerously dropping down from the curb and entering the road at low speed.

I'm going to be getting onto the interstate in a couple miles, so I may as well speed up to 80mph here in the city instead of dangerously trying to accelerate on the on-ramp immediately before merging


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I love how in the city you got these totally normal motherlovers riding like they are still in their parents suburbs next to two ton blocks of car.

At least motorcyclists you know have a death wish, these frickers have pensions and lawyers.

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Yesterday I was driving on the right side of the road. Had a woman coming towards me on a bike in my lane who made an angry face and was disgusted I would keep driving at her.

Death to bikecels in Minecraft.

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Even in the scroll effect, cyclists are infuriatingly slow


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Now watch marsey cyclist do this sick flip


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:#marseyracist: :marseybikegenocide: :#marseybloodpuddle:

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Bike lanes are not safe or useful. Cars need a full lane change too pass

@Grue stand with israel

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Cars: the ideal way to travel

Walking: guaranteed by God

Bicycles: children's fad from the 19th century

Gee, I wonder which we should build lanes for?

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you can see the bike lane ending and it turning into a sidewalk just ahead. Looks like an amazing bike lane that leads nowhere.:

So the reason they're in the road is because there is no bike lane, it's an asphalted sidewalk.:

The cycle community loves to go from 'legal vehicle' to 'pedestrain' in the same breath. I.e. shit like this vs stopping at stop signs.:

Child riding on path going slowly. Oncoming woman riding towards. Going out onto the road and passing both safely is far better. Those cyclists are likely going 18 mph vs 8 mph of the kid and 12 mph of the woman. Cry harder, but this is way safer for all involved.:

Ex. 2:

Ex. 3:

But what about muh cars:

Muh cars x2:

Ex. 1:

Ex. 2:

Ex. 3:

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basically why bikers do this is, testicular torsion and crotch violence by their bike seat ruined their testosterone levels. Thus they can't process the masculine realpolitik of the road, and instead believe a feminized soy politics of traffic laws and violations - bikerly will-to-power as passive-aggressive shit test via road laws through their surrogate (male) partner, the cop. They can't understand that they are tiny, frail, bug-like beings flying with metal monstrosities on a super-connecting straight.

Second, the rapidly eunuchizating biker juxtaposed with the gas-guzzling Ford 250 causes a certain enmity, 'peepee-envy' if you will. A hatred of the well-turned-out and beautiful, symbolically 'seething manlet rage'.

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