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big tiddy goth ewhore says that m-n against vibrators are insecure and have small penii and everyone struggles between coping and crying or begging for a crumb :marseyfeminist:

how is it that both sides come across as incredibly pathetic and nauseating :marseysick: !volcels can't keep winning like this its just not fair :marseysigh:

gross p0rnsick foids are pathetic

I'm not like other scrotes haha plz let me fucc losers are pathetic

incels crying that whores would rather frick silicone over them are pathetic

all i can say is :#incel:

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I uptiddied you on principle but not including pictures of her with that title should be bannable

e: nvm she's FAT :marseyyikes:

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Just get over it.

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at least 90% of alt girls are fat, dw when I'm dictator I will put an end to it once and for all :smash:

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Why did zoomers ruin everything

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I think a part of it is that it's an internet aesthetic divorced from any real social groups that would force you to actually adopt the lifestyle

back in the day our makeup was a lot more grungy and low effort and it was all v diy but at least we lived the life rather than just putting on a costume and posing to look as least whale like as possible :marseydepressed:

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Do zoomzooms even have like sub/countercultures anymore? This may be really out of touch, but no one seems to like do anything anymore that isn't performative and entirely for the sake of posting online while being focused around that goal. If they do, what are they based around? Music is no longer a unifier because it's all been homogenized into pop/edm/rap/pretend indie. What is going on with the kids?

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I'm sure there is to some extent, but the look isn't tied to music and sub cultures the way it was in the past, and it's also not looked down on like it was before so anyone can put it on and take it off and it's not tied to your identity in the same way, it's just fleeting internet trends and you can call yourself a scene kid today and cottage core tomorrow then dark academia or whatever and your friend group stays the same (nobody) and your interests (watching videos) and same with your taste in music (basic)

from what I can tell people who are actually interested in ✨️weird✨️ things just dress normally now

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I wonder how this will bode for their adulthood. Maybe since they never actually had to develop a youth identity and neither did any of their peers, they'll be better adjusted and inherently at odds with the concept of tribalism and since they don't actually go anywhere doing risky things they'll be well rounded and stable adults and :marseyxd:

It's job security at least.

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i think there's probably the same fraction of r-slurred misunderstood youth as any other generation, but instead of doing risky things at parties or going through awkward learning experiences with peers they buy Chinese research chemicals online and do prescription meth and make fetish porn if foid or coom to ai furry :rape: porn if moid

that being said I think a lot of "the youth are going off the rails !!" panic is overblown, there's definitely still a lot of people who don't share every aspect of their lives online so there's no way to tell they exist if you're older and not a loser or parentcel and so don't hang out with teenagers

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that being said I think a lot of "the youth are going off the rails !!" panic is overblown

This is a nice thought, but from my (limited to Reddit discussing The Kids secondhand, twitter and things posted here) perspective I really do think in 20 years there's going to be a staggeringly large cohort, the majority of a generation, utterly incapable of functioning in society, contributing little, largely not contributing in any meaningful way to the economy, plummeting birth rates that will make Japan seem booming and it's just really, really bad. /r/teachers plays defense for them as much as possible and even they can't hide what a mess late zoom- and alphoids are.

Something will need to be done about who is and isn't able to vote and run for offices or we are in a lot of trouble.

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Zoomers may do less risky shit as kids but like 50% of it is online which is viewable to everyone unlike other generations so I wouldn't say they have more job security

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Job security for US.

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the biggest degens look like straight laced homeschool kids

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Zoomers are the most conformist little pukes I've ever encountered since the greatest generation died off, but they're conformist for the current globohomo atomized hyperliberalism, or conformist for le based maga tradwhore ethot hyperliberalism. Plus they didn't even win a war.

They've combined the worst traits of normie millennials (conformity, ruthless social climbing) with the worst traits of weird millennials (being annoying and gay as frick)

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Queer shit gets close as far as community goes.

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Internet hugboxing is not community.

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Community is the esteem of your peers in a hierarchy, a shared cultural experience, a shared set of values, and shared best interests from identity.

I'm not sure what you mean specifically by internet hugboxing, but if it has those it is a community, and if it doesn't then you and I are talking about different things.

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@TheOverSeether :marseybean: I stand with Israel

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It's very clear you have never experienced a real sense of community before

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but then you have to hang out wit queers :marseybeansick:

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zoomers have 'fandoms' which is the same thing as a subculture but way more niche because the internet makes hanging out with people who consume the same hyperspecific stuff as you easier

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Yep. Toaster fricking isn't just a link anymore, now it's an entire subculture.

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:marseyastronautgun::marseyastronaut2: :marseyplanet:

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Yes everything has always been done online and for the sake of being posted online and if you wanted to get media onto MySpace it was definitely not a matter of taking a 0.2 megapixel shot with a flip phone, emailing it to yourself hours or days later (via typing in your email address in the phone number field), waiting until you're on a computer, downloading it from your email and then uploading it :marseyzoomerpat:

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Always been for status you inbred r-slur. Status wasn't invented by Tiktok

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It's gonna blow your mind when you find out the internet used to be a niche thing outside of AIM and being on a computer was generally looked down upon

Did you know you used to have to hit three physical keys on a phone to make the letter C appear

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:!#marseybooing: CUTE TWINK!

Don't worry, @carpathianflorist. I got him good. :marseywink:

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There's that South Park scene where the goths start wearing normal clothes and then everyone just refers to them by their flaws. I wish I could remember which episode it was so I can show people when they ask why people dress like that

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thx I've been looking for that for ages

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when I'm dictator I will put an end to it once and for all

First good reason I've heard to vote for a woman

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Alt Girls used to do real drugs that kept them skinny in my days.

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you don't need drugs to stay skinny. just move around and eat less.

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e: nvm she's FAT

Not yet she's not.

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Sir, here at rdrama we call that body type thicc and breedable. If you prefer women to look like malnourished 12 yr old boys......well, certain conclusions must be drawn and they do not reflect well on you.

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No, we most certainly do not. She is FAT.

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t. :#marseyobesescale:

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carp, you can just tell from the profile pic and the personality. You gotta work on your fat girl detection skills. I will never allow a fatty in my life.

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don't care, would

also she's right

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nvm she's FAT

Most common way to get big tiddies these days.

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And possibly male?

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