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twits sneed and cope as a former 16yo boy tells the truth about statutory "r*pe"

!male feminists

bonus aellapost

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I 100% wanted to be 'molested' by a hot chick at the age of 15. It's just the way it is. The law is the way it is to protect those teenagers who don't want to be molested.

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  • HailVictory1776 : Once again it's Weezer's fault for making nerd shit mainstream in 1995

Nerds ruin it for the rest of the cool kids once again

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@Grue thought you were against the proliferation of transgenderism?

Black lives matter

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:!marseytrain:s :marseybardfinn3: are proliferated by being terminally online :marseyidio3: in the age of groomercord :marseyarthoe8: servers

gays are the ones proliferated by being molested


Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space:

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>:!marseytrain:s are proliferated by being terminally online :chudseethe: :marseyhorseshoe: :smugtranstwitter: :#marseyprojection: !grillers

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No doxxing plz

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proliferate deez nuts

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Sure :marseyexcited:

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space:

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When it comes to teenagers, the law is to protect kids from themselves as much as from predatious adults. This goes for boys and girls.

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The law was originally meant to protected girl's virginity. Somewhere in the late 20th century people thought law should be s*x-neutral, even though teenage boys and girls are fundamentally different.

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teenage boys and girls are fundamentally different.

this is transphobia

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It's been ruled that boys are still liable for child support even if they were statutorily r*ped. Also the case for full blown r*pe. The law says boys are on the hook for the kid regardless of any circumstances around its conception.

In 2024 a girl can at least choose to abort it if she doesn't want it. The father has absolutely no say in anything that comes after once the s*x happens. In that sense: s*x has become riskier for men in recent years.

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It's been ruled that boys are still liable for child support even if they were statutorily r*ped. Also the case for full blown r*pe. The law says boys are on the hook for the kid regardless of any circumstances around its conception.

Shit sucks. Abolish child support

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there is an obvious solution to this. Think a bit before bringing forth megar-slurred pseudo-arguments

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What is the obvious solution to an adult molesting a child and a baby resulting from it? Should the 15 year old boy have just said no?

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the obvious, common sense solution is to not make minors and r*pe victims eligible for child support

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No fricking shit? You're a goddarn genius. I totally didn't think of that and there is zero possibility that you have some sort of autism.

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I reread the chain and must've misunderstood your first reply. I might have autism but that is not related to bad reading comprehension

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The law is the way it is to protect those teenagers who don't want to be molested.

No, laws about ordinary non-consesual s*x do that.

The laws about statutory r*pe are there to protect kids from their own stupidity. Because kids are dumb.

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It wasn't dumb of me as a 15 year old to want to have s*x. If I had a time machine, I would transition into a hot girl and let 15 year old me smash

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errrrr, at 15 u completely lacked any ability to form such a consent due to ur underdeveloped mind and general lack of awareness for consequences.

due to this lacking, there was no possible way you could have actually enjoyed that, as both developed consent and complete awareness for consequences are required for sexual enjoyment.

it would have been r*pe either way :marseypathetic2:

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my pp gets hard for hot women

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>at 15 u completely lacked any ability to form such a consent due to ur underdeveloped mind

And when the clock strikes 12 on the night of the 365th day of your 17th year, it magically turns developed enough. Depending on the state and country, of course.

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i do not understand being too young to consent to frick but old enough to be jailed like an adult for violent crimes.

Noooooo you cannot understand s*x at that age but you can understand the consequences of stealing or murder at that age.

Societal laws aren't necessarily about right and wrong but more about what keeps the world spinning without collapse. Otherwise laws would never need changing.

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We lock up criminals so they can't commit crimes.

If someone does some murdering, we lock them up to prevent them doing any more murdering

If someone does some kid diddling, we lock them up to prevent any more kid diddling.

Get it now?

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What if a minor has s*x with another minor. Logically that should be a crime too to prevent the minor from diddling and ruining more minors.

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In some places it is.

But if it's not a crime, then it's not diddling, and if it's not diddling, then there's no need to stop it.

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cute twink

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If anything this is exactly why I'd argue that grooming teenage boys is even worse. They're so overwhelmed with hormones that they aren't used to that their libido will overwhelm what little sense if judgement they have. Grooming and/or fricking teenage boys is like fishing with dynamite.

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I would look back at being dynamited by a 28 year old shawty with gratitude and fondness. In fact, I will postulate that every virgin 16 year old groomed by a grown woman guarantees one less incel among us. !incels

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just yesterday i saw news about this woman molesting a high schooler :marseyclueless:

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The problem with being a female p-do is that you have to find a boy that wont brag to his bros about fricking a teacher.

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I'm way older than 15 and I still want to be molested by a hot 22 year old

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>tfw even NAFO:marseytrain2:s are mocking you


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NAFO:marseytrain2:s are mocking you

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Australia... :hmm: NATO... :doubtspin: Atlantic... :marseygigathonk:

Current hyperfixation:

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:#marseyhmmhips: Feels more like when a foid calls her older sister a MILF after she's had her first kid. Obviously she doesn't mean she wants to frick her.

Doesn't Rihanna prefer scrotes who can beat her to death anyway? :marseysmug2: @YALLAHblessYoTraplord discuss

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:marseyneat: * snap *

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The whole idea that fricking a hot older woman is traumatizing for the average 16 year old guy is so insane that it requires a profound disconnect from reality, and a buying into ideology, to believe it.

The conversation that many people really aren't ready to have, is that it's the same for the average 16 year old girl. Do you really think that the average 16 year old girl is going to be traumatized by fricking a hot older guy, instead of loving it? Lol.

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like drugs its not wrong for children to enjoy them its just bad for them generally as theyre not ready to handle the consequences. We dont punish the adult based on whether the kid enjpyed it, we punish the adult for co tributing to the kids delinquency. Whether they liked/didnt like it bwfore or after is immaterial to whether the adult should face justice.

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This argument only makes sense before condoms and access to abortions existed.

The logic for alcohol is that we cannot punish the child long term for crimes committed under the influence as we would punish an adult for the same crimes committed under the influence.

Also alcohol is supposed to have a negative impact on a growing lad biologically much greater than that on an adult.

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The logic for alcohol is that we cannot punish the child long term for crimes committed under the influence as we would punish an adult for the same crimes committed under the influence.

wtf are you talking about? DUI's are even easier for teens to get than adults bc the breathalyzer only has .02 insteadnof .08 and the punishment is the same, also if a teen kills someone with a car they can and do get the book thrown at them regardless of whether they were drunk. Also teens can catch a seperate criminal charge. the other stuff you said is dumb and wromg too.

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kids are sent to juvie?

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Nobody wants to directly admit that a lot of paraphilias can be traced directly back to childhood experiences. We can't be out here preaching s*x positivity while also acknowledging how many female s*x workers were diddled as kids. We also don't like to talk about how child molesters where themselves molested at a disproportionate rate; it raises a lot of questions about the gays.

Early sexual experiences can warp your brain's relationship with s*x.

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Do you really think that the average 16 year old girl is going to be traumatized by fricking a hot older guy

The keyword here being hot

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I think the problem comes in when you factor that they don't have fully realized consequence part of the brain and can't see past the short term and hormones. Not that adults can't bypass this, but it's easier to manipulate a child so we have to draw the line somewhere

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The only argument that made sense was that fricking can get somebody pregnant and you are supposed to take responsibility for raising a child as a father or mother.

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they don't have fully realized consequence part of the brain

read BIPOC read!

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I willingly sought out older guys in bars when I was a tween and teen but someone should have stopped me, teens don't know shit. The guy who says it was awesome just makes me think of Dennis in Always Sunny desperately coping about how he actually liked being groped by the old lady in school

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Shut up cute twink

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frick her right in the pelvis

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Do I need to fill out the application and excel spreadsheet for the Sankey chart?

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@kaamrev please explain the bear fricking

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I can't explain why it is different for straight young men, but it is. I know it's not fair but it defies explanation.

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Because it's assumed a boy wants it and a girl doesn't.

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Tbh as a CREPE survivor, I wouldn't go as far and say that the boy wants it. But for what it's worth I would blasted fat monster energy loads in my chemistry and drama teachers all day

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lol ur a crepe survivor :marseyinjured: huh i bet crepes scare you huh??? crepe scaredy boy???


lmfao got you lol scared :marseychingchongpearlclutch: of crepes imagine that lmfao

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space:

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Fr bro, I had a gym teacher who was like an old fertility goddess.

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CREPE survivor


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It's because the average 16 year boy could beat the wheels off of 90% of the worlds women

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The pendulum has swung from "nice" when a cougar bangs a teen to "he is always traumatized and acting as if this isn't the case is reinforcing r*pe culture" and quite frankly it's insufferable. It's one of those things where we know it's not true and have to pretend like it is to avoid cancellation.

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They have to act this way to maintain moral consistency. Men and women are equal, and it's wrong when a man fricks someone underage. Believing both of these means you are obligated to feel the same way about female pedos.

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:#marseyfamily: Remember the character in curb that was molested by a supermodel when he was 17?

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I wanted to molest my friend's dad when I was 16 so what's the problem exactly?

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No one sane is listening to some dizzy broad who can't even gather the gumption to wash her gussy on a regular basis :marseynails:

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She's right for once, this makes me feel weird

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>I was abused and physically hurt therefore s*x bad

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I don't get it.

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People normally don't call cops when they enjoyed the s*x, so obviously you will ever only hear about the most traumatizing horrible cases and not about how Auntie Rihanna felt a little too lonely when nephew Drew got dropped at her house.

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oh okay

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wheres the lie

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moids are so degenerate

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Is marsey Machamp supposed to look like it has a gussy?

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The virgin :mars#eymachamp2: vs the chad :mars#eymachamp:

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shit like this is why it takes half an hour to clone the rDrama git repo

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Absolutely :#macroncool:pilled

Except Rhi Rhi is too young for him to ever have been attracted to

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