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So it turns out theres a """"community""""" on twitter that does nothing but seethe about woodstoves

As expected, they're all euros, mostly bongs. They're constantly demanding that governments ban woodstoves, seething about the smell, clawing that it's hurting their health, ect..

These are a few of them:




I have no idea how I got them in my tl but when I talk about how I just burn all the plastic packing stuff from my wife's Amazon packages they sneed

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There's something intrinsically wrong with people who think having the government ban shit is natural


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I read their tweets, they have a "Dear Sub-Human Filth" outlook on life

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But I'm sure when they talk about actual subhuman filth it's nothing but :soyjakwow:

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It's like toddlers running crying to their kindergarten teacher because someone won't let them play with their toys

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We should ban these kinds of posts on /h/drama

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Wood stoves: :marseyraging: :marseyrage:

Private jets for the rich elite :marseydimmadome: and illness :marseypuke: infested cruise ships: :marseyembrace:

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Come and take it cute twinks. I'm not giving up cozy maxxing cause of some cute twinks seething

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!bumpkins no greater feeling than finding out the euros are seething and snarling over something you do all the time

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I got 4 cords ready for winter. Its so goddammed comfy

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how're you stacking?

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I just pile it under my deck :marseyshrug:

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This shit is surprisingly popular on German subs as well.

!Germs let's ban fireplaces and grilling with coal.

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Not like any other german speaking sub is better tbh

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Was trying to link the chuddy version of a germ sub....

BUT IT WAS ALREADY JANNIED :marseyoverseether:




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It's like a holocaust, but for Deutschen


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But to be fair, I ain't that chuddy and I already get some of it by visiting pr0gramm.com

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tbh they're also boring subs, heavily moderated to prevent another ban

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Heck no


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Omg noooo there's smoke getting in my place :marseyscared:

Something something allergies are caused by a lack of exposure to stuff :marseyunamused:

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i mean germans prefer to use gas anyway from what ive heard

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Getting that Rus pack

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We grill with wood, so I don't care!

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That would also be banned for your well-being.

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This is the most 1st world shit, here in :marseyflagsouthafrica: peeps have strip mined every twig and bush and tree in a 10km radius around every township because they burn wood in winter to stay warm



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Why did none of the :marseybrasileiro: join that ping group? They love ping groups. @BWC? :marseyconfused2:

If we create a 3rd worlders ping group I'd get to join. :marseyexcited: Ain't nothing wrong with living in a tin roof shack.

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Just plant new ones. Only r-slurred third worlders would skip the renewable part of renewable energy.

What next, South African single-use solar panels?

R-slurred nogs.

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See Haiti

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why are you a bad person?

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I'm surprised those strags haven't banned them yet. They pollute more than anything else you can own

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Yet we turn a blind eye to placea like India where their use is rampant

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I mean the smoke is pretty awful when people burn wood and theres no wind

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Woodsmoke smells good wtf you talking 'bout niqqa

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I'm not a big autumn/winter enjoyer but I love the smell of burning wood as people start heating their house with it :marseycomfy:

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When people use it for heating and the smoke lays low it's awful because you can't open any windows.

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What kind of wood are your neighbours burning? Doesnt sound like any plain wood tbh.

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Idk it's not fresh air and that's what's bugging me.

But it's only really a problem in autumn

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People put their stoves on when it's cold outside. WTF would :marseymight: you need to open a window :marseysickos2: for?

Your mom's farts that bad?

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Well I'm not cold :marseyindignant:

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NOOOO my air is not purified out a bottle nooooo I can't breathe!

Cute twink.

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Yeah I mean honestly it makes sense to ban them in cities. It would get pretty bad if lots of people in a condensed area were burning wood for fuel. Also, where are you even getting/storing wood? We have so many trees come down that it's basically free heating for us, but even just heating occasionally for cozymaxxing we probably burn through a cord of wood.

I live in a rural part of the PNW that's zoned for farms and 5+ acre residential lots. I can't see my neighbors, but in the winter we actually get air quality warnings because of wood stove smoke. It's not bad enough to bother anyone here, but it would probably get pretty bad in a denser area.

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>Yeah I mean honestly it makes sense to ban them in cities

Unironically keep yourself safe BIPOC cute twink

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I want a woodstove pizza now

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I swear to god this thought-process is some kind of energy company psy-op supported by pod living bugmen.

Nooooooo muh citeh air smells like burnt wood! It's making muh nose hurt!

Burning wood used to be a good thing, didn't it? Like a renewable way of heating your home because you just plant more trees to reabsorb the carbon?

Then suddenly the Guardian started publishing articles about plans to ban wood burners out of nowhere and suddenly it's a bad thing.

I don't know the science, but in a city, are the done particulates generated by a wood stove really more numerous and more harmful than the shit pumped out all day by cars, lorries, buses, etc. plus the associated brake and tyre dust?

How do the tests differentiate between the different sources of particulates?

I am lighting my wood burner tonight and it's not even cold. Breathe my wood smoke cute twinks.

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These people also want to ban cars with "low emission zones"

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Like a renewable way of heating your home because you just plant more trees to reabsorb the carbon?

Renewable in that sense, yes, but not sustainable in any sense considering the energy costs of cultivating more trees to supply demand.

Heating was a major source of European deforestation before other heating options emerged.

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the energy costs of cultivating more trees to supply demand.

You mean planting seeds and then waiting? Yes, very uneconomical.

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"Speaking as an internet expert, you should know that agriculture is actually quite easy and low-effort."

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It's more to the point that fireplaces and hearths were extremely wasteful with heat loss and the amount of wood used to maintain heat. At least :marseyflagnorway: :marseyflagdenmark: :marseyflagsweden: and :marseyflaggermany: created masonry tile stoves with a winding flue chimney and packed stone both burns away any smoke particulates before it leaves the house and absorbs heat from the stones and radiates it out for hours after. 1 firing of 2kg wood could heat the living space for hours iirc. However electric qnd gas heating were invented when these were really becoming more common so this tech was dropped in favout of that.


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benjermain fracklen inverted the metal fireplace, bigot


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1727440929901667.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17274409310216415.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17274409321599739.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17274409335038557.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17274409346996217.webp

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Uhhhhhh yes when talking about forestry.

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"Just throw some seeds on the ground."

"One thing I would like to see done," he stated to a minister in 1582, "is about the conservation of the forests . . . I fear that those who come after us will have much to complain of if we leave them depleted, and please God we do not see it in our time."


More to the point, though: if forest management was easy, deforestation wouldn't have been the global trend for the last 1000 years.

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Forest management is hilariously easy 3rd worlders are just subhuman and incapable of thinking of the future in any way.

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if forest management was easy, deforestation wouldn't have been the global trend for the last 1000 years.

That's to do with grabbing land for agriculture rather than forest management.

If forest management was hard, the natural state of fertile land wouldn't be ... forest.

Educate yourself r-slur.

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The natural state of chopped down forest is overrun with invasive plants

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That's to do with grabbing land for agriculture rather than forest management.

The use for heating was substantial, mentioned right alongside clearing land for farming:

"Already in medieval times there were protests against the destruction of forest land in order to create more arable land to produce food. Wood from trees, often developed as charcoal, constituted the principal source of energy for cooking and heating..."

If forest management was hard, the natural state of fertile land wouldn't be ... forest.

You seem to struggle with what's easy in a millennium versus a century.

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if it's just an occasional thing or in a rural :marseyfrontiersman: area it's not a problem. if an entire city is using wood for heating there :marseycheerup: would :marseymight: be a huge deforestation :marseykilldozerhappy: problem.

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>me, a wood stove enjoyer, when I drive by a forest fire


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Da frick? You can kinda undeestand gas stove stuff. Becouse there is issue if ventilation is bad. But wood stove? There is chimney for reason. And arent woodstoves mainly in rural area? And those few in more densly populated areas. Arent grills issue too then? Both gas and charcoal?

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gas stove mostly fricks up yourself and your children (if at all)

wood stove lowers air quality of whole neighbourhood

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ITT: ameritards being ameritards

On European streets buildings are much more closely packed together

During the winter on streets where residents heat their homes by burning shit it creates thick smog on the streets

It's completely reasonable to be against this

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I assume this is libsphere sneed, but it makes me think of the 2 whole pages in Atlas shrugged devoted to the protagonists crying because they met some r-slurred poors who are ignoring that power of technological progress and civilization by using an electric stove/oven as a wood burning stove and furnace by burning wood in the oven.

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It is not time to lay down nor look down.

It is time to rise.

Battlefield, they put women in it.

Resident Evil, they destroyed it.

Mass Effect, they ruined it.

When is enough, ENOUGH?

Big media has entered the fold. They are here.

They are using advanced strategies to censor us.

This is not one battle.

This is a war.

On all of us.

We all have to work together. Share strategies. Come up with new ones.

Forget which game is better.

We are fighting for our right to boob animation.

If we do not work together, we will all get rekt.

We have to all have an open discussion about this.

It starts right here. Right now.

They want to fck with us. SO BE IT.

We have the power of bots like them.


I am TIRED of it.

Tired of the GAMES and MANIPULATION.

They want WAR.

Then let us GIVE THEM WAR.





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The soft-handed poorly-insulated apartmentcel seethes and shivers under their microplastic-shedding blankets as the electric baseboards costing $1/minute to use struggle to keep put the cold. Their utility has to told them to keep the thermostat set to 60 and not charge their electric car because of heavy load on the grid due to seasonal weather patterns

Meanwhile the LumberChad enjoys a nice beverage next to a crackling fire after a hard day's work splitting firewood they cut with a gas chainsaw and loaded into a 7.3 Diesel F-250

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last year, i lived in a strawbale home heated with an amish woodstove and had constant respiratory infections, it was miserable

still love woodstoves and the lifestyle, though

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Woodstoves kick butt, and thankfully the probability of the Finnish government "banning woodstoves" is a big fat 0.

Burning plastic is subhuman behavior and should get you deported to India.

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