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>vaguely witty rightoid joke :chudsmugtyping:

>here's a list of reasons why i hate you and you should die painfully :soyjaktantrumfasttyping: :marseylongpost:


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hey thanks glad u like it

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Nightmare fuel

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Who the frick is mrs butters?

But like people objectively know who tom macdonald is because libtards complain about him all the time

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https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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"Stop using our likeness" mf Guy Fawkes existed since like 1600s and you're probably a LARPer anyways

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I remember back when the hacking shit that made anon popular was still happening that YourAnonNews repeatedly made embarrassing posts showing they knew nothing about information security. They were always just the Redditor political news feed combined with baseless anon threats

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Guy Fawkes PFPs are worse than script kiddies because at least script kiddies engaged in cyber-tomfoolery.

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I remember my uncle (who does cybersec now) stopping at my house while heading up to Occupy. he kept telling me how cool anonymous was and as a young teen I thought it was cringe af.

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How horrifying :marseypearlclutch:

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No, dont you see, we wear guy fawkes masks to fight for MORE federal government overreach!

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>box office blockbuster comes out in 2006, popularizes anti-establishment symbol

>nerds nobody really talks about in 2008 borrow symbol

>politician in 2024 uses anti establishment symbol from anti establishment movie for anti establishment message

nerdrage :incel: I stole that symbol first

How r-slurred can you be

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More like:

>based guy has a plan to kill a whole bunch of bongs in an explosion

>strags start using his likeness like in that gay movie

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If you want to rage like a mad man :marseytrollcrazy: visit /r/all

All the subs on there are like this

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For more humor check out /r/PoliticalHumor

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What a knee slapper :marseyemojirofl: .

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LMAO who is Hitler to the blacks? Every white person ever until the 1970s?

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Caitlin Clark

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Colonel Sanders

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Diamond, of Diamond & Silk.

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Is that the live one or the dead one?

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Literally no idea

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"Instead of crying. Ever thought about leaving, BIPOC?"

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I like watching /r/all to see a hivemind in action. Itd be impressive if there werent so many bots

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I'd wager about 70-80 percent of activity on Reddit is bot activity at this point. Subs with multi-million users and having 500 active members at any given time, yet still having these worn out political posts get like 20k+ upmarseys does not make sense.

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Nah it's mostly :marseycoomer:, check out the Automod's profile, it's 90% porn

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DAE le evil drumpfffpf empire is bad but fear not, brave literal who green goodperson has called him a poo poo head! Here's footage of his peepee and the phone numbers to all of his family for you to harass so we can fight for the brave new world :marseyreportercnn:

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Every single "own" on there could plausibly be written by :marseyfatrick#:

Criminally unfunny, haughty, and racking their tiny cow brains for their best attempts to make you mad when you can clearly see through the screen how hard they are seething. In many cases for me at least it's (unintentionally from their end) better cringe comedy than any movie or show you could possibly think of

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This is the only subreddit I've seen which has unironically, approvingly quoted :marseyfatrick: as a wordsmith. I wonder what they'd think if they saw that ridiculous /r/autism thread.

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"Youre wrong, simp"

Literally the gayest statement ever

Also Judge Dredd is literally a fascist so the guy couldve just agreed but ofc essentially being a redditor culturally they cant give Britbong capeshit to the chuds

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nu uh :marseyindignant: i like judge dredd so he's by definition not a fascist

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And he likes :marseytrain2:s, poly groups, and overwatch on the Nintendo switch!!! :marseynerd3:

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Imagine how much better society would be if all cops had the judicial freedom and bloodthirst of Dredd.


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It would probably be worse frick pigs free my wigga @HailVictory1776 he dindu nuffin

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tf why did he get banned

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For being a Catholic Patriot

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Elon Musk is a cute twink but you can't call him a simp, he's in the NBA of fatherhood if you know what I mean

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You're just mad that we're singlehandedly dismantling the alt right with our 3 like twitter replies. Your time is running out, chuddie. :marseystealthygeek:

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Shouldnt Judge Dredd be an evil racist pig who executes black people? Redditors should be agreeing with Elon then since apparently everyone who drives a Tesla is helping an evil fascist make money

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MurderedByWords users when someone says n-word: :marseydisintegrate:

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>nword literally murders a racist

>you FAFO now son [insert awkward ebonics here] :soysmug:

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No, its /r/technology.

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Redditors are to democrats what rednecks are to MAGAts. Lower quartile cogs that giggle and clap when they see someone agree with The Good Guys.

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Reddit today is not the reddit you've once known :soysnoo5:

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There is no more "anonymous". Any of those og hackers when it first started, either got arrested or disappeared. That movement died over a decade ago.

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