would you?


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Having a disabled gf would quickly get annoying. Once you're over the novelty of it it'd just be oh yeah we can't do that either because of your legs

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Its impossible to date foid in wheelchair. And i speak wheelchair like that. Legs dont work. Not paralysed neck down who cant do anything without help.

Girls like this have eternal woe is me attitude. Just like you saw in clip. You cant date them becouse they just torpedo it.

They are foids with overloaded victim complex

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They are foids with overloaded victim complex

How is it possible for a woman to have an even greater victim complex than usual?


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When, for once, she actually has a reason to complain

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same applies to many long-term illnesses/allergies or other restrictions, including dietary ones

like a vegan gf would get really annoying even if they weren't preachy at all about it, every time you cook dinner you need to make sure it's vegan or at least half of it is vegan, not to mention the annoying restrictions in finding a restaurant if you want to go out

while I don't think I'd leave my gf if she developed such a condition, I sure as heck would never begin a relationship with somebody like that

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I dated a girl who had Type 1 Diabetes and that shit was a fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking drag. Hooooly shit.

Couldn't even do half the foid shit you'd normally do because of it.

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im curious and want to know more bc i know abt the beetus

did she use it as an excuse like 'oh we cant get ice cream it has too much sugar'

or did she just suck at taking care of her shit?

idk i used to know a fat type 1 who whined hard enough to get a wish granted from the make a wish ppl lol

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Just no sweets, no water, very little red meat, even annoyingier mood swings because you can't appease them with sweets, lack of outdoor activities.

The only upside was she was skinny with C cups and got me free Starbucks.

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>no water

>minimal red meat, a good low carb food

>no working out outdoors

>no sweets? even if sugars dropped?

im honestly shocked lol

she probably came off as bipolar too from sugar swings, bc if she wasnt drinking water(!!) she sure as shit wasnt managing her beetus right

n if she worked at starbies caffeine will spike your sugar without needing to actually ingest sugar (liver) so im sure that was fun to deal with too lol

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Just wildly cranky and on edge like 90% of the time.

Honestly thought she was fiending on drugs until I found out it was Type 1 beetus and she was doing it wrong because of foidism.

Foids need to drink more water, that shit like solves 75% of their issues.

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that plus getting sunlight helps a lot

idk its a shame she was her own worst enemy, some t1s arent r-slurs but there are so few its not like you should have to worry abt ending up with another one lol

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It's good that you clarified it as type 1 Diabetes , didn't want to think about you as a hambeast lover :marseydisgust:

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I blame Katawa Shoujo honestly for this misadventure.

Got all into a "I can save this medically damaged yet attractive girl" mindset.

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Even having a vegan friend is fricking annoying. Trying to find places to eat on a road trip was a nightmare. Like b-word, bring a bag of broccoli or something. And they will inevitably serve you vegan food to prove that it's good while you make this face :marseygrin:

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My sister is a vegan. Like won't own a cat because they eat meat vegan but she'll cook meat for her family without a problem. She's a live and let live type of person.

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gf, b-word? I thought the fricking question was fricking for !male feminists :#marseyconfused:

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imagine the head

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I can't believe :marseyparappa: the Bong was right :marseyhesklennyyouknow: about something.

Planets in alignment or smthg idk

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Only have to tie two limbs tho

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unless ur like the jerry rig everything guy

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I bet the s*x would be great if you both had a r*pe kink.

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100% :m#arseywould:

mainly for her personality :marseylaying:

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what the heck is happening to this website, it's full of woman-loving HOMOS


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Its well known women can either develop a personality OR working legs so this one checks out actually

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The fact that she'd probably lovingly fold your clothes for the next 50 years is an infinite amount of good mental health my dude

Turns out personality is in fact the most important thing in a woman, who knew

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She can barely move her body in any fashion, tf makes you think she's the ones that's going to do chores

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my dude

unironically keep yourself safe

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:marseyextinction: sorry cyberdick I think you have a really nice personality, but you're kinda ruining my vibe when I pop those sick wheelies.

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I haven't left the house in 3 days but no cap if that lady were to ask me, I am a very active person and I hiked 20km this weekend

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Foid at her most powerful through eternal victimhood :marseygoku: :gigachadqueen:

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She should only demand a man who lifts every single day of the week, so that she can wrap her arms around his neck and dangle and enjoy his life vicariously like Miquella.


Wheelie sistas: find yoself a brainwashed superman like Promised Consort Radahn.

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No. I'm looking :marseyviewerstare: for an equal :marseyjustice: partner in life; physically, financially, and mentally. I'm already a caregiver professionally. I don't aim to hurt people's feelings :marseydesmond: but frankly I don't want to leave :marseypeaceout: work each day to carry most of the weight :marseyoverheadpress: of the day to day. I see relationships as a team, we each do our part and help each other when they slip. Say I marry :marseycupid: an able bodied woman :marseymisssize: and later :marseywave2: in life she becomes disabled :marseyblind: due to an accident or such, that's different :marseydumbcomparison: and I'll care for her till death :marseyropeyourselfmirror: do us part, but I don't want that as the baseline.

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>equal partner in life; physically, financially, and mentally

Hope you like men then. :marseysmug2:

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Im genuinely jellous of gays.

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Don't be, they have different problems instead. Getting into a relationship is easier, but maintaining one significantly harder. Cheating is rampant, and fights escalate to actual fights way more often.

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Still. Least divorces and least domestic abuse. And you have to deal with bro rather then foid. Fact that there are two men. Everything so much easier sudendly. From fysical tasks to thinking

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>least divorces

Kind of hard to get divorced when you don't settle down and just go from piss orgy to piss orgy.

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Yeah, gays do have some advantages in that area but the set of gays who get divorced is a subset of those who get married in the first place and the latter group is by no means representative of the "community" at large in the first place. It's basically that a group of people who are already pre-disposed towards marriage far more than the average do well in those marriages they were pre-disposed to maintain anyway.

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and fights escalate to actual fights way more often.

Are gays higher than normal people? I only know lesbians top the chart

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It's because women are more likely report DV, even the mildest shit. Dudes are like " :marseyshrug: he split my lip but I gave him a black eye, seems fair". But from my experience yes, gay domestic disputes get physical more often.

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It has to be harder right, otherwise the straights would be all over them right? :marseydeadinside:

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Homos get the s*x, straights get the relationships

Only be jealous of the :gay: s if your idea of a good time is having semi-annonymous s*x with no strings attached for the rest of your life.

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Broh you're already disabled to need to put 5 marseys in every sentence :marseymarseyloveorgy:

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I have my comments Marseyfied so it automatically does that.

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A wom*n???? :marseypuke: :marseypuke: :marseypuke: :marseypuke: :marseypuke: :marseypuke:

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but only cos her face is ugly

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Bet her legs are also ugly

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Probably not because paralysed people have gross legs :marseyyikes:

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Don't be fooled by her: "Oh nooo you're active? You need someone better, who's not in a wheelchair"

This just means she thought the guy was not up to her standards

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Nope. Wheelchair girls are like that. Just think about it. Their kitty is broken. Theh dont feel sexual satisfaction like normal person dose.

For them its all emotional. But not in lets hold hands in way. But in way look at me. Look how good and selfless person im.

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Disagree, wheelchair or not, they want the same thing. They want to parade around the most handsome, accomplished guy the can find as their bf. If Chris Hemsworth came on the show she wouldn't give a frick how active his lifestyle is

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Nah. They would make whole dog and pony show how they cant be one to hold them back. More perfect man is. More satisfaction they get from "sacrificing" themselves for him. These girls are broken more ways then one.

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Hmmm I see your point better now, though I can't say who's right. It's about attention or social standing either way.

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Have you ever spend time with girl whos in wheelchair? I have. And thats he way it was.

Even when she talked how she hasn't had bf after she lost use of her leggs. And i know for fact i wasnt only one who had tried to date her. But outcome was always same. Its like she was matrix dodging every man

She was cute and nice. But it was just ultimate victim around the clock. Her victimhood was even sexual. She would say if she got toghetor. She would be fine with him having side chicks becouse how broken down her body is.

And i know it wasnt me that was issuem becouse she was down to send out right smut for me. I saw every part of her. When she wanted atenttion. She might just text me picture of her tits.

But eventually i just cut her off becouse she didnt want to commit. Becouse her victim complex.

Then years later i found another girl in wheelchair in 100km away. I chated with her and she was excatly same. Except she didnt sext. But same song and dance about how she really wants relationship. But when you were willing make that step. Oh noh. Me so broken.

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!fellas Get yourself a cuckqueen :marseydisabled: gf

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you're fricking bananas if you think I'm reading all that, take my downmarsey and shut up idiot

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Does she have a working peepee? If so :marseywould:

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@carpathianflorist give the naysayers "ablist fricks" badge

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Typical foid "woe is me look how selfless I am".

I like running / hiking. But I do those activities on my own. Sure occasionally when on vacation it's fine to do the stuff with friends, but on a normal day? A bottle of wine, some dried meat, some cheese and off I go. Being able to stop at any time, being able to turn around without having to care about another person?

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