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J powell the god pulls it off

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me when I'm the president and I have control over the dial that controls inflation and oil prices but I start thinking about fat peepees and I realize that the whole cabinet is watching


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start thinking about fat peepees

Literally me

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Did they remove even more "unessentials" like housing and food from the measurement?

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everyone make fun of this guy for being r-slurred lmao

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pizza can you ban me with your new powers :marseyshy:

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Ban @MarkRippetoe too

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For being right?

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@pizzashill says to make fun of himself but that seems weird

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Youre literally pizzashill lmfao

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Food prices aren't really up by that much.

I eat the same bodybuilding diet every week and I went from around 45$/wk in 2020 to 60$/wk in 2024. Obviously a lot of inflation but not nearly as much as advertised.

Most of the "food inflation" complaints come from urban yuppies who pay someone to drive fast food to them. Wagies got a pay raise, which means that people who eat out a lot pay more for food. People who pay for a limo for their burrito pay more.

Raw foods are still cheap.

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>33% inflation in 4 years

>"not much"


anyways housing costs are far higher and also make up the bulk of basically everybody's budget. It's insane to exclude them.

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Housing costs were high because people don't build housing.

This primarily happens because of high crime making people afraid of blacks moving near them if prices go down.

Given that Kamala has been accused of keeping people in prison for slave labor, I think she's going to be better than trump at stopping crime.

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>there's a house in Nebraska near a bunch of r-slurred meth addicts

Ok this has 0 impact on housing demand. It's like telling me that there are houses available underneath a lava flow in hawaii

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Sounds, cozy :#marseyneet:

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This reminds me of a multipurpose sporting field, where the goals are on wheels for easy relocation.

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33% inflation across 4 years is fricking bad and basically what has been advertised you r-slur.

When inflation was at 9% in 2022 people were going nuts over it and it was that high for one year.

You just said your groceries were at 8% inflation across four years. Thats terrible inflation.

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People don't understand this price increase has unironically destroyed an entire generation. Zoomers will literally never recover from 40% of their money vanishing overnight.

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Inflation has mostly cooled down. I saw a big jump from 2020-2021-2022.

Not much after that. And groceries are still extremely cheap compared to salaries. Most people's salaries also jumped.

The biggest increase in food costs is from resturaunts.

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You literally posted an example of a 33% increase in grocery prices over 4 years (8% inflation per year) and are now trying to say it wasnt that bad???

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Food was extremely cheap to begin with so whenever someone says that they can't afford to eat it usually means that they can't afford to have chipotle doordashed to them.

An extra 60 bucks a month (mostly from trump's massive stimulus) isn't really a huge deal.

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>I eat the same bodybuilding diet every week


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You don't have horse electrolytes?

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A few pounds of chicken, 2 pounds of cheese, 2 gallons of milk, some whey, and whatever fruit I want+rice

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Based, I do the same thing. I always laugh listening to the other PhD students complain about spending $100+ per week :marseycool2:

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Smh 30% inflation in Gorilla Chow? How wil l the gorillas survive

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Mother fricker my grocery bill is larger than bardfinns peepee.

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I doubt that. Have you seen that jawline? And he's got alleged meth arrests. Dude is probably swinging some awful :marseytrain2: peepee.

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 01 hours 40 minutes and 19 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

rdrama is currently running at 336.42 Β΅Bardyhertz

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$45/wk to $60/wk is a 33% increase.

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Literally everything in aldis costs like 30% more. I am absolutely butt blastingly anal about paying attention to prices.

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Neighbor out here eatin monkey biscuits

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Personally I hope bodega prices go up 300%

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Weve got a mathlet over here!

Ill help you out: 1.33 = (1 + x)^4

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Most of the price increase was in the first 2 years of the admin and was due to Covid supply shocks.

Prices rarely go down.

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You forgot the poors who mostly eat fast food are also up in arms

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They started offsetting costs by subtracting all the free air you are allowed to breathe

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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it's still up 20% over the last 5 years so whats the fricking dif

round of applause, you avoided becoming zimbabwe. congrats, i guess :tayclap:

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Lmao soft landed a once in a generation shock.

Came out better than everyone else.

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An unnecessary self-imposed once in a generation shock that has essentially fricked everything

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It was life or death plague sweaty. No I don't know anyone who died why do u ask

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Stop doing uber eats for breakfast lunch and dinner like a fattie fattie fat fat and you'll be fine, seethington

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A basement dwelling loser like yourself probably can't grasp the concept of providing for an entire family. I've recieved substantial COLAs during all this and it still hasn't been enough.

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I've got a wife and kids in a high COL area. Maybe you should stop re-enacting Super Size Me with your kids, dumbass.

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you don't get a pat on the back for cleaning up the shit you took on the floor

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?? how did they take a shit on the floor?

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gee idk maybe by having 0% rates for the last 15 years

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That isnt why the global economy shut down lmao

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it is why we've had 20% inflation in the last 5 years.

you cant blame it on covid bc the fricking rates were already basically 0 before covid even happened

it's been that way since fricking 2008


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No it literally isnt.

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yes it literally is.

when you have 0% interest rates for a decade and the money printer goes brrr it drives inflation.

this creates bubbles in the economy - which is reflected in things like the inflated prices in the housing market.

which im sure you're well aware of. or maybe you aren't, i'm not sure if other people are still paying your rent for you.

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Aw he thinks Covid was a once in a gen shock. Doesn't even realize that mpox is coming for his micro peen

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Rate cuts usually signal an incoming recession. They literally just cut the rates.


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or they're going to straight up stop a recession.

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They won't. They'll just say it's not a recession.

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There was no recession lol.

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Feels good having come out of covid having doubled my salary

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I put everything into amazon at 80 something a share during covid lol. insane money making chance covid was, it's crazy how anyone is struggling after covid. if you just pumped that free money into the market you'd have beat inflation by miles.

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Even just switching jobs while employers were desperate

Don't let people tell you it's all doom and gloom, opportunity is unbelievable out there

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How poor are you that you qualified for that free money?

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I never actually got any money lol.

I just put my savings in the market.

Im saying a ton of people got unemployment out the butt.

My friends gf was getting like 4500 a month while on leave from her job.

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RemindMe! 2 years

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I will be messaging you on 27.09.2026, 21:04 UTC to remind you of this comment

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No see, our throttling of the economy is coming to its wind down, so we really did a great job.


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We did it spongebob we saved the inflation! Just like we did with the jobs!

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They only lowered inflation so Kamala could win. Come November 6, Powell is going to set inflation at 9% you'll see!

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til inflation is just a dial in the govt someone can just set... why do those bastards ever forget to turn it down???

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They do it just to annoy wingcucks.

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Wouldn't have needed to lower it if her administration wasn't so terribly incompetent

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Why would they set it at 9% after she won? Wouldn't that make her look bad?

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Once she wins they are getting rid of elections and appointing a delegation of illegals to write legislation.

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:letsfu#ckinggofast: :letsfu#ckinggofast: :letsfu#ckinggofast:

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Four years to forget. Remember it's the most important election ever.

(I don't know or even think they will, but it's not about long term, it's always just about the next win.)

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Hey pizza what is Kamala gonna focus on now that she was able to make those corporations end their price gouging?



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What's donald Trump gonna focus on? or is he gonna bank on the fact most rurals are illiterate and have no idea whats going on?

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Answer the question, r-slur.

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Closing the border and expelling the Haitian car eaters. You should be excited

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What's crazy is you keep insulting him but the economy was great up until dems reacted to covid. We could have just ignored a little coof neighbor.

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I'm pretty sure rurals have higher literacy rates than BIPOCs.

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Been a janny for 2 hours and this cute twink is already pinning his uninteresting bullshit.


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>excluding food and energy


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and housing, right?

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If the nintendo switcherino still costs 300 for the base model, then inflation don't real!


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It actually blows my mind how dumb you people are.

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They should be afraid to lie to blatantly. I'm as ready to see the poor suffer in the next economy crash as much as the next guy, it's just that I'm embarrassed the poor make themselves so easy to oppress. If I was poor, I'd get all my poor buddies together and start tarring and feathering bureaucrats

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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How long does a monthly compounding 2% take, to add up to a 100% increase?

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It's annualized, r-slur

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fails to respond, flings poo

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Pizza how do you feel about current deficits? Im of the mind the country would be in a recession if not for the feds foot being slammed on the deficit spending pedal

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Cautiously optimistic that we could actually manage a soft landing from the Fed. I didn't think that raising rates to a flat point and setting it there was going to do the job, but without any other impetus for change, this could somehow have been the right plan. Honestly, holy shit

Granted the damage over the past 4 years is what it is, can't expect things to get cheaper but if this levels out to 2% then I'm going to be in great shape financially. Can't wait to refinance my Feb 2024 mortgage rate (I put 20% down) in 2025 if the plan continues forward. If I can refi from 6.625% to sub 5% I'll be ecstatic

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For ages I've heard nonstop jokes in media, on the internet, and from others that make it seem like having a small peepee is somehow a death sentence or makes for some unbearable existence. I disagree. I have what I'd take to be a rather small member, probably no more than 4 inches when erect, and when flaccid, I get that epic Greek statue look.



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