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SHOCKING: Carp Woz Rite

In the latest installment of the Strange Egyptian Man Tries to Destroy His Own Creation Saga, we see my dear friend/two-person-clique associate shadowbanned for....saying the same thing everyone else is saying? Capy, if you're going to uphold rule 19, uphold it for everyone and not just the people you find obnoxious. :marseyrapscallion:

Tldr: Patsy gets threatened with ANOTHER ban after making a joke about @MoonMetropolis moving to Germany for their uber-eurostrag new pedophilia laws. Many other people who also thought such things would be funny agree. Aevann continues to go to great lengths to protect this man with terrible, hideous skin to match his equally terrible, hideous personality (and a yapping problem to boot) for reasons not yet understood :marseysuspicious:. This upsets Patsy, so he makes a callout thread including all the other jokes, but gets shadowed by Aevann :marseysigh:, just like that time he banned me for seven days for calling him out for censorship and telling him to kiss it :marseykissit: (which is still true, btw :marseybutt:). Patsy ultimately gets banned for continuing to talk about it.

Dms between the two are below:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17274710990452292.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17274710993773112.webp

Let us not forget that arrrrdramadotnet is a Reddit offsite, so Reddit behavior is TBE. :marseythumbsup: Jannoids gonna janny, kill all jannies, etc etc :marseyyawn:

Attached are all the jannied comments about Moon! Aevann is now shadowing anyone who talks about this.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1727471098217403.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17274710983991342.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17274710985687451.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17274710987487204.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1727471098912474.webp

Censorship is boring and is making this site boring. :marseymagdump: !metashit

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Everyone likes Moon and everyone hates Patsy. Deal with it.

This is fricking boring and Patsy is a shrill annoying failson.

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Everyone likes Moon and everyone hates Patsy

Wrong. !commenters discuss

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Patsy is annoying and Moon is cringe.

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I like Grue !friendsofgrue

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Does Pasty even comment? From what I recall all he does is create 50 different chat groups and spam invite people

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post pipe

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no. its over.

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i don't know anyone worth their salt who hates patsy. moon is a cringe essayposting nihilist and contributes very little to this world, much less this website. the moon circlejerk is getting really old.

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Oooh I see its power user squabbling because a new guy showed up and zoomed right past them in the rdrama zeitgeist. This makes a lot more sense


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moon has BEEN here for months, he's not new. we're squabbling over censorship and i'm not a poweruser lmfao, my truescore is visible moron.

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Ayy girl lemme eat that butt and turn your truescore into a pooscore.

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Months is absolutely new lmfao. You're clearly a power user despite your lack of true score due to the fact you communicate off-site about this shit

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moon has been here for months but in those months he's done nothing but constantly fricking post, which makes him a regular degular dramatard. i hardly use this website anymore and have absolutely zero stake in anything that goes on here. i don't use chats, i usually only post manuls, and i hardly comment unless there's good drama to participate in. i'm not a poweruser, by definition. most people have no idea who i am. besides, where would i communicate offsite? i have no idea what you're talking about. :marseybutt:

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!commenters massive cope

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Whose alt are you?

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Whichever your mind can imagine :)

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i have no clue what you're talking about :#marseyregular:

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He literally has 4x the truescore of you lol

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which makes me.....not a poweruser and him....a poweruser (:

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This is why it's important to kill your need for validation. I know I'm the funniest and most interesting poster and nobody could ever convince me otherwise.

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This is all so r-slurred

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At least it's entertaining, I've been sipping all day enjoying the slap fighting :#marseysipping:

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i'm defo enjoying this

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Has patsy done anything bad besides ping !metashit a lot before moon showed up? I never had a problem with them.

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He's a cute twink

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Aren't we all? - Lil B

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hang yourself

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no lmfao. he posts manul and drama from around the internet like anyone else, is gaylord of a bunch of chats, and brings site traffic in by dragging people from other websites to this shithole. he's mischievous but that's what makes a good dramautiist.

this post rests on patsy land

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wow that is SO true

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he is CONSTANTLY whining about it on groomercord.

i go to rdrama, patsy and moon whine :marseycomplain: and attack :marseychudheart: each other, but moon isnt on the groomercord :marseyrule4: sever im on, therefore he automatically wins

i do not care about literally :marseyme: anything :marseycoleporter: else im tired :marseygood: of this BORING :marseycricket: drama :marseypopcorn: pooping up the metashit pings

give me the day ban for groomercordposting or whatever :marseytippinghand: but patsy is literally :marseyme: currently whining as im typing :marseyalt: this

make a separate ping group :marseymarseyloveorgy: so that moon and patsy can ping each other's friend :marseychinchilla2: groups or whatever, for the record in the spiderman :marseynouautism: drama :marseypopcorn: i sided with spiderman :marseynouautism: ever since i was first :marseywinner: shown a picture of his peepee. havent seen moon's peepee, so spiderman :marseynouautism: wins by default :marseyraccoonregular: in that drama :marseypunished2:

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Can you tell Patsy on Groomercord that I hate him and I'm glad he's banned and that Aevann is currently in the process of handing all his chats over to me please?

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>Aevann is currently in the process of handing all his chats over to me


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he says

"idgaf he can give all the worst users my stuff" because hes never :marseyladybugitsover: coming back

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"idgaf he can give all the worst users my stuff" because hes never coming back


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Carp rule 4

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im ready :marseyexcited: i deserve it


to clarify i have no problems with anyone involved :marseynorm: in this drama :marseypopcorntime: outside :marseytouchgrass: of when they whine :marseycomplain: about it because i do not CARE and im TIRED :marseybearsleep: of seeing it.

all glory be to Aevann :marseypharaoh2: for i shall never :marseyitsover: question :marseyladybugconfused: his actions

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is gaylord of a bunch of chats

There's your problem.

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Why would anyone be in an rdrama chat to begin with? :marseyyikes:

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Let alone a bunch of them. A bunch of chats is cliquey teenage foid behaviour, considering it's 90% of the same people in each one they just rotate who's left out that they're bitching about.

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Ban everyone in every chat except the fighting game chatters

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He actually summoned MoonMetropolis here IIRC

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contributes very little to this world, much less this website.

Holy shit fricking keep yourself safe.

You cute twinks pit yourselves against a terrorist with super-autism and you end up coming off as the weird ones.

Get a fricking life offline you sad children.

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Lmao I've realized my initial opinion on MM is entirely based on him looking like he got repeatedly beaten with a shovel as a child in that mugshot. Seems like a decent enough dude for having gone through the federal prison system.

@MoonMetropolis I do NOT want to frick you and that is saying a lot (I'm sure you were very concerned) but keep doing you.

There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

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@MoonMetropolis assume you're referring too the lesions on @MoonMetropolis's forehead. They were from picking at @MoonMetropolis's skin, which is a bad nervous habit that got far worse in solitary confinement. That mugshot was taken after spending several months in solitary confinement.

White extinction is long overdue.

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He doesn't have bad genetics you guys, he's just mentally fragile to the point that he self harms when he gets too bored

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i have a life offline and i still find him repulsive and obnoxious. what now?

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what now?

Clutch pearls even harder until Aevann makes the meanies go away?

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can u read? i am the meanies.

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No you're a whiny zoomer cute twink who's crying because your bum buddy has been kicked and it's oh so unfair.

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Wow I'd forgotten how annoying you are to be in the crosshairs of


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it's truly a skill, gotta hand it to him

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i'm calling out censorship. hey @MoonMetropolis, does this BIPOC swallow or does he swish it around like mouthwash first?

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noooooooo he censored my fwiend patsy for being pathetic and annoying nooooo it's like really bad imma gunna piss and shit and whine all day about it it's so unfair!

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moon is a gigacringe poster which is why I wish you'd stop with this p-do nonsense and just focus on how fricking annoying and neurodivergent he is.

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It's funny that @MoonMetropolis beefs with @DeathToAllChuds because they have similar posting styles.

Do I hear wedding bells in the future? :marseybride:

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deathtoallchuds is the guy who pretended to be that ethot, right?

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god i hope so

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u suck and are boring

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i talk about that plenty and i'm not even the one pushing the p-do shit. i spoke on what i thought about it already but my main issue with this entire situation is that aevann chooses to protect a user that most of us can't fricking stand for that exact reason while punishing/censoring a user that actually contributes meaningfully to the site, on top of doing the same to everyone who defends him and speaks out about it. THAT is my problem.

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Fake nihilist* which is the real problem

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I don't really care about either of them :marseysipping:

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