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after months of my bitching

labor and relations has finally banned the use of vacation time as sick time. the wagies are enraged, they can't accept the fact they won't be able to call out 9x a month anymore.

Fricking r-slurs are gonna have to work for a living.

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Anything stopping them from cashing the vacation at end of year after taking equivalent unpaid sick time?

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the company generally pays you out on the vacation time you have left, I'm not sure how the carry over works tbh, I don't think you can carry over more than 2 weeks.

if you're salaried it's "use it or lose it" it fi you're hourly it gets paid out.

the thing is they're using vacation time to avoid being fired for excessive call outs.

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It's wild that the company let people do that in the first place.


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I fully agree

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Your state's employment law is dogshit.

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Your state's employment law is dogshit.

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Maybe I'm misunderstanding but if someone uses their entitled and limited vacation time to take a fricking day off then what does it matter if they're sick or not, b-word? At the fricking end of the fricking day they are fricking entitled to that time off and from the fricking companies perspective the fricking employee is fricking likely to take their full vacation allotment in the fricking year whether they use it on sick days or in a fricking big chunk before the fricking the fricking cut off.

Also who's gonna enforce the fricking new rule where you can't be sick during your vacation time and how, b-word? I have more questions but I'm too lazy to type them out.

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You can request vacation time. You cant call out and then use vacation time after the fact anymore.

The issue is vacations are planned - they can be covered out. Some guy calling out 6 times in a week and using vacation time cannot be covered out and is not planned.

Managers just wont approve the vacation time use anymore.

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I don't think this is going to work like you think it will work. Wagies will get fired or leave, and still get paid out their vacation time once they do. They don't care as long as they get $$$, they'll find another shit job to suck at.

The revolving door of irresponsible workers will continue, only now it's noobs that are being trained from the ground up and causing experienced workers more stress, just to repeat the process of hire-fire/leave.

$$$ does not correlate to work ethic.

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I dont care if they get paid out lol. The payout isnt the issue, its the 7 call outs a month.

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They should get fired for excessive absences. Getting paid for time off by using PTO doesn't absolve them of excessive call-outs.

You have a problem with management not doing their jobs and holding employees accountable. It has nothing to do with getting paid for the time off, but you made it about that instead?

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BIPOC using vacation time counted as protected time meaning you couldnt hold them accountable.

The "you can take action" point is 4 call outs in 1 month that arent covered by protected time.

Nothing i said was ever about the pay outs.

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Where the heck are you or what shithole global corporation do you work for that using vacation time retroactively is protected from discipline for calling out?

I'm being real here Pizza, serious WTF. I'm in freedomcommieland and even we don't protect that.

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Have you considered that you're an butthole who's disrupting the delicate balance between labor and capital by being a bootlicking cuckold?

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"why yes, you should be allowed to harm the business by calling out 9x a month on 0 sick hours."

hopefully anyone abusing this shit ends up fired and living on the street.

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>Fricking r-slurs are gonna :marseyvenn6: have to work for a living.


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Aren't you a leftoid? Since when did you become so aggressively capitalist?

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When he had to start working :marseysmug2:

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Many many such cases lol

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he's what !leafs call a red tory, socially leftist but economically conservative

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socially leftist

>Hates foids

>Says n-word


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He's a 1950's liberal

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That somehow makes him a rightoid?

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No I'm jealous of his brash and carefree attitude


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he's a master of nuance

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are you brave enough to take the blue elephant pill


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We have such terrific ideological sights to show you, non-leafs. Have you ever heard of a Fabian Absolutist?

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He's an enlightened centerist. :marseybiden:

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!friendsofpizzashill hes been a tough Jannie :marseyban: IRL. I hope he is benevolent on rdrama :marseyworried:

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Not if the union has anything to say about it. I think another strike is in order.


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i hope they do go on strike, they ran out of money last strike lmao. the company has them by the balls.

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thats not very class conscious of you

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What does class have to do with someone just not showing up to work

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because stealing from managers is based

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Let's see you try that in red china you fricking libtard motherlover

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So what are people supposed to do if they have an unscheduled LSD comedown? Work?


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Yep. Or use the 48 hours a year they get.

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Having a job where you're distinctly aware of how many sick hours you have left and exploiting them without consequence sounds nice

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can they call out sick if they take it unpaid? cos 48hrs sick time per annum would leave me in a bind, i get wicked sinus infections 2 to 3 times a year that lay me out for days

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You can have 4 a month.

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thats bretty good

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amerimutts and workers rights :marseylaughpoundfist:

You mutts are such fricking bootlickers, the communists of capitalism

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I'm so glad I'm unemployed.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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? how is a STEMcel foid unemployed

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She's retired :marseyboomer:

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aw heck yeah. Now it's beer, grillin, and keeping my tits from touching the floor.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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By choice. :marseycheers:

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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wow, based, congrats queen :marseycheers2:

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Big win king. They'll have to respect you now.

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:marseyjanny2: :marseyjanny2: :marseyjanny2:

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Impotent manager seethe

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y would u do that to yourself?

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Some places force you to use vacation time for your first day or two of sick leave.

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@pizzashill have you ever thought about going into business for yourself? It's pretty fricking dope. I'm sure @arsey would agree.

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