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:redlight: :marseyhappening: Hezbollah leader is dead! :marseyhappening: :bluelight:


Interesting reddit comments, dunno how true they are :marseyshrug:

Speculations in Israeli media say he asked to be hidden in the Iranian embassy to Lebanon, but was denied because the Iranians feared Israel would attack the consulate, like we did in Syria, which would oblige them to fire hundreds of cruise missiles and drones like last time, only that this time it would definitely have caused a major war.

His main bunker was underneath a mountain (which Israel also knew well but it was a lot harder to target effectively). After the beeper attack Hezbollah couldn't communicate effectively but in person, which led to him to make a quick visit to the HQ in Beirut to meet with what's left of the Hezbollah and Iranian command group, scheduling this to be when Netanyahu is in the UN thinking Israel won't approve such a thing when he is abroad.

Little did they knew, Israel played 4D chess

Pagers exploded, switched to radios, those exploded too and then they were too scared of electronics and met in person and they got exploded by fighter jets with bunker busters in their HQ.

This have been one of the cleanest operations ever.

Someone suggested that it was the absence of Bibi and US ceasefire proposal that forced them all to meet.

Israel destroyed Hezbollah in 2 weeks. Began with the pagers, took the entire leadership down, and now the head.


Israel is more safe now, Lebanon is more safe now

It's been a long time since a first-world military has fought without pulling it's punches, most people have gotten used to half-arsed counter insurgency stuff and forgotten what a Western military can actually do if they want to.


There's parties in the streets of Lebanon, you can find them all over social media posting.

Same in Israel. Literally just woke up and first thing I hear are people celebrating.


Great news, condolences to Ireland




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They might have killed his daughter too: https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-822125

"We are embarrassed that we have made such a small sacrifice compared to other families of martyrs," [the daughter] stated, highlighting the family's conviction and commitment to Hezbollah's ideology.

Not a problem any longer :marseyderp:

Hezbollah confirmed it too: https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1frcdpw/hezbollah_announces_the_death_of_its_leader/


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Israel solving literally everyone's problems, take a fricking bow mossad :marseyclapping:

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17275254980259151.webp Bro trust me, just one more arab tinpot dictator to kill, it'll stabilize the region this time I swear.

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The people of lebanon aren't celebrating this on the streets, they're actually videos from 9/11. Also if you kill your enemies they win


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They celebrated Hussein and Gaddafi's downfall too, and those countries have been mad max movie sets ever since. What's your point? :marseyunamused:

Rejoice, northrop grumman. US boots are never gonna leave the fricking desert.

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>Implying lebanon hasn't been a mad max movie set, complete with the ridiculous gasoline explosions, for decades

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Choosing to be poor instead of making jew bucks

It's like if Canada decided to have a hostile relationship with US

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if gaza wasn't gigar-slurred they would have been a seaside resort country rolling in money to the point where "palestinian" would be more synonymous with money than "jew"

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RIP the Paris of the Middle East. You shone too bright :marseylibations:

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Iraq is way better now than under Saddam lol.

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!ummah !r-slurs I cringe every time I click on an Israel/Hamas/Hezbollah thread because of how embarrassing it is that /r/worldnews bots and rDrama r-slurs share the exact same opinion.

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My condolences on your loss today bro :marseyknowthatfeelbro:

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My condolences that you are not only financially but mentally shackled by Schlomo the Mossad agent

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With Jews, you win!

:ch!adjew: :marseybux: :marsey!fluffy:

Without Jews, you lose

:chudmuslim: :marseybeggar:

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Unless you're Uncle Bashar

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Sorry about your genetic inferiority.

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:chadjewrentfree: :@gabrielmartinellipat:

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Hope youre doing okay :marseycheerup:

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Jews are pretty based hope this helps

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My opinion is I'm Bimothy hello :marseywave2:

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Hi :marseywave3:

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Rdrama just sides with whoever's winning. We like geopolitical bullies here.

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Israel acting like 2005 USA isn't a good thing

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Accept Jewish Supremacy, Chud.

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Cut you're peepee off for palestinian lives matter!

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they're the ones who caused it ... :marseyhmmhips:

literally just clearning up their shit, and this probably isn't the end cause of all the collateral they caused in the process.

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She hot?

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No :marseymid:


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She's so fire

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You can keep her then :marseythumbsup:

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Sure lemme scoop her up


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She looks like you're typical palestinian lives matter supporter

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Coopting your comment, this situation is not in favor of the US as the US has once again asked Israel to stop bombing Lebanon and Israel has defied the US push for peace.

The US does not benefit from having an Israel in the middle east that isn't willing to cooperate with the US. At that point its just another aggressor state in the middle east.

Israel is the closest it has ever been to losing US support in the region so far.

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US doesn't give a shit about what Israel does. It's just election year and Murica wants to pretend to be the reasonable guy in the meeting room.

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It's truly incredible how bad Biden was cucked here. Netanyahu says he agrees to a cease-fire, flies to New York. Says he never agreed to the cease-fire and directly calls Biden a liar. Goes to the UN and does his usual clown show there. Does a photo op of himself in New York ordering the assassination of Nasrallah, the ultimate escalation.

Say what you will about the guy, but he is an absolute expert in cucking US presidents. For over 20 years this guy has just constantly humiliated the supposed leaders of the Free World with total impunity. And he's done it well.

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you make him sound like such a chad

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Israel is super fricked without western support and they are probably the closest they've ever been to losing it.

They are being aggressors, optics aren't good and the left has shifted to being anti Israel.

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They aren't super fricked, they'd just have to switch from precision guided bombs to artillery which would increase collateral damage.

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They will lose some defensive capability too, which is the real issue

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He's really really good at this game he does. Playing America and Israel off against each other and fricking us both over at the same time. Of course if the population of either country decided to actually act in their own national interest this would be over in 5 minutes.

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objectively, israel should yank the bandage off and actually genocide gaza and west bank.

Germany, Japan, Rwanda all normalized relations with the world within a decade, while Israel has been a pariah state for like 75 years.

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Trump was right when he said that Biden was a weak president who is letting anyone walk all over him. Israel will only push the limit as far as it knows it can get away with it without consequences., so Biden is definitely partially responsible for everything :marseyshrug:

But I think Trump and his isolationist tendencies wouldn't help either. The less involved Murica is in Middle East the more they might have to rely on Israel guarding their interests there, so the more negotiating power Israel gets. Although I don't really care what happens there so maybe I'm just pulling this out of my butt :marseytwerking:

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I don't agree with what Trump says and I don't agree with what Biden does after he whines about it like a 9-year old schoolgirl. They've got the same policies, it's just that Biden keeps saying he's begging Netanyahu to stop it but Netanyahu says "suck my peepee" over and over again. It's totally destroyed America's credibility around the world.

Our allies realize that nobody in America cares about our own interests, the only thing that matters is who's sucking who's peepee in Washington. So you get things like the Eric Adams case where several of our allies are bribing this guy because they know it's the only way of getting their voices heard.

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wrong. They don't care about gaza. Lebanon is a different matter. Netanyahu has stated their goal is to completely eradicate Hezbollah whichh isn't really possible without clearing out the entire country. That's 5 million more people Israel is bombing for a total of 7 million including the 2 million in Gaza.

That's a pretty big number for a state as small as Israel.

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That's a discussion to have after Israel invades Lebanon since the reaction will depend on what exactly Israel does there and what are it's justifications :marseyshrug: But currently I don't think Burgerland is particularly upset

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My goy, Israel is already bombing all sides of Lebanon. The we are only bombing the South with Hezbollah in it shtick is already old news.

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And US is alright with them bombing Lebanon, they might or might not be ok with a full blown invasion but we'll discover this only after/if the invasion happens

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Based on the US push for a peace treaty they aren't really fine with Lebanon getting bombed

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"No guys please stop fighting. I mean it this time. Israel stop. Whatever, can I go home now?"


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The BBC seems upset




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Muzzie stans mad, you love to see it

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>Spend 9 months shooting thousands of rockets at your neighbor

>Your neighbor finally snaps, kills you, your entire family, and your dog for good measure


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we only fired rockets constantly at their civilians this is so unfair :marseycry:

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Einsatzgrueppen :marseysmirk:

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I got three notifications from this incident in a few seconds, does that mean I get oppression points for being in the crosshairs of some unseen cabal

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massively escalatory

Maybe Israel shouldn't have built a reputation for letting people fire rockets at them


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They just got bored of watching Iron Dome cuck their enemies rocket forces and decided to humanely end the embarrassment

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Ok but basically none of the missiles hit so it's really only like they shot 4 or 5 :marseyindignant:

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Jeremy Bowens seeth is so palpable in everything he writes

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>victim deescalates

>attack again

>victim deescalates

>attack AGAIN

>victim retaliates and escalates

:#marseytears: y Isreal do dis?

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Hezbollah has been an open target for Israel and the US. Hezbollah bombed the US embassy in Lebanon and the Marine barracks a year earlier. Then they did a bunch of other shit that got US citizens killed. In 2006 they kidnapped a bunch of Israeli soldiers that led to a conflict in 2006. Israel did the US a favor by dismantling Hezbollah.

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>journoids sucking terrorist peepee


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No u

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>NOOOOOOOOOOO you have to view everything through an oppressor vs oppressed lens, the terrorist organisation is massively disadvantaged compared to the modern nazi country (((israel)))


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Isn't this literally the excuse college kids use to justify Hamas murdering 700 israeli civilians lol

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It wouldn't be a good mockery if it wasn't accurate

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BBC literally is run by white people who are watching BIPOCs and jeets overrun their homes. Yes, I'm a Jeet, I don't care.

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Future targets for palestinian lives matter beepers

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The exploding pagers / radios was a masterclass warfare espionage move, something we've never seen before (or at least never executed so successfully). Have to give the Jews credit where credit is due.

https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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probably invented pagers too

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>me throwing away every piece of technology after finding out how long mossad's cons are

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Just be pro Jewish like me and you have nothing to fear :marseyisraeliflag:

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Could compromise and drop everything made in Israel like the rest of the world :marseythumbsup:

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Weren't the pagers made in taiwan?

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Licensed from a Tawainese company, manufactured in Hungary

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Think the kneejerk reaction is gonna read that far?

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what makes it a masterclass, being willing to put explosives into shit sold to consumers is not clever or innovative, it's just that nobody outsides of the jecking Jewerinos feel comfortable killing other countries civilians quite as easily

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Neighbor what civilians? They created a front to sell directly to Hezbollah, they didn't just stuff some C4 in a few pagers in Walmart.

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Neighbor they swapped pagers sold to Hezbollah itself and given to it's members, like company phones. They didn't put explosives in normal pagers found in shops or whatever - not even because of morality, but someone would have found out too early.

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Lol what a bunch of bitches. Their entire command structure has been systematically assassinated over the last week or two and all they can do is take it lying down.

:#marseylaughpoundfist: :#marseysaluteisrael:

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Well, they have no one left in charge to organise any resistance :#marseygiggle:

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First they came for the commanding officers of the terrorist organizations...

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Hezbollah isnt even a thing, its just an idea :tayaaa:

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:marseygig#gle: furns out you can shoot an idea dead!

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No Marsey don't pick up that phone!

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Isn't everyone anti bollah? Aren't you?

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And no way of organising even if they did :marseygiggle:

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Iran is going to go the way of Pakistan the way things are going right now. Nobody going to invade the nation but it will sink the way things are going. All the smart Iranians end up leaving the state altogether.

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If you're in Hezbollah you gotta be furious at Hamas right now. Hamas basically instigated a massive conflict for no actual reason (that would benefit them or their allies) during a time where Hezbollah and Iran was unprepared, forcing them to play a game of chicken with Israel. Hezbollah did nothing and so found themselves getting picked apart by Mossad.

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Nah that implies Hezbolloids have a single thought in their heads beyond martyrdom and jew hatred. Everyone high up enough in the organization to have any sort of ability to think strategically has been killed at this point.

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Thoughts and prayers to American college students in these tough times :marseycomradecrypat:

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They'll soon be saying Palestinian lives matter in heck.

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Nasrallah; the most impressive Arab leader in memory

What the frick is this take? What did Nasrahallah do for the Arab people? He was a wartime leader of an insurgency, not a prime minister or president.

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Benefit the arab people?


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>most impressive Arab leader

>slave to Persians

>cucked by Jews


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"Most impressive arab leader!"



"most impressive arab leader"


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Not all Islamism is ISIS type nonsense

Critical support for returning to medieval society

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Commies never recovered from USSR geopolitical psyops.

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This is why communism is doomed. It's now just red paint for Palestinian lives matter

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God how I miss pre-Oct 7 Stupidpol so much. There were always goofball third-worldists on the sub... but they've really come to dominate it over the past year.

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sdtupidpol simps for sandBIPOCS all day then blows a gasket because the new tenants across the hall are BIPOCS

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43 mins ago

I just woke up and I read it before I slept and I wanted to post it here was on bed by then :marseyindignant:

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Palestinian lives matter is a brain virus.

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Civil war or miraculously no infighting?

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Hezbollah got eliminated in two weeks, they probably didn't had time to infight

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From now, dummy :marseywhirlyhat:

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Oh sorry :marseyretard2: No way they don't infight, they love senseless violence :soyjihadi:

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Smartest Israel supporter

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Jews don't care about non-Jews keeping kosher. It isn't even considered any degree of failing on the gentile's part; kosher law is explicitly and solely a burden on the chosen.

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He supports terrorists who kill Americans getting rekt . Doesn't have to support Israel and thus copy the diet of a Jewish chad to celebrate this dude getting got. 🥓

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More non bacon food for the jews :marseylickinglips:

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Its not about supporting israel, its about hating islamists :marseybigbrain:

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Great news, condolences to Ireland

Imma steal that one :marseyclapping:

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I don't get it

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Ireland really seem to hate Israel for some reason. I'm assuming it's somehow related to their hatred of Britain

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Why would the only country in the world to offer condolences to Admiral Doenitz after Hitler's death do this :marseyclueless:

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Catholics hate jews. plus they hate poms so hard they loved nazis, so back to more hating jews

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It's because Northern Irland is occupied just like Palestine.

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Occupied by popeists on rightful British land.

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Its hilarious how Western tankies are crying while Syrians are having actual parties in the streets celebrating his death.

All jokes aside its going to be really interesting once these brainwashed zoomers get political power

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Have you seen what boomers believed in back in the 60s? People grow up and are embarrassed :marseyblush: by their younger selves. I need a shit but I'm going :marseysal2: to pinch it in until I get home- people who habitually shit in public wsshrooms are the worst.

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Public washrooms should only have urinals. Hold your shit in until you get home.

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Most focused dramatard.

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Burgers have always been ignorant to world affairs. After 9/11, senior military leaders couldn't tell the difference between Iran and Iraq and said the US was gonna invade Tehran :marseysaluteusa:

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Yeah, zoomers are the brainwashed ones for not jerking themselves into oblivion whenever an Israeli bombs a tower block in bum frick Middle East and claims a gazillion terrorists were hiding in the basement. THEY are the brainwashed ones!

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Aren't you somali

>THEY are the brainwashed ones!

Glad we're on the same page :@gabrielmartinellipat:

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Which one are you going to deepthroat first?

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Did you forget this is a homosexual hookup website with a blog feature? All of them at the same time of course :horny:

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Btw baasto is delicious :marseylickinglips:, I'm surprised it isn't more popular


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I would also be celebrating if Iran managed to sneak bombs into Israeli walkie talkies or w/e. Not my fault one side does all the cool shit.

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A somali having opinions on anything, let alone palestinian lives matter , is pathetic. It's not enough you ruined you're own country and aetheopia. You also had too go and ruin Minneaopolis by having s*x with dogs and exploding all the tome.

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Palestinian lives matter is a lie . Eat the purple mushroom and die.

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