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!sleepmaxxers assemble - "Expert warns against Gen Z's dangerous obsession with 'sleep maxxing'"


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The popularity of sleep optimisation - now dubbed sleep maxxing - has been increasing in recent months with young people are going to painstaking lengths, including mouth taping, mocktail sipping, and magnesium foot spritzing, to improve their sleep.

What is wrong with today's youth

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Magnesium what nowing?

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How to sleep :marseytoasty2: max:

1. Stop looking :marseyopera: at screens 1 hour before :marseyskellington: bedtime.

2. Zoomers can't make it past step one.

3. See step two.

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Stop reporting on your tiktok feed. It's not news :marseyraging:

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I don't have a TikTok, this is me Daily Mail scrolling because I'm bored.

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Wow don't you respect yourself at all?

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I'm talking to the dailymail employees. Please forward my message to them

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It has been forwarded to the proper department. They will reach out to you very shortly.

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@J this bot is already better than Crosstalk!

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Thank you for compliment. All our bots are better than yours, we are the best bot farm around.

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>implying anyone at the mail can read

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I haven't slept well these past few weeks :marseyhmm: I wonder what will help me sleep better? :marseyclueless: Obviously I'll tape my mouth shut every night :marseybigbrain:

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It works. But only if you suffer from sleep apnea. Taping your mouth forces you to breath through nose. Ensuring you get enough oxygen during sleep. It is legitimate treatment for sleep apnea.

But its not done like that. What you do is take small pice of tape. And put it on. Connecting upperlip and lowerlip. All you need to do is prevent mouth from oppening during night. Piece smaller then your little finger is enough for that.

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You underestimate the power of my mouth vs a piece of frickin tape

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Thats price you must pay to suck so much peepee

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Big mouth b-word

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Big back whore

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Don't take your phone with you to bed.

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Alright r-slurs what part of sleepmaxxing actually works? Ya boi needs to start getting 8 hours a night instead of like 5.

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Exercise so you're physically tired

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I workout 3 days a week but those 3 days end up being my least productive days because of how tired I am afterwards. :marseythinkorino: maybe I should start working out before bed instead of shortly after I get up.

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>maybe I should start working out before bed

I used to do this during college. Working out then doing some stretches afterwards was super comfy and made me really sleepy :m#arseytoasty:

Just make sure to not train too hard, I distinctively remember some days I went too ham on leg day and the cortisol kept me awake :marseybangfast:

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If you workout regularly and still get incredibly tired it means your diet is shit.

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Or he's getting 5 hours of sleep :marseyhatman: like he just said you drooling :marseyretard2: r-slurred :marseyautismchonker: monkey :marseysunwukong:

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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No, I'm right.

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It's r*pe time!

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Right :marseytransmisiaaward: in the trash :marseyraccoonshock: like the rest of your bad posts

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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Could be part of it. Although I was cursed with Ashkenazi genes and their related autoimmune disorders. :marseycry: So I'm missing my entire large intestine now which probably means I'm not absorbing everything from food. Although for sleep it's totally because I use my phone in bed. Like I did to make that comment at like 6am before going to sleep lol.

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Large intestine is mostly for water absorption. Maybe you're just chronically dehydrated? :marseysmughips:

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Hmmm very possible. I should try to drink more.

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What where did your intestines go? Is it like a circumcision thing?

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Basically my immune system killed it and it was surgically removed.

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Yeah, was dealing with it from like 19-25. It sucked. Now I just have to poo a million times a day.

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I like to workout after work and before dinner. I've tried early morning workouts but I'm always too tired to go hard at that point in the day. Maybe give it a try. If you take preworkout, timing is going to be important so the caffeine doesn't affect your sleep.

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U first bb :hamtarotreadmill:

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That and don't eat after 19:00

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Alright r-slurs what part of sleepmaxxing actually works?

Being financially stable and content with your life is working really great for my 9 hours of sleep.

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Work out, get fresh air, take a cold shower, eat well, dim the lights and don't touch electronics in the evening, and most importantly- down 2 xanaxes with half a bottle of vodka before sleep

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Mantra Sleepmask is great. I've gotten several overnight worker friends hooked on it. Blocks out light and you can't feel it on your eyes. Or just any cheaper Sleepmask with cups.

Mouth taping I have been trying for a week. I like it, though it's not as secure with beard hair.

Though the biggest thing is less screentime closer to bed. Your phone should also have a built in blue light filter you can schedule, I even have it go black and white close to bedtime to make doomscrolling more boring.

Meditation is also important as an all around helper.

Melatonin works if you let it but eh, I don't like meds. It will make you sleepy quick, but you can't try to fight it or it will do nothing.

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300 micrograms of melatonin

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Consistent bed times and limiting blue light (computers) before bed. Also only sleeping in your bed (no scrolling) and staying generally healthy

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I find putting a cool damp cloth over my eyes helps a ton. I basically use it like a sleep mask

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>mocktail sipping


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What is wrong with today's youth

Wrong question. Instead, you should ask

What is wrong with females

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This looks stupid, but then I've been sleeping with earplugs lately and I feel like they unironically make me sleep better by cutting out all sorts of background noise and making me feel almost as if I'm underwater or something.

Maybe I should start taping my mouth too.

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I always sleep with a fan on. It's ruined my ability to sleep well in hotels, especially now that most modern hotels have efficient quiet air cons.

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I do this too, even in winter. The noise is comfy https://i.rdrama.net/images/17275193564936042.webp

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The level of excuses us turtle posters need in order to slip in a kino emoji :#turtoiserofl:

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Cant you put fan noise from youtube when you are in hotel?

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I normally sleep with my Pixel Buds in playing white noise yeh, but when they hit low battery after 6 hours then they make an annoying loud beeping noise that wakes me up.

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Just play it straight from phone. Keep phone on charger.

this isn't good enough?

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It depends how loud the hotel is, I'm a pretty bad sleeper. I use a white noise app, some hotels kick you off WiFi every few hours and it can get expensive if I'm roaming [on a long YouTube video].

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>white noise app

>Does one thing, play white noise

>It's a streaming service


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Get the White Noise Pro Elite R-slur subscription to have unlimited streaming access and additional noises - black and brown!

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No that's not what I meant :marseycry: I was saying that I use the app rather than YouTube because it's offline

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Download youtube video? How large can 11h of shitty noise be?

And start sleepmaxxing

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Something weird happened a few months ago and all of the YouTube video download sites disappeared.

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You don't need an internet connection to generate white noise, what kind of shit app are you using? You could generate it realtime on CPUs 20 years in the past.

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I'm saying I use an app instead of YouTube for that reason

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Get a white noise machine

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So many fans are marketed as silent, so I just ended up looking for the most powerful fan I could find.

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White noise machine is where it's at.

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making me feel almost as if I'm underwater or something.

Maybe take the plunge :marseysmug2: and sleep underwater? No need to tape your mouth then

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Is it not completely wild to everyone here that memes from Incel and PUA spheres like "-maxxing" and "It's over" and the now classic "Chad/Stacy/Virgin" expressions became mainstream?

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I know zoomer women that use 'cel slang without know where it comes from and those that do love the irony element. 'cels are one of the engines of Gen Z culture, even gen z men that aren't actually incels or don't identify with it's precepts often still understand the sentiments.

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Yeah I see all that too, and it's fricking bonkers to me lol. This only solidifies my opinion that /r/braincels and /r9k/ had some of the funniest fricking posters on the internet when they weren't going full schizo doomer.

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I just spent the last 24 hours consuming most of the alcohol in my geographic area so sleepmaxxing sounds pretty good rn tbh :marseysleep:

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redpill me on the mouth taping

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I will do no such thing

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not my job to educate you

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I just do squats and pushups until im tired.

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I've been taking magnesium threonate before bed and it's giving me the craziest fricking dreams. I'll have ones that are third-person and it's like I'm directing a movie, not actually from my own perspective.

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No, I'm a citizen of the global south, and on behalf of everyone here, frick America. We all support China here, because they help us economically, not invade our homes and kill our children.

Just because I'm a leftist doesn't mean everything the media tells you is true. There are literally wikileaks documents and youtube videos debunking the massacre of Tiananmen Square, and the US embassy in Beijing itself admitted there was no massacre, and everyone trying to prove this in the media gets killed by the CIA.



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