FBA's are NOT happy about California's Reparations Bill Package - Where the check


No cash, no vote breh.

Those dang Democrats.

It's all Zelenskyy's fault.

Check please.

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How about black people try working for a living and stop waiting for government payments for horrors they themselves have no connection to.

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Just chudding it out in the main feed today eh?

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What I just said shouldnt be left or right wing.

Why shouldnt black people try working?

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They do, but it is so much harder for them due to systemic racism and intergenerational trauma. Once we fix the latter two issues, then they will work just as hard, if not harder, than mayos or asians. This is 100% proven by scientists (social).

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No black people work?

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Much higher unemployment.

Generally focused on getting over on the tax payer, think theyre owed something.

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Why wouldn't they think they were owed something?

Slavery was real, segregation was real.

Rdrama is a pro black president, pro reparations site.

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Lmao slavery is not why american blacks are doing so poorly.

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That's not what I said.

I said slavery existed and American blacks have been directly affected by it.

So you are just chudding up the main feed right?

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Slavery has 0 impact on modern blacks.

Literally 0.

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Thats not happening and its why they're being replaced by Latinx and African-Africans.

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White people be getting loans and other shit in the past by just literally showing up. So I don't know why they're mad now. Sorry you grandfather wasn't smart enough to steal when the stealin was good.

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They literally are in poverty because ancestors of slaves are discriminated against

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Ancestors of slaves were just the least popular neighbors in africa

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California wasn't even a slave state and most of the atrocities against the natives were done by the spanish.

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Im on Tariq's side here, you just know some government crakkkers are going to be paid millions of dollars to implement these programs and the money is just going to kind of disappear with nothing to show for it after a few years. Just give me the money neighbor!

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the money is just going to kind of disappear with nothing to show for it after a few years

Same if you give them cash tho πŸ˜‚

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That is such bullshit, and the kind of answer I would expect from a privileged piece of shit. That money would be gone in weeks :taynod:

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Watching and reading about Bardfinn made me change my life

I've been in a rut for the past few years because of a bereavement. Finished college but didn't get a job for a few years. I found some joy in communities like /r/drama because they reminded me of shit like 4chan and hackforums from back in the day.

But one day I was reading a comment by Bardfinn, clicked on his profile and it really made me want to change my life. I saw the next decades of my life flash before my eyes. Smugposting and bullying people who deserve it, but while not improving myself, gradually falling in to bad habits leading to me spending 18 hours a day in front of a computer before dying of DVT. I saw what Bardfinn did with his life and how he's now stuck in it. He won't get a job or ever pay child support because he's stuck in this life and constantly needs to justify it to himself. He's too invested in it to care about anything else. He unironically bragged about spending 80+ hour weeks 'fighting Nazis'. There is no hope for him.

But there was hope for me, and maybe for you too, reader.

Over the last few months I've been lifting again. Made some neat projects. Contributed to projects that interested me. Learned a lot. Got finances in order. Started hanging out with friends irl again. Sometimes I'd go to Bardfinn's profile and not even read, just see the wordswordswords and feel new motivation to apply for jobs. Got a few interviews and currently have two applications that might be my in.

I'm once again a productive member of society with a life, and it feels good.

Thank you for being so unbelievably and depressingly pathetic that you indirectly motivated me out of a rut through the fear of becoming anything like you, you wife beating, abusive, child support dodging c*nt.




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