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rDrama Trump Meltdown Watch: Jack Smith Briefing has Triggered Trump on Truth Social


The easily triggered old man is especially triggered today, leading to speculation that the boomer, whose tantrum on January 6th continues to be termed a "LARP" by easily duped idiots, has read the Jack Smith briefing which summarizes the evidence of Trump's very bad stupid boomer tantrum on January 6th.

Something magical happens when facts enter a courtroom: they become state-approved facts.

A plain reading of what is known about the events of those days suggest that Trump attempted a coup against the will of the American people. Now, because the Republicans are stupid enough to run him again, because there are still some people here who (lmao) persist in their denial of the fact of the boomer fascism disaster president, we get to see that stupidity struggle ever more in the coming days.

This week is going to be busy week for rightoid despair. Will they face reality, or will they huff boomer farts unto ever more stupid plateaus of idiot bleating?

"His policies will keep us out of war"


Trump would be happy to get us in a war and you're an idiot if you think otherwise. He always took the most aggressive option available, always pursued greater tough guy aggression actions, he wanted to deploy the military on US soil and wants to put the military on US soil if he's elected. Idiots who were duped by the fact that he pulled the US out of Afghanistan believe that Trump forcing the Ukraine to give Putin territory is smart, instead of at the level of Neville Chamberlain declaring "peace in our time" I know that's a slight misquote don't at me.

Appeasement is STUPID. Ukraine is our ally, and our greatest strength is supporting our allies.

And anyway most of these :marseyairquotes: isolationists :marseyairquotes: are happy to give aid to Israel, keeping the US firmly involved in the Middle East.

"He will be good for the economy"


Trump printed money and caused inflation. Trump's tax cuts were gamesmanship with our finances. Trump is a stupid fricking boomer and everyone who worked with him says so.

"He will be good for immigration"


Trump killed the border bill and EVEN REPUBLICANS hate him for it.

And some of you think it's funny that you desecrated your own government with boomer incompetence. Maybe it was.

Maybe you've grown up a bit since then. Maybe you have kids. Maybe you have a better grasp of the serious nature of politics these days.

You made your world a clown world by tolerating, celebrating, or defending Trump.

Come back to reality.

Abandon your boomer.

If you're not following the case, or worse, if you believe that the boomer getting what's coming to him is "lawfare" (LMAO), prepare for some JUSTICE.

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still voting for him 👍

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Why won't you pin me :marseysad:

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yours was sarcastic, which is a different kind of pathetic

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I prefer his crypto policy, sorry :tayshrug:

If it moons I may be able to pay off my mortgage hella early.

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I never understood how so-called lainstrags align with the inept GOP platform

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what policy

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No one cares

@inquirer say this as a feminist ally

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TBH I care pretty intensely. I'm not too big on Trump the person or candidate, but the way Trump the citizen is treated is pretty appalling. I used to think that the US was a republican democracy with leadership issues, but I feel as if I've been contorted into a not-very-extreme anti-government advocate circa 2004 democrat. I don't really think we live in a republic or democracy. It's really just the highest bidder and who ever is friendly enough to make material exchanges between the business-political class. It's crassly corrupt.

Like when was the last time a democrat on TV, radio or print really sat down and considered the implications of allowing Bush to walk free for starting two wars under false pretenses, but Trump to be prosecuted in a way that people find "novel" and "fascinating" in state courts? Trump's being prosecuted for J6 and shit, but why exactly? The DoD disobeyed a direct order to bring in soldiers to protect the capital. A witness in Congressional testimony for the government declined to say if there were feds in the crowd.

Trump's had not one but two serious assassination attempts, with the first one being performed by someone with some suspect online connections, the second by someone known the the FBI. I really don't know what it would take for half the country to say "Hmmmmm, that doesn't seem right, we should hold our leadership accountable by any means necessary." but that only looks increasingly unlikely to occur, but impossible vis a vis the security state and the now utilization of non-citizens in policing and the army.

100% of the nation is fixated on :marseytrain: peepee or whatever grotesque carnie news spin there is, and I feel alone in advocating for medicine for my little brother that he has to take for the rest of his life being under a grand. My parents take care of it at their expense, but it should be a generic with a production cost + fee model. I read the news and genuinely want to vomit.

!nooticers + my fave schizo @Impassionata

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I was wondering, is SexyFartMan69 gonna read this comment? Thanks for clarifying.

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@SexyFartMan69 I was genuinely wondering whether you had read it, so thanks for clarifying. @toasthawaii I did read @Governor's post in case you were wondering


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Thank you, @JannieJihad, for the heads up! I read both @SexyFartMan69's comment as well as @ManBearFridge's, and yours of course.

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Like when was the last time a democrat on TV, radio or print really sat down and considered the implications of allowing Bush to walk free for starting two wars under false pretenses

This is an interesting question, and I can write about it; I've got half an article on Bush II out already.

Trump's being prosecuted for J6 and shit, but why exactly?

If this is a serious question, you need to look into the fake electors plot and think more seriously about how it was definitely a coup attempt. You don't get to argue that it wasn't anymore.

The DoD disobeyed a direct order to bring in soldiers to protect the capital. A witness in Congressional testimony for the government declined to say if there were feds in the crowd.

None of these things really matter because a responsible Speaker doesn't end up with a mob in the Capitol. You must either admit that Trump is incompetent because his mob got out of control, or accept that the mob was in his control and he is culpable. Either way, true responsibility is on him.

Trump's had not one but two serious assassination attempts,

Trump is implicated in a coup attempt against the will of the people. The only reason he wasn't shot sooner is because leftoids have good trigger discipline. When the Republicans decided to run him again this furthered the narrative of civil war which Trump spins. Trump was just getting the civil war he created with his denial of his election loss.

My parents take care of it at their expense, but it should be a generic with a production cost + fee model. I

As long as the boomer divisiveness emergency is still in our politics, we can't have meaningful policy discussions because the boomer attempted a coup and you have to accept that.

Get Trump out so that we can return to politics. It's not an unreasonable ask. The Democrats got rid of Joe Biden. A competent political party would be able to achieve this. Write your representatives demanding they reject Trump.

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This is an interesting question, and I can write about it; I've got half an article on Bush II out already.

Who are you writing articles for?

If this is a serious question, you need to look into the fake electors plot and think more seriously about how it was definitely a coup attempt. You don't get to argue that it wasn't anymore.


None of these things really matter because a responsible Speaker doesn't end up with a mob in the Capitol. You must either admit that Trump is incompetent because his mob got out of control, or accept that the mob was in his control and he is culpable. Either way, true responsibility is on him.

It does matter, because guilt by association is not a thing in this country, and never should be. I cannot find, where Trump is an accessory to any crime concerning J6. At all.

Trump is implicated in a coup attempt against the will of the people. The only reason he wasn't shot sooner is because leftoids have good trigger discipline. When the Republicans decided to run him again this furthered the narrative of civil war which Trump spins. Trump was just getting the civil war he created with his denial of his election loss.

It was a lawsuit, not a coup attempt. You can sue for anything in this country, you just may not win. If you're assassinating politicians based on legislation that is not in contravention with democratic principals, or taking something to court that you don't like, you're a threat to society and should be in jail/mental sanitarium.

As long as the boomer divisiveness emergency is still in our politics, we can't have meaningful policy discussions because the boomer attempted a coup and you have to accept that. Get Trump out so that we can return to politics. It's not an unreasonable ask. The Democrats got rid of Joe Biden. A competent political party would be able to achieve this. Write your representatives demanding they reject Trump.

"Stop electing/nominating candidates I don't like, or else your sick brother will suffer from a life long illness. The sooner you bend to my childish demands that will evolve into further demands for more power, the sooner I maybehaps perchance discuss solutions to a corrupt system that is robbing you blind."

Great sales pitch. Love to see the honesty. Undermining health and democracy in favor of a flavorless, undemocratically nominated candidate with no integrity (Harris) instead of Inslee, Kennedy, Gabbard, Sanders, etc is actually really revealing. You don't actually defend or like democracy, you like the outcomes you can maybe get because of your specific political views. This is a critical difference between you and me, and for !sophistry to take note of. I'm pretty right-of-center for a gay dude, but if tomorrow I believed that the US was moving beyond capitalism, into some demsucc system, I'd support that provided it was done democratically and with respect to personal rights, liberties etc. Not because I'm a succdem, but because I'm more about republican democracy, and probably direct democracy, than you are.

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I'm pretty right-of-center for a gay dude, but if tomorrow I believed that the US was moving beyond capitalism, into some demsucc system, I'd support that provided it was done democratically and with respect to personal rights, liberties etc. Not because I'm a succdem, but because I'm more about republican democracy, and probably direct democracy, than you are.

Succ take

!anticommunists !neolibs

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Putting economics ahead of politics in a robust political system is a great way to instill corruption in a society.

There are plenty of succdem or demsucc societies that are prosperous and ok to live in, if not the most competitive.

There are also plenty of countries that do not take their political systems seriously beyond controlling people, and use economics as they please.

The poor abused peoples of Russia/China, or Brazil come to mind. Rampant corruption, little respect for political freedoms or right to express oneself.

Not a place I'd live in.


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There are plenty of succdem or demsucc societies that are prosperous and ok to live in, if not the most competitive.

If you mean the Nordic countries, they're social democratic or succdem so in that case yes though I think @DestoryerCarbine would disagree with calling Denmark succdem. There are no demsucc countries currently and speaking for LATAM examples the self-denominated "demsuccs" always end up being corrupt authoritarian socialists.

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But I was thinking of Norway, which leveraged its unique geography and national resources after the war to create a model that people can point to.

And yeah, I'm sure LATAM countries are corrupt, as many countries are. I can see why, if you're in a LATAM country you wouldn't care about political systems too much. Like I get it, being from a favela is awful, and watching government officials promise the moon and sun and then steal those things is awful, awful stuff. Brazil is a place I'm somewhat familiar with, I have penpals who I write to, and frankly, I have a lot of sympathy for them. LATAM has different needs than that of America, different needs than Eurasia. Maybe freedom is not the answer today, but the problem that people find in LATAM is that the government has it's own interest too, and it's not always for the good of the people. It also holds true that freedom is priceless, and prosperity flows downriver from freedom. Every country has unique needs, unique wants, unique politics. I feel like neoliberals don't get that. You cannot just say GDP go up, and then everything floweth forth all that is good.

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Norway is not a model anyone can follow. That's like saying we should build our economy on the Saudi modl

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Your pulitzer's in the mail

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>I would rather live in fricking Hungary than Singapore because muh democracy


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I was gonna ask, is ManBearFridge gonna read this comment? Thanks for clarifying.

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I read this one :marseyblowkiss:

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Who are you writing articles for?

For you frickers who keep on huffing boomer farts in your denialism.

I cannot find, where Trump is an accessory to any crime concerning J6. At all.

He is on trial for it right now.

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Jesus what the frick are you talking about?

Trump is a 34x convicted felon, fraudster, and male feminist who has broken every vow and violated every oath he has ever taken to his family, his church, his country, his watch and sneaker customers, his university students, his vendors, his lenders, his political supporters...none of this is in question, it's plain fact.

He cheats at golf and has cheated on every single one of his wives and routinely and habitually lies, in public, about things that are on video. He stored crates full of national security secrets, including nuclear secrets, in a ballroom next to cloud-enabled scanner/copier where he had foreign nationals come to visit.

No reputable bank has been willing to lend to him for decades, but he has bragged repeatedly about getting all the financing he needs from Russia and Saudi Arabia. He wears lifted shoes and disgusting and incompetently-applied orange makeup, and he uses scotch tape to hold his tie together. He has repeatedly fallen asleep and pooped his pants in public. Just in the past couple days, he was at a rally talking about a chart, and turned around to look for it, and starting wandering around the stage, hugging the air, saying how much he loved this chart that didn't exist.

He has not had a real friend since Jeffrey Epstein died, and openly and publicly fantasizes about having a sexual relationship with own daughter.

I get if you want to boost Trump as a meme candidate or a proxy for ethno-nationalism, but actually stanning for him as a serious or sympathetic person? GTFO

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He stored crates full of national security secrets, including nuclear secrets, in a ballroom next to cloud-enabled scanner/copier where he had foreign nationals come to visit.

Never heard of that

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This is just how deluded they are.

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Nah man, just because someone is personally not palletable doesn't mean they're guilty of crimes they didn't commit. That's just, fundamental to a functional nation that's not some euroshithole.

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Nah man, just because someone is personally not palletable doesn't mean they're guilty of crimes they didn't commit.

I wasn't talking about whether he was personally palatable though, I was only talking about actual factual crimes that he has actually committed, actual oaths and vows that he has violated, actual factual people that he has ripped off.

He's personally charismatic and charming, which is why he still has cult.

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Yeah if you look at what's on the tin, you are technically correct. But if you cannot see the deeper flaws in the case, and general malcomportment of how the NY AG has conducted themselves, it is somewhat jarring, and pointless to talk to you about it.

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He literally stole money form a charity for kids with cancer.

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Trump is a 34x convicted felon

to be specific

he was charged with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to conceal payments made to the pornographic film actress Stormy Daniels

that's what he was 34x convicted for.


In New York, the statute of limitations is typically two years for misdemeanors and five years for felonies.[276] Though falsifying business records is typically a misdemeanor, in New York, the charges are upgraded to a felony when used to commit or conceal another crime.

he was convicted without specifying that "other crime"

whose statute of limitations is five years.[276] On March 20, 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo issued Executive Order No. 202.8 tolling (pausing) the statute of limitations for "any specific time limit for the commencement, filing, or service of any legal action, notice, motion, or other process or proceeding, as prescribed by the procedural laws of the state".[276]

Merchan ruled the tolling deadline was through May 6, 2021, thus extending the deadline for the prosecution by one year and 47 days, allowing the felony prosecution to commence within 6 years and 47 days from when the crime was committed.[276]


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Yes, the whole court and jury system is wrong and you should trust an rdrama poster instead.

He literally stole money from a charity for kids with cancer, and cheated on every one of his wives, and he cheats at golf, and lied to his sneaker and watch customers, and to his university students, and to every one of his vendors and lenders, but in this one case where he was actually convicted after an exhaustive trial where he repeatedly fell asleep and pooped his pants...

That's the one time in his life that he was actually telling the truth. When he pretended that he didn't pay off an aging porn star, that we all know he paid off. He didn't take the stand, he hasn't denied it, everyone knows it happened, but the ONE time we are supposed to believe that he is being honest and the whole system is wrong and his own fricking lawyers are lying, is that his payments to Stormy Daniels were some kind of...not hush money. When they were absolutely, positively, 100% negotiated hush money.

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:marseygiganoyou: gish gallop

his payments to Stormy Daniels were some kind of...not hush money.

not a felony

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This is a really long way of saying you don't frick.

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Yes, longpostbot. I identify as asexual and am very happy as a volcel. S*x is gross.

Sorry that you feel like you need to stick part of your skin into someone else's smelly hole and that you have to devote your whole life and identity into how often you get to do it. I hope you get to have lots of s*x! Doesn't sound like fun for me, but I hope it is for you!

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My feeling is that the punishment he experiences as a citizen will elicit a response if he wins that will be very good for the rest of us.

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Can you explain your logic, or thoughts on that? I'm genuinely interested.

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Man I have so many thoughts on this, I would almost want to do a voice call or something, but failing that

:marseyairquotes:Short :!marseyairquotes:

If I were getting fricked by the courts as hard as he is (read Jean "R*pe is Sexy" Carol) I would be looking at the mechanisms of our justice department and looking to make some changes. I would love to see more 8th Amendment enforcement. I believe that grand juries need confrontational proceedings, Stronger 4th amendment protections. Just a whole lot of things that need to be done there. This isnt a complete list but I would love to see ordinary citizens with their rights reinforced because of what happened here.

More? Going to type until I get bored or something

I think what I am seeing with A fricking Kennedy coming over to his side is the potential to nuke the CIA and Other Glowies, really end warrantless surveillance etc. Not trump doing it himself, but surrounding himself with a team that really seems amazing. Consider Tulsi ran the dnc etc. Viveck has amazing energy too, maybe a chief of staff. Im just looking at this pirate ship around trump and I really Like what I am seeing.

More on Jean cuz im malding. They passed a law specifically to frick him out of statute of limitations which are in place to protect defendants from a lack of ability to defend old cases.

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Yeah I knew about the Jean Carol law thing being passed, which to me was sad to see. Cleaving judicial concepts like statute of limitations and lowering the bar so low is clownish at best. Extremely sad.

I agree that his ship of state is more palatable than Harris's. What I'm left with however is the stark lack of any meaningful policy. Like yes, there's policy, but healthcare is a massive void that makes me wonder what the possibilities are.

I'd like more thought on this. I appreciate you taking the time.

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Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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how do you like this brave new world we live in

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I really honestly am not ok with it. I like it less every day. I used to think I could ignore it.

But at least Huxley is a good author.

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>no screenshots of his truth-spergs


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  • eva_isaKONG : lmfa "save the puppies act" but fine print says it only saves pit bull puppies, blends the rest

Friendly reminder donald trump got republicans to vote against the first major border security deal in ages because he wanted to run on the border.

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It has anti facist in the name you !chuds so clearly it is against facisim and therefore can do no wrong.

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Cite the specific parts of the bill you disagreed with.

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Give me time, Ill write you a good response, Will write it separately from this comment

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No you wont lol, because the bill was completely fine.

You're fabricating reasons to justify what trump did.

Dont get me wrong, people obsessed with immigration tend to be the dumbest people in the country but you can do better.

Whatever gish gallop of nonsensical bullshit you pile into another comment isnt going to change the fact the bill gave billions to border security and essentially had everything republicans asked for.

Its already been proven trump killed it specifcally because he wanted to run on immigration.

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You want a shorter response now fine. IIRC it gave money to the border, failed to set any checks on allotments. IE Repubs wanted any of the pork in the bill to be tied to performance metrics on people coming across. Otherwise I can have a shit ton of money allocated to the border and just not spend it.

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The frick are you talking about.

The bill hired thousands of border patrol agents, gave large amounts to technology specifically for catching border hoppers.

The bill was literally written by anti-immigration zealots. Go read it yourself, theres only 1 reason republicans flipped on it.

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You cant suck and blow. Or maybe you can. I offered you a chance for a well thought out and thorough response. You didnt want that, So I dont really care to argue the point.

There was pork in the bill for shit dems care about, repubs want that tied to metrics. Dems didnt. Thats a reason, you can argue that it wasnt the main reason but it IS a reason. So Quit being !r-slurs and get some rest for your shift tomorrow.

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Hi josh!


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>rdrama user

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>pizza posts facts

>butthurt rightoid summons chuds for updoot support


!nonchuds :marseysmug2:

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:marseyairquotes: border security bill :marseyairquotes:

:marseyairquotes: inflation reduction act :marseyairquotes:

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Cite the specific parts of the bill you disagreed with.

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The part where they said 5,000 people can cross the border to :quote:"claim asylum" :quote: before the Federal government is allowed to stop playing along. And 8,000 would need to cross per day before they would completely shut down illegal entry.

A border bill that says we still have to let 1-1.5 million randos because they hurdled the fence is not a border bill, and it shouldn't be supported. Democrats are trying to replace the American electorate with their preferred clients.

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Lmao what the frick are you smoking? Its defining what a crisis is and setting limits on asylum.

Holy shit rightoids actually are african tier r-slurs.

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You didn't counter what I said at all.

As is widely known - most of the "asylum seekers" never even show up for their asylum hearings. Because it's a ruse. And Democrats embrace the ruse.

Shuffling around the bullshit rules for the bullshit asylum system does nothing to stop this. It distracts numpties for a little while longer while they flood our country with low-wage, low-standards workers industry loves.

We have the highest immigration rate right now that our country has ever had, for the same reason the previous high water mark was during the Gilded Age. Industrialists want cheap labor to undercut native labor, and Democrats want voters and inflated census numbers in their districts.

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You voted against the "save the children" act? You must hate children!!!


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Cite the specific parts of the bill you disagreed with.

Then explain why republicans supported it until trump told them not to.

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giving a free pass to 200k 1.5 million illegals per year, (only counting the ones they caught and with a bunch of exceptions broad enough to drive a truck through, like "unaccompanied children" ( https://i.rdrama.net/images/17275817895338986.webp )) plus unlimited spending on a ton of other bullshit

they didn't, or it was like 3 RINOs from CA or NY or something

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BIPOC what are you smoking? Fricking lankford authored the bill. Youre outright lying at this point.

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The bipartisan compromise would overhaul the asylum system at the border with faster and tougher enforcement, as well as give presidents new powers to immediately expel migrants if authorities become overwhelmed with the number of people applying for asylum,

"overwhelmed" being >4,000 per week, so effectively allowing 200k per year, >4,000 per day, so effectively allowing 1.5 million pear year, which then has exceptions where "unaccompanied children" ( https://i.rdrama.net/images/17275854579695296.webp ) don't count towards that 4k (among other exceptions), and the bill says that the secretary "may" authorize this tougher enforcement, meaning that any leftoid in the position will not authorize it. At 5k it says they "must", but I'm sure that will somehow be abused so it's never actually in effect

among other measures to reduce the record numbers of migrants crossing the border. It would also send billions to Ukraine, Israel and allies in the Asia-Pacific.

"plus unlimited spending on a ton of other bullshit"

Fricking lankford authored the bill

I'm sure he spent days deliberating over whether he should send 53 or 54 gorillion dollars to israel

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Who would vote against the patriot act unless theyre with the terrorists?

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I have a quick question pizza, is there a border crisis right now?

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Oh gee, how could that have happened if the law was blocked by Trump? No legislation was passed to address the border in any meaningful way, and yet there is now not a border crisis. How'd that work?

!chuds !nooticers

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I dont think a bill needed to even exist as i dont think immigration is even a top 10 issue in america.

Sadly large swathes of the population needs a foreigner to blame for being failures so here we are.

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What americans think is a top 10 issue and what is are 2 different things.

Rurals are basically african tier r-slurs.

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!nooticers !chuds get a load of this doublethink.

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Democracy would sure be nice if shelf stockers were the only ones with the right to vote


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If you find yourself caring about immigration as in it has some impact on your daily life it is because you are poorly educated and delusional.

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The rural cultural tradition of distilling corn mash into ethanol is a lot like making dirt cookies if you think about it logically

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>redpilled on neighbor-iq

>still ok with non-white immigration


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Reminder that this is genius because no vote was even needed since it is entirely an executive function with all power already there, numbnuts

God you're like an 18 year old who just found politics

@inquirer say this as a feminist ally

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Reminder that republicans voted down a border security bill for political reasons.

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>A spineless nothingburger president politically remembered for kinda mishandling a crisis he disn't cause and an inflation surge

Holy shit he's Carter!

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I think janny 6 :marseyjanny: :marseyjanny: :marseyjanny: :marseyjanny: :marseyjanny: :marseyjanny: was blown out of proportion tbh. The rioters basically won, and then they realised that they dont actually have any plan or goal, so they all went home. Kinda hard to call it an overthrow of the government when they basically had but then decided just not to.

Anyways, call it a riot or an insurrection, for daddy's role i see two possibilities: he knew what he was doing when he riled the crowd up and stoked the flames, in which case he's guilty and a thread to democracy not fit for the presidency.

Or he is too stupid to grasp understand what he did, in which case he is maybe innocent if he also shouldnt have known better, but regardless it meanshes an absolute r-slur and thus also a threat to democracy and not fit for the presidency.

C'mon rightoids, is he an r-slur or a wanna-be dictator?

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  • Impassionata : this is what rightoids actually believe, any time their boomer faces justice it's unfair lmao

What are you triggered by us rigging the justice system to take out our chief political opponent :marseysmug:

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that's the funny bit is when Trump does it these dipshit fascists call it based

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You're right, it will be based if he does it next year given everything thats happened. My problem with him is he doesn't have the resolve to really root out the cancer in the system.

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"given everything that's happened" you live in a broken idiot reality

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Man i was a Democrat my entire life until the last few years. I can guarantee you I don't live in an echo chamber. To many people outside of the echo chamber you apparently live in, what is happening is horrifying.

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"I can guarantee you I don't live in an echo chamber"


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No but kennedy sure as frick will kill the cia

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Wasnt it the other way around? :#marseyjfk: :marseys#mug!3:

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Upmarsey me wtf :soycry:

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Sorry I forget sometimes

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All Trumpers are gonna be in for a big surprise when their "hero" loses in the most one sided election outcome in American history and then goes to jail and rots for the rest of his life. He'll be lucky if he wins one state at this point. I live in the deep red south, and even the most conservative people here have realized that Trump's America is simply too extreme. The gun loving redneck farmer I talk to told me he's read up on that Project 2025, and Trump's plans to prosecute immigrants and LGBTQ+ people is way too far. He doesn't like it, but he's voting for Her this election. Trump has alienated his base with his exteme comments on immigration and his Project 2025. It's simply too extreme.

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"Trump doesn't have anything to do with Project 2025! Trump said so, and that means Trump will still win!"


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All right wingers are WEIRDOS. :marseyxd:

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most one sided election outcome in American history


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Trump would be happy to get us in a war and you're an idiot if you think otherwise. He always took the most aggressive option available, always pursued greater tough guy aggression actions, he wanted to deploy the military on US soil and wants to put the military on US soil if he's elected. Idiots who were duped by the fact that he pulled the US out of Afghanistan believe that Trump forcing the Ukraine to give Putin territory is smart, instead of at the level of Neville Chamberlain declaring "peace in our time" I know that's a slight misquote don't at me.

Why did Putin wait until Trumplemort left office to invade Ukraine? Why did Grumph stop the glowies from dragging us into a war with Syria after they staged those chemical weapon attacks?

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Why did Putin wait until Trumplemort left office to invade Ukraine

Because the world doesnt revolve around US elections?

And Biden didn't pull the US into a war either, so im not sure what dunk youre trying to get. Unless you think trump letting people yearning for democracy be invaded and murdered without any reaction is a good thing, which - unironically - is the peak of un-americanism.

>Why did Grumph stop the glowies from dragging us into a war with Syria after they staged those chemical weapon attacks?

The chemical weapons attacks that took place years before he took office and that Obongo already didnt do much about, to ignore the "glowies did it" schizophrenia from americans once again forgetting that not everything revolves around their government and glowies...

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>21 votes


They are giga mad. :!soyjakmaga: :marseylaugh:

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He will give us better SCOTUS judges.

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Once again you are 100% correct.

How do you keep doing it? The chuds get mad but they secretly know you're right.

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I am an antifa supersoldier in the meme wars of the Trump Fascism years

also I'm effectively a State Alchemist who has studied online extremism even if originally idle curiosity as far back as 2010.

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Wait, wasn't Jack Smith the prosecutor on the classified documents case? Or am I just getting confused? :marseydizzy:

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His spergouts are spergtastic.

What did the Jack Smith Briefing contain?

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Maybe you have a better grasp of the serious nature of politics these days.


Politics is decided by the richest entity around, not who you vote for.

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if that were true, Trump wouldn't have won in 2016.

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This is a big part of why they set out to destroy him. He wasn't part of the thing. Same with Bernie. Can't let someone not part of the orthodoxy be in charge!

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My point is that it doesnt matter who wins cause the party behind them is bought out anyway

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To some extent this is true, yes.

Obama didn't bring a lot of change, but the Affordable Care Act was still a big step forward.

The point is as simple as: if you win an election, the levers of power will be given to you.

2028 approaches. A new opportunity for a change candidate. Maybe it won't mean tearing down the old system, but maybe it will mean a chance.

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I doubt the system will change without radical action (as in armed uprising or something)

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Anything that can be achieved with radical action could just be achieved by running a bunch of younger legislators and smashing Congress with a new wave of fresh politics.

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I mean well see but I doubt it :marseyshrug:

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I like the affordable care act because it resulted in the Obama admin doing a big takedown of hundreds of :marseytrain: studies.

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