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How many times do libs have to be told that all these restrictions on freedom of speech they vote for to shut down evil orange man supporters will only be used to on their crusty asses in time.

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How is Hasan gonna afford his expensive LA Mansion now?

It's safe to say that a crackhead genocide should be in place. :soycry: emoji :marseymini: emoji :chadblack: emoji

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Can't even abuse white people anymore I miss 2016

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Those r/Drama people genuinely disturb me. At least the fascists on subs like ConsumeProduct seem to genuinely care about the stupid shit they believe in (traditionalism, national pride, the importance of the nuclear family, sexual purity, etc.). Those drama freaks seem to value literally nothing but being as much of an inhuman and obnoxious piece of shit as possible in every direction the opportunity presents itself.


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