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/ ! \ PROPLE OF GAMING WARNING / ! \ Women and men fight about why women get their own tournament

(Hint: it's because they're bad).

Background: ESL, a company that puts video games tournaments, in this case Counter-Strike, released a calendar of women only tournaments. They typically run these every year but I don't think they did last year. Women generally play in the 3rd-4th best men's online league when they mix genders.

Man who dresses like a cute twink tweets out asking where the more prestigious "men's" or open tournament is.

Angry foid who works for ESL responds.

He responds.

Goes in for a random dunk on a "reporter" who is simping.

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Where do the theys complete!? :marseywalking:

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Speed running events

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ESEA Main/Open, normally

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Time to form a team made from the most neurodivergent trans MtF's to sweep all these tournaments


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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The League Of Legends Championship Series Has Its First Woman Player


Remilia, first woman to compete in LCS, dies at 24

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""woman"" (male) g*mer 41%s himself

like pottery

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This actually happened in Starcraft 2, mtf named scarlet, played against men only tho and still won tourneys. I can only imagine her in actual female tournaments yeeting silver foids left and right

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The only other foid in StarCraft I've ever heard of was Tossgirl. Who was like a novelty or a pet in Kespa. And she's not as cute as Scarlett.

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I 4 pool tossgirl all night

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She actually participated in one women's only tournament (I think they invited her but unsure on that front). She crushed so hard she made a statement that she wouldn't compete in it again. For bit while she was arguably the best foreigner (aka non-Korean) in SC2 so it really wasn't fair. One of the very few that ever made it into GSL.

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There was a singular :marseytrain: who was passable (skill wise), her got to the second highest league in NA with I think the streamer team Mythic before she quit to a different game. To my knowledge this is the only pro :marseytrain: in CS

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It used to just be funny but seeing women take L after L sort of makes you sympathise with them after a while. It almost began for women, almost.

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Way back when in 2014 or 15, some pug team lost to at the time the top female team then immediately disbanded changing their team name to "Lost to Ubinited." There's probably records of it on ESEA forums, /vg/, or hltv, but I don't care enough to find it

https://twitter.com/missharvey/status/598544726862786561?s=21 Found it lol

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Going on the fast lane into the Incel corner. Might wanna take a break and see where you are going.

This is who calls you incel online.


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looking like that neighbor @Krambussy31

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Soy hair :zoomersoy:

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Going on the fast lane into the Incel corner. Might wanna take a break and see where you are going.

:soyjak: :soyjak: :soyjak: :soyjak:

good morning, I hate soids

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This clown is a sarcastic, disingenuous individual, donโ€™t even waste your time responding to him. Heโ€™s not courageous or intelligent enough to debate issues and theories in an honest, straightforward way, so he (?) hides behind his defense mechanismsโ€ฆ in this case, playing a sarcastic, incoherent punk/rebel who makes no sense (because heโ€™s not trying to). Seems heโ€™s trying to draw attention to himself, and discredit facts and opinions he doesnโ€™t like by belittling them, as opposed to refuting them or making rational counter-arguments like us adult folks. He reminds me of an annoying, 15 year-old little shit desperate for attention, but lacking the wisdom or life experience to say anything intelligent enough to actually contribute to the conversation, or be useful to anyone. Donโ€™t waste your time!! Hope that helps. ๐Ÿ™‚



Man who dresses like a cute twink:

Angry foid who works for ESL responds:

He responds:

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