This (on the right) is PirateSoftware
He's otherwise known as Jason Thor Hall - or more importantly - as Maldavius Figtree, his online Fursona when he played Second Life.
He rose to fame by (ab)using YouTube Shorts. In these he shares his outlandish knowledge on a plethora of topics ranging from computer science (hacking), running a ferret rescue operations to working at blizzard. In fact, he will mention at least one of the topics within 10 seconds. He's also a game developer and a streamer. The sad reality - he has no clue about anything. People tend to believe his words as he appears wise and smart and stuff. His KiwiFarms Thread has 160 pages of people rightfully hating and collecting his r-slurred statements. He's god's gift to mankind - and he'll make sure you think so too.
He's also a self-proclaimed "top-tier" World of Warcraft player with years of experience and an actual history of working at Blizzard - and then wimped out on his hardcore (permadeath) streamer guild OnlyFangs, getting multiple others killed as he ran away from a very survivable encounter. To clarify, various streamers are currently running a hardcore classic world of warcraft guild called OnlyFangs. The point of hardcore is that you only have one life, if you die at any point of the game, you have to re-level which may take at least 120 hours. So unlike regular classic which is piss-easy baby mode, dying is a big deal. That's why you need to trust your teammates in a dungeon or raid, as your in-game life depends on them NOT fricking up. Pirate did frick up. In fact, he fricked up so bad that the entire streaming world sans his paid shill buddy Asmongold is pooping on him. Rightfully so. Not only did he frick up, he also refused to acknowledge even a modicum of accountability, and instead iteratively double triple or quadruple downs on his original statements. The entire /r/LivestreamFail subreddit is full of threads pooping on him and it's genuinely the most endearing thing I've ever seen. Not even universally hated child male feminists are as despised. Never mess with !g*mers:
I won't go into more detail here because most of these threads are just hating for the sake of hating or other known streamers giving their extremely valuable opinion but
this is the original thread that started all of it - containing the now infamous clip.
Does he deserve the death penalty&&
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I generally like the guy, but wondering if I'm a pseud for not detecting his BS.
There was one short I saw where he recommended never using any personal accounts on a network you didn't control
It was really weird cause people were like...everything in
has TLS so like whats the risk? Even the classic coffee shop WiFi isn't a huge threat vector with DNS over HTTPS...!codecels
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He's basically regurgitating corpo normie anti phishing training.
Because he's not actually a dev or cyber security guy, he's a mockingbird. He's really good at repeating things he hears near him and takes credit for it
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Pretty much. Once I was getting his clips on my feed my bullshit detector was going off slightly but not enough.
Like he kept having the splash screen for his game up but he never does any coding or anything. Just sits there and pontificating with no substance on Ms paint. Talking about simple concepts as if they're genius level.
And his Zoomers audience that doesn't know better buys it.
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Dang now that you mention it it is funny ive seen the loading screen of his game a ton but i honestly have no clue what his gameplay is
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Undertale ripoff
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I think I was giving him too much credit because I was like...maybe he does take it this seriously and uses like a dumb phone or at least GrapheneOS with no accounts? The phone network would totally qualify in his example.
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I think he's great at sounding knowledgeable in topics you aren't super familiar with, then the second he goes in to something you have a deeper-than-surface-level knowledge on you realise he's a total hack.
I saw his shorts and checked out some of his streams back when he was making his development heck kickstarter game and my jaw dropped when I saw how dogshit the code was. Absolutely unmaintainable garbage worse than the Runescape bot scripts I made when I was a teenager.
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It's not a pseud thing, especially since you already noooticed at least one discrepancy. It usually takes a few of those to break the "listening to a milquetoast eceleb favorably" conditioning.
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The Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is such
and applies to so many things.
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There was a last psychitrist article I read a while back which permanently changed how I read the news once you notice shit like this you cant unnotice it
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The Last Psychiatrist is himself just like PirateSoftware up there. Tries to act like he's some tortured realist who's the only sane voice in an insane world, meanwhile he's just some shittier than average psychiatrist who disguises his poorly written venting as some kind of deliberately-obscured gospel.
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still doesn't change that alot of journ*lists write like fictional third person omniscient narrators and once you see it you cant unsee it.
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Agreed, his writing style is kind of overwrought for the points he usually tries to make, even when they're correct.
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Reminds me alot of Theo. He gets points with the semi tech literate by taking slight stands against big corpos (calling out kernel level anti cheat or ai scams like the rabbit) but you listen to them talk long enough and you realize they just repeat the marketing bulletbpoints all the same as LTT or Marques Brownlee. Like in his Rabbit R1 video Theo calls electron one of the best things for software development and seemingly doesn't understand why the $200 Rabbit AI device just being a single android apk being run on a device with the spcs of a $70 chinkium android phone is an L and is more concerned with the CEOs tweets.
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First thing I thought of was Mental Outlaw.
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Yeah i remember him seething over windows 11 auto enabling bitlocker. Which is a massive nothing burger lmao. Feel like his channel mostly watched bg people who swear theyll switch to linux but never do.
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I switched over to a decent machine with Windows 11 after 10 years of Ubuntu, Arch and Endeavour, and I love it so much it's unreal lmao.
From now on, if anyone asks OS advice, I'll suggest Windows 11 if you're not living in the stone age, Endeavor if you're not a boomer, Linux Mint otherwise.
Frick Linux nerds and wannable hackers.
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I should get off my butt and pivot to tech tuber
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Just make sure to poop on microsoft without shilling linux too hard, talk about tech news, and make cs monkey corpo stuff
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