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What recurring dream(s) do you have? :marseysleep2:

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The one where im at the gym and everyone decides that I look stupid and shouldn't be there so they throw weights at me until I die


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water, wind, earth, or fire in places where wate, wind, earth, or fire is not supposed to be


:marseysadge: "Ughhh, why are the lightbulbs gushing water? Has it been doing that all night? This house is ruined!!! :derpwhy: I'll get the shopvac... oh no! The outlets are gushing water!!!"

:derpwhy: "Why doesn't our town have tornado sirens? I've been vaccuumed into another county and have no legs and now I can't find my wallet, this is terrible!"

:rukiddingme: "Really? I can't get home because a hundred sinkholes opened up? :derpwhy: :marseyaware: waaaiiiittt this is an earthquake isn't it"

:marseysadge: "throw all the cats in the car, it looks like a hundred chasms to heck has opened up and is setting everything on fire :marseysadge: I'll get the hose"

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that I'm still with her

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Who? :marseyconfused:

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With who? :marseyconfused:

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can't u just call her? see how she doing?

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Fricking @BWC 's dad's fat tanlined butt.


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I keep dreaming about committing various crimes and having to evade the police, ranging from petty theft to outright murder.

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Maybe, posting hatespeech online doesn't really cut it anymore :cdmshrug:

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Why not? :marseyquestion:

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i had this very fricking weird dream where the newest gender identity was cis-trans. i'm going to go out on a limb and say that my subconscious spit that out because it rhymed with chris-chan. but it was like you say, natal women trying to look like trans women. at one point i was at the gas station and the pump tv was showing a human-interest story about a clothing insert that aided cis-trans women to pass better as trans by drastically extending the length of their shoulders. i think the other term was supertrans or ST. as i went about my business in the dream something caused me to remember that an auto parts chain had taken a bath in the stock market for making light of this new identity somehow in the ad copy for one of their transmission treatments. i made a mental note to look up what the offending slogan was so i could begin the process of trying not to repeat it in socially liberal company

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i had this very fricking weird dream where the newest gender identity was cis-trans. i'm going to go out on a limb and say that my subconscious spit that out because it rhymed with chris-chan. but it was like you say, natal women trying to look like trans women. at one point i was at the gas station and the pump tv was showing a human-interest story about a clothing insert that aided cis-trans women to pass better as trans by drastically extending the length of their shoulders. i think the other term was supertrans or ST. as i went about my business in the dream something caused me to remember that an auto parts chain had taken a bath in the stock market for making light of this new identity somehow in the ad copy for one of their transmission treatments. i made a mental note to look up what the offending slogan was so i could begin the process of trying not to repeat it in socially liberal company

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the pump tv was showing a human-interest story about a clothing insert that aided cis-trans women to pass better as trans by drastically extending the length of their shoulders

You were dreaming of the 80s.


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Arguing a case in court when I have no idea what it's about. But then something happens to make it turn out okay, like I hate my client so it doesn't matter, or I can win by beating up the judge.


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You're a lawyer? :marseyshook:

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Habitual criminal.

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So lawyer? :marseysmug2:

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What's so funny? :marseyconfused:

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lmao what epsiode was this

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i drive a car and the vehicle brakes don't work and the car keeps accelerating :marseyscared:

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This but I'm always driving from the back seat or passenger seat for some reason and I keep thinking it would be bad for the cops to see me do this but I never think to just change seats :diddykongheadscratch:

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I've had one of those dreams, but then I try to switch seats and crash

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The video I'm working on right now, took advantage of the setup and actually recorded a clip of "hey you guys ever have dreams where you're driving but it feels like you're way back here and can't control anything?"


But then i botched it so idk if I can actually include that in the final thing

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The video I'm working on right now, took advantage of the setup and actually recorded a clip of "hey you guys ever have dreams where you're driving but it feels like you're way back here and can't control anything?"


But then i botched it so idk if I can actually include that in the final thing

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True reality for Chinese EV owners

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:marseydisagree: I think that video looked like he slammed the accelerator and only realized it wasn't the brake after smashing through all those bikers then braked. Certified senior moment.

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There's one where the traffic isn't moving and the car keeps spinning the tires ramming the whole line in front.

The driver appears to have left the vehicle already

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When I dream I think of my family, when I wake up they're not here. It's pretty much every night.

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Oh, they make you sleep in the shed? Me too, bud.

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Why, what happened to them? :marseyreading:

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Cancer for three, early onset dementia and Parkinson's one each, stroke and organ failure for a total of seven deaths in the family in the last five years. Technically the early onset dementia family member is still alive, but she doesn't recognize me or know my name. She can throw a punch still if she thinks you're an intruder.

Like yes it's with my extended family, cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents, but they all were pretty young for it.

I really hope there's an afterlife and gay people are allowed in, because holy shit I miss them so much.

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I work in the trades and grew up working on stuff with my dad.

I have a recurring stress/anxiety dream in which there is a catastrophic leak in the roof of my parents' house. I'm always desperately trying to fix it but none of my cowtools work and the material is always out of reach or going missing. I'm asking for help from my parents or at least acknowledgement of the situation at hand, but they're always dismissive and tell me that its no big deal. Meanwhile water is cascading into the building and everything is getting ruined. Eventually i become furious and start yelling at my parents, sometimes I start breaking things out of anger.

I'm in my early thirties now and have had my own house for years but this dream always takes place at my parents'.

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Why do you think that is? :marseyconfused:

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I'm not entirely sure. In the abstract, I think it's partly a control thing. Anxiety over the inability to control the erosion of things in life, and anger in feeling alone in my efforts maybe? In the dream, I'm usually younger, like a kid or teenager.

Outside of the abstract, I'm painfully aware of the damage water can do to a building and I've helped friends and family repair that damage in the past. I don't think this dream is actually about water damage though.

Edit: actually, it probably means I'm gay.

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falling down stairs but its like in slow motion, face first. i never made it to the end before waking up.

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Not recurring but had a dreams last night everyone was getting systematically chased down by smart alligators and I was running away in a forklift (certified btw) one grabbed my foot but it didn't really hurt and

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And? What happened next?

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They got him irl :marseycry:

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It just let go?? woke up :marseyfluffy:

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Two, both car-related for some strange reason. :marseysteer:

1. I'm driving the backroads of my town and end up missing a turn, driving my car off a cliff

2. I'm driving on a familiar interstate, then I miss my exit, and end up in some M.C. Escher maze of exits I've never seen before.

I've only ever had one fender bender in my life, wtf does this mean?

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M.C. Escher maze of exits I've never seen before

I get that one all the time

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winning :marseysaluteussr:

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Winning what? :marseyconfused:

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I don't consider myself a violent person but I probably have one dream a week where I get killed or I murder/severely harm someone (only in self defense)


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Who do you usually kill? :marseyreading:

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Nobody in particular. I just find myself in situations where I'm fighting for my life for some reason

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Almost every day I have a dream :marseypillpopper: where :marseydrama: I go through a normal :marseychartgaussian: day and it fricks up my sense of time and reality because I keep confusing :marseyinsane: these realistic :marseyraytraced: dreams with actual memories

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Almost every day I have a dream where I go through a normal day and it fricks up my sense of time and reality because I keep confusing these realistic dreams with actual memories

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Yes that's what I said

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Yes that's what I said

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I dream that I've made it out of the hood with my beats/music career.

Unfortunately, I wake up and I'm still in war torn chi-raq. Daily life is dangerous torment...

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What? :marseyconfused:

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I dream about Harpooner's stanky old gussy. I especially like the thought of her splooging those grandma gushables into my bowl of Raisin Bran every morning :marseysniff:

Sincerely, @box

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Who? :marseyconfused:

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I don't understand. :marseybottom:

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wtf man :marseyxdorbit:

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High school :marseyeric: graduation :marseygrad:

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Failure. Failure at work, failure at school, failure at love, failure to help anyone, financial failure. But then I wake up and think to myself "meh, actually my life is pretty good."

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Are you sure? :marseyconfused:

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I dream that I can't use my phone or computer. Like I'll be trying to look something up but I keep typing things wrong or the buttons aren't doing what I tell them and I get increasingly furious. I think it's a terminally online version of the dream where you're trying to run but it's like running through quicksand


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It's apparently a common way to tell if you're dreaming, see if digital displays can't maintain consistency

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The wake up loop.

Other than that the in a dream I recognize a dream place as having been there before, but when I wake up I cannot remember the dream.

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Oh frick I forgot about the wake up loop. I've had it nest like 8 deep sometimes. Level 5, getting out of bed, going to feed the cat, and wtf there's snow outside. Darn it I'm still dreaming, come on

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The worst ones were the ones where you wake up and think you are finally awake because finally everything feels real, but then you wake up in the next loop and realize the previous one was fake because this is the one where you feel truly awake, and this goes on for a bit, then you actually wake up and are just wondering for a bit what if this one isn't the real one either.

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I never had a dream like this :marseysad:

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Lucky. They kinda low key frick you up a bit.

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That I get an upmarsey from Aevann

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I don't get it. :marseyconfused:

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