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My failure to what? Obtain 50k dramacoin? And that means IM the one who lives in their mom's basement? Get a life you terminally online frick. For your information I live in a shack in the woods, far away from the urban hellscape someone like you calls home. At least my mom had a basement, they don't put those in Brooklyn apartments. I don't make my money bending my spine over a desk scribbling at numbers either, I'm a blue collar man, not a shriveled, pale, soft creature like I know that you are. You would never dare to talk shit like this to me irl, I would smack the twisted lips right off of your filthy goblin face.

This is perfect drama. They literally go into a neighborhood looking for trouble and find it, then complain. I even include a link to a thread where people from both groups are fighting. You could post a thread like this for literally any other cultural group here and no one would blink an eye. But somehow, just because it's Jews, it's "MDEcel shit", and "I'm gonna get us banned". Why? Wtf? Because there some unspoken "no criticizing Israel" rule encompassing the entirety of the internet? Do I need to quote Voltaire?

Maybe you feel like some big dog here but we all know what you are in the real world. Run along little rat, all you are doing here is betraying your true nature. You've already been found out.

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Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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