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EFFORTPOST Ancient drama about André Rieu :marseycheemsdog: the Dutch global Classical Music superstar, hated his primary fandom demographic (Boers) in :marseyflagsouthafrica: and caused drama numerous times in his tours in the 2010s when he said he wanted more Black peeps, instead of :marseymayo: in his concerts!! :marseyxd:

There was this !dutch violinist/ orchestra director who became famous worldwide, by having these "informal" classical music concerts/shows, where peeps in the audience would dance in the aisles, or even the musicians or André himself would walk down the aisles themselves, while celebrating famous classical music.

This was considered radical for Boomers, who found the dour and sour and uptight classical music conformity of Europe to be to too stifling. People like my parents were pretty excited to watch his shows and performances on DSTV, which had become more common in Safrica, and appreciated his musical acumen, whilst having much more lighthearted tones in his shows.

Here's a bull attacking a woman!! :soyjakwow: :soyjakwow: :soyjakwow:

He also looks like an eccentric mad-scientist nutjob with his hair! :marseyscientist: :marseyradiation: :marseyoppenheimer: :yakub:

In 2010 he had a tour in :marseyflagsouthafrica: :marseyflagsouthafrica: :marseyflagsouthafrica:

Unfortunately his weak !dutch genes were no match for the filth and garbage of Safrica, and he got a debilitating ear infection mid tour. :marseydizzy: :marseydizzy: :marseydizzy: :marseyill:


Drama had however occurred over time in the 2010s when André Rieu obtained the notable quirk, in that he REFUSED :marseyno: :marseyrejecthug: to speak the Colonizer language of Afrikaans!!!! :soycry: :soyjakhipster:

This caused a lot of seeth for Boers, who ironically made the lionshare of his fandom in the country, even beyond the large Bonglish CD-buyers in Cape Town. This social media drama has been largely purged by time and linkrot (omg this like 15 years ago :marseytrollcrazy: :marseyanorexia:) But it was pretty big drama.

In his tours of 2010 & 2012, he had repeated numerous times that he had been disappointed in the demographics makeup of his shows, which as can be predicted, were always overwhelmingly :marseymayo: :marseymayo: :marseymayo:

He was especially disappointed to find Safrican black peeps didn't really give a shit, despite his massive catering towards them in all his Safrican tours, whether in Cape Town or Suncity. Especially in his "My African Dream" shows, which he tailored to include lots of black opera singers, local black dancers, and it was still 99% mayo :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

=====(from news24)

André Rieu, King of the waltz and musical hero to many South Africans, still refuses to speak a word of Afrikaans or even Dutch onstage.

Last year already many of his fans asked why Rieu did not speak a word of Afrikaans or Dutch on stage.

He has toured across the globe, always making an effort to speak at least a word of the language of the country in which he is touring. :derpwhy: :derpwhy: :derpwhy: :derpwhy:

Rieu is aware that many of his fans in South Africa are Afrikaans speaking and that they are able to understand the Dutch heard on the DVDs.

Country's demographic :ericandre:

When Volksblad asked Rieu in an official enquiry why he does not speak Afrikaans or Dutch onstage in South Africa, he said: "No comment."

"He wanted to make it easier for his fans to travel to the show, because not everyone will be able to travel all the way to Sun City. He also hopes to then see an audience that is a better representation of the country's demographic." :soyjakhipster:

Rieu has said that he would like to see an audience that is 50% black and 50% white. Last year, he asked the Bloemfontein Children's choir to perform with him in his hometown of Maastricht in the Netherlands. His condition that the choir should consist of 50% black members, was heavily criticised. :shakefist: :marseybeanangry: :marseyoverseether: :seethejak: :vulgar:

====(end quote)

I tried really hard to find old twitter :slapfight: :slapfight: :slapfight: about drama when André Rieu stated in front of his 99% mayo audience how sad and disappointed he was that so few black peeps had come to his Cape Town and Suncity shows, and with many people stating how full of shit he was, because if he wanted a primary black audience, he should have hosted a show in Soweto stadiums (he didn't cuz it was unsafe :marseysmug3: )

Like holy hells there was scores of drama - you guys don't appreciate how linkrot has culled so much drama of our forebears :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed:

Like I remember newspaper articles about the drama and events but that shit is now banished to the shadowrealm :marseytrollcrazy: i literally cannot find anything on the face of the internet to prove what I'm recounting to you guys, it's information just gone into the ether :marseydeadinside3:

RANDOM BONUS DRAMA: Reddit thread about André Rieu's detractors

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He knows the answer to the Mayo :marseymayo: question.

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But you're white? :marseysad:

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Yes, I am.

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But I don't want you to die :marseysob:

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Thank you :marseyheart:, I don't want to die either.

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>white guy plays white people music infront of white people


Jesus Christ.... they're off twerking on burning vehicles you r-slur what do you think?

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Like all the rappers who make the whitest of white guy/foid rap then b-word and moan when their concerts are 99% white :marseyxd:

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I thought the point of their music was to attract snow bunnies but imagine my shock when it wasnt

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how many black :marseybombay: people like European :marseybacktoeurope: classical music :marseyazusanakano: in general :marseyarthurwatts: lol what was he expecting?

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All of them, if only they'd had the opportunity to hear it instead of being sung nursery grime

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Are you googling?

Try adding before:2023 to your search. Two years ago GoogGoog fricked up their algorithm

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>two years ago

They started fricking it up in 2017, it's been unusable since 2018

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This guy lobbied the EU commission president to try to get €15m of gibs to pay for his world tour.

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What he should've done was make a Norwegian video game about cancel culture


(The joke is Dustborn received EU money)

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Haha, nice

(Thank you for explaining the joke, it otherwise wouldn't have made sense without the context)

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I still don't completely get it :marseysad:


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Did it work? :marseyexcited:

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No :marseygiveup: seeing slapstick in a classical music performance fills the liberal elite heart with rage

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classical music


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What's wrong with that? :marseysad:

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i literally cannot find anything on the face of the internet to prove what I'm recounting to you guys, it's information just gone into the ether

Like tears in the rain. :marseyrain: Happens to me all the time. It's even worse than trying to playing a Windows 95 game from the mid-'90s.

His programs are vehicles for gaudy stage setting, absurd costumes and an audience of seals clapping through every piece they've only ever half listened to, taken from larger works they will never listen to.

Sounds like a way of engaging with classical music that I might actually enjoy. :marseyexcited:

B-word please. I am not some normie. I've been in the performing arts. I've had to watch the goddarn performing arts for work. I've seen the business model from the other end and honey, playing boring shit to dying geezers just ain't gonna cut it in the 21st Century. Maybe try to make "classical" music be like it was back then, something people enjoyed without having a 1.2 meter rod up their butt.

The man keeps hundreds of musicians employed full-time, with decent job security.

This is true. Musicians, dancers, and vocalists.

Is there anyone you forgot to mention?


Like the people running the goddarn venue so that you artstrags actually have a place to perform? :marseyunamused: You "artists" like to play around with your violins but if I gave you a couple gels you wouldn't even know what to do with them. :marseysmughipskorean:

You fricking r-slurs just show up and imagine it was goddarn little fricking dwarves and elves who did all this for you. All the cables, all the mics, all the lighting doing just what you like. We just went to sleep and let the elves do it.

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I don't see much drama :marseyshrug: you sure it's not a nothingburger Burgher? :marseysmug2:

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People went mad with speculation, money was lost, and it was national drama? Is that not enough for you? :marseybeanannoyed:

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Why did you ignore my Safrican related pun? :marseysad:

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@kaamrev keeps shit awarding me :soycry:

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@kaamrev my Boer friend have you heard about the !sphereserfmurderers initiative?

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Nothing comes up when I search it up so it didn't happen :!marseyindignant:

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Who's the woman on the shirt in the thumbnail? :marseyreading: I keep thinking it's Aubrey Hepburn but I'm not sure :marseysad:

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Goeden Dag Herren and Madamen, weer are de Neegers?

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he seems like he's decades past his expiration date. like he'd attract the same audience as lawrence welk: 80 year-old widows.

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Opened up a vid to a random timestamp and see a bunch of guys dancing with women in wheelchairs.

Almost seems like satire lmao

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Saw him last year to appease the foid, was actually pretty entertained. I was also pretty drunk.

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This must've been the Saffrican boomer foid's 9/11

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Why? :marseyconfused:

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He also has this weird expression that says he has s*x every night

with himself

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If it makes you feel any better, our "European betters" look down on us North American colonists too, even though they're mostly descended from people who were too poor and/or cowardly to take advantage of the opportunity to emigrate to the New World.


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Not really. Irish and italians which number in the 10s of millions were literal famine survivors or brown jobless bums. Ironically the wealthy white italians went to argentina and look at them now

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Everybody's ancestors are famine survivors, but only the Irish have turned it into national identity.

Also, Argentina been a basketcase for all of its modern history, despite being geographically blessed, so I wouldn't be holding them (including the present regime) up as any sort of positive example.

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>they are poor because um, socioeconomic factors


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I don't get it :marseysad:

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The Dutchman longs to get ZULU'D


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>There was this !dutch violinist/ orchestra director who became famous worldwide, by having these "informal" classical music concerts/shows, where peeps in the audience would dance in the aisles, or even the musicians or André himself would walk down the aisles themselves, while celebrating famous classical music.

I knew of him but I had no idea he was this much of a cute twink.

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looks like the videos the statuechuds post as if all white (a blanket ethnicity, you see. Because Greece) people waltz to classical music alongside videos of crackheads twerking. :chudsmug:


But realtalk, white westoids are way too harsh on Boers while ignoring Angloid South Africans. Like any of them had a choice to be born there. Heck the Zulus and the Boers were on pretty good terms before the arrival of the perfidious Bong

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What? :marseyconfused:

Also, what's wrong with South African Bongs? :marseyconfused:

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