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Have fun!

what did he mean by this

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:#marseysowsmug: :#marseyreapcrying:

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My (uneducated) guess is that he wants them to not have boring or dull

"Fun" can also mean "commotion," so there's that.

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With Chinese retaliatory tariffs coming against the only thing we export (soybeans) this is just damage control.

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More soy for the redditors today is a glorious day!

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Pretty sure Asia buys our meat and South America is buying our grain.

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Reported by:

"No refunds"

I wonder which shitty European dictatorship currently embroiled in a trade war makes a lot of oil and grains and would benefit from US farmers going bankrupt :marseywrongthonk:

Thank god he didn't just put 25% tariffs on the main US source of potash. That would be a real problem for farmcels

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Finding new ways to fertilize their crops? (Over 95 per cent of the potash used by American farmers is imported, with 90 per cent of that coming from Canada)

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Wow, and I've just been throwing my pot ash away :marseyrasta:

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I'm guessing it's either "have fun" or "get fricked inbred r-slurs thanks for the votes lol".

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once again, libtards owned epic doge style

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I am become meme


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>fell for it again award

How can we have fallen for it when this is what he said he would do?


While campaigning for his second term as U.S. president, Trump vowed to implement even larger tariffs, including a 60% tariff on China, 100% on Mexico, and 20% on all other countries.

Do you think that spamming that emoji is gonna change people's minds?


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n-no this is a g-g-good thing

:#marseyxd: :#marseymanysuchcases:

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+6 Iowa

Was Ms Alka Seltzer right all along, just out by 2-4 years?

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What does this mean?

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Acclaimed pollster who ruined her record in 2024 by predicting a D+ Iowa poll that was 17 points off the final result.

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It just means an import tax for f*reigners, not for Am*rican farmers exporting outside of the US, right? Why do they assume this??? :marseythinkorino:

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>surely all the countries I just hit with tariffs won't retaliate


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So far all countries have said they'll retaliate and then 5 minutes later apologized and did nothing.

Nice try though bb.

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They didn't retaliate because Trump didn't put the tariffs in place on Canada and Mexico. As soon as he actually implements any there will be retaliations

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Sure there will be sweaty.

Are the retaliations with us in the room now?

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Actually yes. Our economy is fricked lmao

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Don't get me wrong it is incredibly r-slurred just like everything him and El*n are doing I just feel like ppl are intentionally understanding him wrong (:marseypearlclutch:)

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Looks like he's pretty clearly saying export tariffs (which are paid by producers when exporting), but given his mental state he might have misinterpreted what his handlers are saying.

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Because that's what he said lol.

Good chance he's just r-slurred and doesn't know what he's saying tho

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He said tariffs on external products aka products from external to the US right? :marseyretard2:

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No, he's saying export tariffs. That's why he emphasizes that products will now "be sold INSIDE of the United States." They're an actual thing forbidden by the Constitution ("No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State").

The tariffs are almost certainly import tariffs and he's just too braindead to be consistent.

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The entire point of tariffs, other than the tax revenue, is to stimulate domestic production. Now you know this try rereading the post.

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He's been framing his entire tariff plan as a revenue strategy.

Are you not aware that export tariffs are a thing that exists, to the point that the Constitution explicitly bans them? On its face he's saying that he wants product to be sold inside the United States instead of elsewhere, which is what export tariffs (not import tariffs, which deal with imports) would do. I didn't write the Tweet (or whatever they call it on his dead Twitter clone), I already agreed he's probably just not writing coherently, because nobody in the government has the authority to pass export tariffs without a constitutional amendment. Not that that wouldn't stop him from trying, but I doubt that's what he means here.

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I thought he was saying like since we have import tariffs now you won't HAVE to export your stuff anymore you can sell it INSIDE the US because you don't have the evil outside competition anymore and this is great for our country (for some reason)

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That's definitely what he means, I don't know how so many people are not getting it.

Like, it's r-slurred logic, but it's not hard to follow.

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>I don't know how so many people are not getting it

Willful misinterpretation. There's no way to interpret, "tariffs on external products" as export tariffs unless you're either r-slurred or disingenuous. Guess which the groomercord strags in this thread are being.

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That might be what he means. Or he means the Canadian retaliatory tariffs starting Tuesday.

But the most straightforward interpretation is that he's talking about export tariffs. But I agree he's probably just being incoherent.

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Its so cute and relatable when my 87 year old grandpa tells me I'm a cute twink

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Here's the thing: farmers don't care. They rely on subsidies to breakeven and most get dictated to what they can grow. They're not even allowed to keep last years seed because companies hold rights to them. Banks give loans conditional on growing Monocrops, also encouraged by subsidies, because companies need addictive cheap shitty crap for their goyslop. The current US farming system was setup in the Cold War for all kinds of r-slurred reasons, to drive down the cost of grain to hurt the soviets, even to force Japan to import rice. The rice was poor quality to them so the Japanese used it as animal feed.

The entire farming system is a political bargaining chip. Internally it's used for large corporates to sell billions in shitty goyslop to keep the burgers fat and emaciated, and externally its used to beat down farmers so other countries cave

If farmers were left under the capitalist system they'd quickly resort to producing a wider variety of healthy produce that's more profitable for them

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>Muh poor red states depend on blue cities to survive.

No biotch we set the red states up to be poor because the only thing worse than the hustle and bustle underclass of cities is the hustle and bustle underclass when they haven't eaten for two days because they couldn't afford goyslop on the free market.

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Do you genuinely have savant syndrome? Because despite your math PhD you seem functionally r-slurred.

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"i do drive by racisms. But only on public transportation vehicles. Im currently banned from ever steppong foot back onto a bus if they could catch me but they dont/wont."

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I know you and your buddies are sitting in a groomercord or telegram or some private chat right now laughing at the reactions in here as usual, probably with some of the SRD mods, so here's a question for all of you:

How old are you? Is this really how you get enjoyment out of your Saturday nights? Is there really nothing else you can do? Is this enriching to you? Do you think you're ever going to mature to a point where you finally see that deliberately upsetting users simply because you have the power too was pathetic, petty, and small?

This is the equivalent of a shift manager at burger king getting off on making employees miserable, just because it's the smallest bit of actual power they will ever aquire and it makes them feel good to flex it. You can get a comment section full of people upset every couple of weeks. Congratulations. Living the dream.



To the Great Farmers of the United States: Get ready to start making a lot of agricultural product to be sold INSIDE of the United States. Tariffs will go on external product on April 2nd. Have fun!:

Prepare yourself for +6 blue Iowa what the actual frick is he DOING:

Time for Ukrainian led color revolution in America:

Soon the cartels will be smuggling Parmesan cheese, eggs and ozempic from Europe to America:


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