Chad says the new hotweels suck, :marseysteer: gam*rs mad

Look at the comments. How are people (children??:marseynintendo:) so Ε•-slurred?

Is this le satire?? 😳😳😳


No, sadly it's not. :chudsey: :chudsey: :chudsey:

-expert :marseyspecialpat: :marseyspecialpat: :marseyspecialpat:

The guy literally complained that your shitty arcade car game is not mario kart during the entire video, how can you not be such a brainlet? My mom was right, gaming really does fry your brain.

The rest of the guy's channel looks to be similar, might be worth checking out

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The video has 400 likes to 0 dislikes so I don't know what's up with the commenters. Clearly most people agree with Chad

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