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I'm bald by choice


Exactly how is that covering it up? I mean if it looks better, it looks better. Should I grow my easy to manage hair that takes me 10 minutes every two weeks to shave just so I can prove I'm not insecure about being bald? Sounds awfully insecure. I also have a full beard. Been with this style literally since the year 2000. I like the way the beard compliments the fact I don't have hair elsewhere. I like that it gives the illusion of a stronger jawline. I'm hiding and insecure!!! So basically what you're saying is by actively choosing to play up strong points and downplay weak ones, a person is insecure. Welcome to the human condition. It's amazing you've escaped such fate as everything about you is always 100% natural all the time.

:#marseylongpost: :#marseymalding: :#marseycope:

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wtf is that chin


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I hate the chrome dome cope.


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The BVLL SOLVTION: shave everything like IL DVCE

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It isn't about insecurity. Balding looks like you're sickly. Bald looks clean.

This. Thankfully modern medicine can solve this problem. My Japanese colleague and I are working on a solution to clone hairs with stem cells and implant them everywhere on the epidermis


Of course the best solution is prevention. I suggest any cis-male with baldness problems in their family tree to start HRT as fast as possible :marseyeggirl:

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Modern medicine already has solved the problem. Minoxidil and Finasteride exist for a reason

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> Minoxidil

does not solve the problem. Just makes the hair grow slightly stronger and faster

> Finasteride

Literally chemically castrates the patient. At that point you're better off accepting your egg_irl condition and start transitioning with proper HRT :marseytrans2:

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I'm not sure if that's right but I'll have to take your word for it since you're a doctor and I always trust the science

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literally malding

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This guy needs to get chin surgery to fix that jawline. No amount of beard is going to help cover that up

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This is even worse than a Lawlz thread :die:


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