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138 novels published


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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Novels, manifestos, rants, call em what ya want

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Youd be shocked how much money you could make from churning out romance novels on Amazon self publishing. Theres actually a pretty famous post on one of the subreddits about how you can grindmaxx the system and make more than six figures a year just writing pornography for soccer moms. 138 is pretty normal for a jabroni who wants a paycheck.

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I've seen that post. I'm just insulted that they call their 130 page fap shlock "novels"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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Industry is all shlock. When GoT wordsposting epics are considered citizen kane, its not a reach to consider "big money guy took me from my job at macys and is treating me like a prostitute" a novel either.

Anyone who reads novels written after like, 2000 is a bit of a buffoon. Books = cultured/smart isnt a thing anymore. Stuff like that died with Herbert, Ellison, etc. People who read books now are just looking to pass time.

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Names genre fiction as cultured/smart


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Im talking about the writers themselves being smart guys. Herbert started out as a journ*list (haha) or some nonsense IIRC and wrote dune as a borderline love letter to literal sand. He then turned into a geologist or something because hes a smart cookie.

Ellison also spent his spare time reading obscure nonsense like egyptian philosophy or whatever. He has admitted to enjoying capetrash, however.

If you want a more "cultured" example, Cormac McCarthy says his fiction is at like, the bottom of his hobby list and prefers to be a college monk instead.

If you wanted older examples, people like hemingway are neurodivergent and drink too much. Wordposting about living in a port village is pseud cope. Writers these days (brandon sanderson) all grew up on schlock and it shows.

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This is a NICE find. I've never seen a schizo who combined social media culture wars with 'targeted individual' paranoia, let alone one who combined FLDS religiosity with social media culture wars and 'targeted individual' paranoia. Has she been making the rounds in the creative writing circuit or something?

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This is the first i have heard of her, but she has been writing books for 50 years. So she probably has an untapped mine of nonsense across the web

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Time do do some digging!

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Snally how are you able to be a Redditor and some what self aware? This has always fascinated me

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I reflexively hate everything I spend too much time looking at and need to dive deeper in order to come up with reasons why it's worth hating

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Based, come to the dark side and just blindly hate these people without provocation/reason. It’s the final form

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we see the family unit devastated when one of the wives is murdered and he and his remaining partners go on a mass murdering rampages killing the entire village that sent the "hero" to kill his wife and 2 of his sons. He's seen by the villagers as a horrible evil when he does this, and yet the reader sides with him, because the reader sees the raw emotional anguish him and his family go through when one of their family unit is murdered by "heroic good guys" who broke in and killed her for no reason at all other than to prove they could.

Lol no we don't side with the polygamist nutjob who murders an entire village.


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This subReddit is run by a BIPoC & LGBTQAI+ polygamous FLDS female who writes BIPoC, M/M, Trans, Bi, characters.

:#!punchjak: :#marseyschizo: :#punchjak:

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I live in America, where setting foot outside is a risk of your life, if you are not white or straight.

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Great bait. I love the way it starts off being mildly crazy and then accelerates gradually. I actually started to Google the Maine court case to fact check it before I got to the part about her "kids heads being cut off and nailed to her front door."

:marseybaby: :marseyhead: :marseylaugh: :marseybaited: :marseychefkiss:

That said, her writing advice is pretty good. The most boring thing about woke people is that they make sexuality into a personality trait.


A local trans woman was beheaded in the grocery store in 2015. Her head was found in the ice cream freezer, found by a 4 year old child. It was the 5th trans beheading in that store (Saco Shaw's) in as many years.

:marseyfrozen: :marseyhead: :marseybiden: :marseylaugh: :marseydead: :marseylaugh:

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I was paralyzed for 5 months, in a wheelchair after that, 18 months relearning to walk... it is now 8 years later and I still have severe limited mobility, walk with a cane, and... on April 10, 2015, they showed up at my house with 70+ others, a very large church group, armed with "god hates strags" signs. 14 men armed with guns, took cinderblock bricks, and beat me and my children, killing 10 of my 12 foster, the youngest was age4 the oldest age 16, they cut their heads off and nailed them to my door, again, chanting "stop the gaypocalypse, kill or be killed, kill all the gays before they killus all".

This was the moment when this b-word well full schizo.

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I believe her actually. I had stranger things happen to me before, such as the time when Jesus was showing me heck and I smoked weed with him while he was leading me through the heck plane, not as punishment but to show me heck. Things like that do happen commonly but people are intentionally blind to the reality of life.

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Its crazy because r/writing was usually pretty based, one of the few places id lurk around on reddit.

r/writing and proper writers in general almost unanimously agree upon the same rules, and dont really care about LGBT characters, and usually hate pandering, only wanting well written characters regardless of creed etc.

Never heard of this sub though. The fringe ones are always the craziest.

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I am the Clan's "Queen", what most Americans would call "a Gypsy witch" or "a Gypsy fortune teller". It means I am a Voodoo Priestess, Queen is a religious title similar to Mother Superior in the Catholic Church, and has nothing to do with royalty or monarchy as many Americans often mistake.


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@Aevann You should hire her to develop the website as a professional website developer.

Her site is the bomb. https://eelkat.com/KelimAndTheNecromancer.html

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I guess we have different literary tastes


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She disturbingly looks identical to my mother-in-law


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Most schizophrenics are actually prophets so what if her stories are messages from God and are actually real?

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You know, at first I thought this was one of you. But the sheer amount of :marseylongpost: would be way too much effort for a dramautist

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