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Confused poly whore posts words galore about getting tested for the clap because her girlfriend’s fiancé’s wife’s husband fricked his second cousin who turned out to be pozzed. Polys seethe about the term “clean”.


Jesus Christ what is wrong with these coomer poly whores?

On my end, I have my boyfriend, and my fiancé, and then my fiancé has her girlfriend, and her girlfriend’s husband - let’s call him John.

I need a chalkboard to figure this out.

Somehow they knew he was dating a pozzed foid

So a while back, John was dating this woman, who was Herpes 1 and 2 positive,

John’s a Chad who just non chalantly let it drop that he’s barebacking a pozzed foid

So, just a few days ago, it came out that John had been having this unprotected sexual relationship, which obviously came as a massive surprise to all of us, not least of which because he had actually brought up the topic of wanting to have unprotected s*x in this relationship

John’s wife is pozzed now

His wife was the most surprised of all, and immediately got herself tested. She just got her results today, and they (of course) show her as positive for both Herpes 1 and 2.

And the whole of the rest of the coomer squad have all rubbed up against John’s wife a bunch of times.

I have had s*x directly with his wife, as well as the more typical route amongst each other (my boyfriend with me, me with my fiance, and my fiancé with her)

But should they get tested? Everyone’s gonna get the clap eventually right?

the argument that the stigma/shame associated with having the virus is often much worse than actually having it, and what seems to essentially be the idea that “everyone on the planet is going to eventually have it anyways, so we might as well just let it spread”

The rest is words words words about STDs and testing but bottom line is - don’t be mean to pozzed people!

First off, don't use the word "clean" in regards to STIs, it furthers the shame and stigma by insinuating that people who have STIs are "dirty" -- you're already feeling that stigma right now, yeah, that worrisome little feeling of having to tell potential partners and deal with their reaction and your perceived judgement of you, that's part of the stigma.

After spending time amongst these coomers who frick like dirty dogs I have no surprise anymore as to why we have things like aids and syphalus.


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Well, according to my notes and the charts I made, I've determined that all of these people are degenerate and Stalin was right to put some people in the gulags.

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I always like to point out Great Purge of 1937 mostly got party members (only like 10% of Russian population total,) meaning Stalin was killing commies, whom he must have hated a lot.

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Of course he hated Commies, they were all backstabbers who wanted power and Stalin was paranoid. And Stalin and Trotsky fricking hated each other.

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