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SRDines discuss the conservative bias of r/politics after removals of stories about the Capitol riot indictments


Politics mods are terrible and do this all the time if they have any reason whatsoever to remove an "anti Trump" story


It seems like r/politics has a conservative bias...

Clearly. The r/politics mods removing the story does seem odd but it just seems like their modding style is to enforce rules in a very black and white way rather than considering the spirit of the rule. At least that’s what seems rational to me at a glance, but I’m not a SRDine.

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Okay, lets see whats at the top of r/politics right now, i just want to confirm this for myself:

It's Time For Democrats To Accept That Norms Are Dead, The GOP has no problem being completely unmoored from reality.

What was that about a conservative bias?

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Um sweaty, the democrats are actually far-right by yuropoor standards :marseynails:

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Rip Norm :marseycry:

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