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  • N : how many times have i seen this theory before?

My unified theory regarding incels, trains, furries, weebs, altrighters, tankies and other online communities

I saw this post https://rdrama.net/post/37351/hards-deep-dive-documenting-the-incel about an incel turned MtF and it got me thinking. The one common element among terminally online groups and communities is that they are almost entirely composed of people who are easily influenced, introverted, shy or otherwise unremarkable irl. Another way to describe them would be as people who haven't been able to satisfy what :marseyunabomber: referred to as the power process.

Humans fundamentally seek meaning to their lives, and lack of meaning creates fissures in the psych. This manifests in the form of boredom, anger, jealousy and a general hatred for their condition. This hatred then gets channelized towards a certain enemy, who they think is partly or majorly responsibly for their condition. For example, incels hating on feminists and SJWs, or tankies hating on anybody rich, or altrighters hating on Jews. Another thing to note is that most incels and trains are unable to differentiate the state of the world from the state of their personal lives. And their irl selves from their online identities. Now to this mixture add exposure to a strong set of political beliefs, being told that a certain group is responsible for all that is wrong with the world, or that mutilating yourself will somehow solve and clear all your issues, and most importantly a community that feels welcoming. I don't mean welcoming in the wholesome 100 sending hugs xoxo way. A welcoming community that is full of likeminded people. A place where you feel like you belong. Weebs and g*mers are easy recruitment areas for trains and altright, and to a lesser extent furries. Hence all the t-slurs who use japanese neonames or the high number of rightoid weebs. These groups are filled with easily influenced people, often underage, who are then manipulated, or rather allow themselves to be manipulated towards hardcore r-slurredness. Then these people adopt the ideology (not political ideology, but a general way of thinking), and associate themselves with whatever group they have become a part of. Simply because it gives them a sense of meaning and identity. I guess what I'm saying is that trains, furries, trainfurries, /pol/acks, tankies are all made from the same 'kind' of people. In other words, there is no reason to believe that a /pol/ack wouldn't become a train if he had been exposed to trans groups before being exposed to /pol/.

What we refer to as the incel-to-trans pipeline, or the anime-to-altright pipeline are not actually pipelines, they are river streams with a common source.

Also the only difference between dramanauts and these groups is that dramanauts possess (varying levels of) selfawareness. You are just as pathetic as every other terminally online group. Never forget that.

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I'm not gonna read all that, but the unifying factor is autism.

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