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You guys are really neoliberals? :soyjakhipster:


Planets resources can't really be depleted. Mass and ebergy doesn't disappear, it get's transformed


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love that sub, few subs can cause pants-pooping rage equally on SRD and r/conservative and that sub manages to do it

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r/neoliberal is honestly the only political sub that seems like they actually have fun instead of being hyper-partisan bitter basement-dwellers entrenched in some gay online culture war constantly raging about stupid issues. Their thunderdome threads last election were pretty great. :marseythumbsup:

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I will say this: r/neoliberal is the only subreddit where the mods are openly getting paid. I respect their transparency and that they're not doing it for free like Bardfinn.



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God i wish you didn't have to exist

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I think its fun!

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Dont listen to the haters queen

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so true

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If you don't like talking about Bardfinn don't join a Bardfinn fansite smdh.

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🚨Bard bot alert!🚨

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I did it on purpose this time.

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Let me tell you this-- r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and G*mergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

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I don't see anything directly suggesting their mods are paid, but if it's as associated with a founfation like that I guess it wouldn't be surprising.

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My only complaint about the thunderdome was all the normies it brought in.

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There seemed to be enough regulars hanging around that they routinely got dogpiled on though which was funny.

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the election threads are exactly what I had in mind when I was thinking about how funny that sub is. the only place on reddit that wasn't a bitter hive of anger that whole election

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That's because their candidate wins every election (and if they don't, the people who actually call the shots are their people)

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r/neoliberal is honestly the only political sub that seems like they actually have fun instead of being hyper-partisan bitter basement-dwellers entrenched in some gay online culture war constantly raging about stupid issues.

This hasn't been true since 2020, now it's a Warren fan club

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I hardly ever visit reddit nowadays so I'll take your word for it

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The thing I appreciate about NL is they understand the word "it depends". As you get older you see the world in less black and white. Rightoid subs will tell you there's a solution to everything just do X. Commie subs will tell you we just need to do Y. NL is one of the few subs where you can get told "well this is complicated, and the solution depends on XYZ".

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yeah it is super weird how much most of reddit recoils at the idea of "both sides" but NL is one of the few subs that embraces that yes, sometimes both sides do have points.

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NL is both socially liberal, but also points out that capitalism is the best economic system for lifting people out of poverty as the 20th century showed. Somehow this has turned them into reddit enemy number 1.

TBH I do miss the days of Chapo flame wars, or when then had Prince_Kombrolin as a low level mod for bantz. Peak NL was 2018.

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NL is both socially liberal, but also points out that capitalism is the best economic system for lifting people out of poverty

It absolutely isn't, lol. The success rate of actually lifting people out of poverty on mass scale with free-market capitalism is minimal. Other than a couple of places in South-East Asia (which weren't really in the bottom 50% to start with) it kind of actually sucked.


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i disagree

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Communism is wrong

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It's a (distant) goal of a socioeconomic organisation. It's neither "right" nor "wrong".

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Those were good times. Laughing at rightoid poorcels and baiting them with globalist memes was pretty fun.

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I don't mind the socially liberal part but that sub (last I checked) has gone full woketard in an attempt to find a moral center for their ideology. Which sucks. :marseysulk:

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socially liberal, fiscally pro-market is quite literally the worst ideology there is.

:marseyvibing: The Democratic Party will collapse by 2030. :marseyvibing:
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Except on issues that personally affect jannies, like gender issues

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Wow so we should just do a little bit of genocide? Yikes.

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depends on how much the targets deserve it

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It's not genocide when the targets actively choose to be evil (even when it would cost them nothing to just not be evil).

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Any ideology that denies the innate complexity of reality is a worthless ideology.

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It hasn't been the same for a while now, but it has its moments every now and then

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I love that sub too, it made me really sad when I got banned because of the Russian nationalism in my post history.

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Aren't most SRDines from neoliberal? I saw it in a user overlap once

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Look at all those mad Redditors. It's like going on safari and seeing an elephant jacking itself off with its trunk.


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everyones a neoliberal until they have to live in the ghetto

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which is why i love the hypocrisy leftists pushing for more third world immigration, these people would never venture into the more illicit parts of el barrio unless it's for a quick frick.

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It always amuses me to no end that leftoids have been conditioned to support mass immigration as a moral duty while also endlessly complaining about how perpetual economic growth under capitalism is "unsustainable". Like wtf do they think the immigrants are there for? To bring cultural diversity through foreign food? :mysides:

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Economists like @pizzashill literally believe this

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No r-slur, I just know immigration isn't even a top 20 issue facing society and anyone that thinks it is has a learning disability.

If immigration is a problem, it's not because of immigration, but the right-wing demagogues that exploit racial anxiety to rile the rubes up.

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https://pewresearch.org/politics/2019/12/17/views-of-the-major-problems-facing-the-country/ :mysides:. anyone here think pizzashill has non light skin friends?

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I'm sure tons of people think immigration is a big issue, but that is again, thanks to demagogues and the right-wing media constantly harping on immigration for 20 years.

There's a large gulf between "what people believe" and what is true.

The Republican party is well aware of this reality, don't take my word for it, take the word of the grand newt himself:

I don't care if you want to respond to me, but at least think about the things you're saying before you say them. Because I can assure you that the belief "immigration is important because large swathes of r-slurs think that it is" doesn't make any sense.

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Gingrich left his cancer stricken wife. I'll never take what he says seriously. Also he's a neoliberal thus not truly right wing. In fact there hasn't been a non neoliberal president since JFK. If you don't think climate change, immigration, automation, inceldom and wealth inequality aren't the top problems in the west, you aren't paying attention.

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Neoliberals often support UBI or some other welfare policies.

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Blacks: we are poorly educated. dumber and lack opportunity. You can't give us all government jobs, all we want is dignity through work.

Whites: okay let's import mexicans to lower your already shitty wages but here's my daughter for your bbc, just don't complain about your wages though

MLK: blacks deserve rights

White elites: sooo trueeee!!

MLK: being poor does not have a color

White elites send FBI to kill him

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Holy shit, you guys are radical centrists like for real?

Jesus Christ. I thought this was a joke. I can't comprehend how insane you have to be to actually back an ideology as destructive and senseless as unfettered, radical-centrist just wanting to grill. You claim to worry about the issues of having fun online and yet you do not care about the common internet forum moderator, who inevitably gets fricked at the end of the day. But no, standing up for our right to agendapost 40 hours a week for reddit updoots is apparently a form of cringe at this point.


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I don't understand the tankies and their love for China. Irl Marxist tankies should absolutely hate modern Chinese economical reform as it basically sold their working class out to be the worker bees that suicide themselves over 80 hour weeks to produce gag rubber vomit, pool noodles and Christmas tree lights for the biggest capitalist markets in the world. It's also created a class of mega rich billionaire Chinese business owners and party members.


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The thing that always amuses me about neoliberals is that whenever you ask them to list the accomplishments of neoliberalism, they always end up listing stuff that the previous generation did. Hey guys, it's OK to admit that you're a bunch of rich morons who are just taking credit for the accomplishments of your ancestors. Everybody knows this already: pretending otherwise is like saying "Ice cream is warm, not cold." Who do you think you're fooling?

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The thing that always amuses me about neoliberals is that whenever you ask them to list the accomplishments of neoliberalism, they always end up listing stuff that the previous generation did.

This is mostly reflective of the fact that there aren't many big policies that are clearly "neoliberal" nowadays. School voucher policies, maybe?

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What did Obamacare liberalize?

The only perspective through which Obamacare is "neoliberal" is "I wanted signal payer / nationalization of healthcare and anything else is a neoliberal policy."

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probably the simplest definition of neoliberalism is 'state redistribution of wealth, but in the opposite direction as commies'. Obamacare makes more sense under that rubric.

:marseyvibing: The Democratic Party will collapse by 2030. :marseyvibing:
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No neoliberal would endorse that definition lol.

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list the accomplishments of neoliberalism

Gay marriage (unless 2000s are ancient history)

Trans rights

Chinese living standards unprecedentedly high

Reduced militant imperialism (Afghanistan, Ukraine)

GPD keeps going up

Harmful ideologies exposed and deplatformed (#MeToo's success is the highlight here)

Some tax and industry things nobody cares about (don't research it, it's boring, read esoteric politphilosophy instead)

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Gay marriage (unless 2000s are ancient history)

Literally the only good point you made here

Trans rights

"If you don't want to date a trans person, you're a bigot. Take the girl peepee, bigot!"

Chinese living standards unprecedentedly high

Empowering our geopolitical rivals, surely this will end well

Reduced militant imperialism (Afghanistan, Ukraine)

Translation: We are militarily weak and can't project power as effectively as we used to.

GPD keeps going up

Rich getting richer, well done

Harmful ideologies exposed and deplatformed (#MeToo's success is the highlight here)

"Harmful ideologies" = "Anybody I don't like is a Nazi"

Some tax and industry things nobody cares about (don't research it, it's boring, read esoteric politphilosophy instead)

Yes, I believe we covered that under "Rich getting richer"

So overall, basically what you're telling me is that apart from the gay marriage thing - the one good thing they did in recent history - neoliberals are basically traitors to American values?

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What point are you trying to make? Those are the goals of neoliberalism and they're accomplishing them successfully, as was the question.

Also, it's such a neocon thing to support gay marriage, but none of the other things. Conservatives truly fail to conserve anything.

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My point is that "accomplishments" are supposed to be good things and most of the things you listed are bad.

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Dominating moral system also so happens to be neoliberal (utilitarian), so thinking these good things are actually bad is fringe radicalism.

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Dominating Dying moral system also so happens to be neoliberal (utilitarian)

I fixed that for you, you're welcome

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Coping ain't no baiting.

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I'm neither coping nor baiting. I'm celebrating the death of an evil status quo populated by self-entitled narcissistic elitists who believe that they are the ultimate arbiters of morality and can talk down to the rest of us. It feels good to have played a role in their destruction.

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Between just existing, and raising thousands of dollars for deworming charities NL truly is one of reddit's last hopes.

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Hoes indeed do be quite angry - dare I say these "hoes" are quite "mad"

I HATE REDDITORS I HATE REDDITORS :killherkillher: :killherkillher:

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you condemn "regimes" like China that have successfully improved material conditions for literal billions of people and shill for enlightened "democratic" nations like the US, which have supported literal fascist coups overseas, are barely democratic (two parties, which are basically the same right wing organization, 100% bought by corporations and billionaires) committed countless war crimes, crimes against humanity and still do unthinkable atrocities in places like Guantanamo Bay.

as well all know. china has never done ANY of those bad things! they've only done good!

now i'm not sure if this is an antiwork loon or just a commie shill.

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Alright, neolib shit is pretty based actually

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But no, standing up for our right not to sell my butt 40 hours a week for minimum wage is apparently a form of populism at this point.

didn't look but...this is an antiwork person, isn't it?

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Someday you'll get back to 10k Snappy. Someday.

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No Im nazbol

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posts in r/italy

Lmso italy has been on the brink of being a failed state for the last 1500 years, imagine a wop thinking they have any right to dismiss someones politics.

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I respect unironic neolibs on no grounds other than them making annoying leftoids seethe themselves into an aneurysm

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Progressives / liberals :marseyshooting:

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I deliberately entered a thread of things i do not like

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Reds should just let people enjoy things.

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