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Poland says they will consider trading with USA for free fighter jet upgrades. Redditors fail to read and cheer the coming of WWIII


People who only read headlines are getting bamboozled big-time here.

Headline: Poland handed over all of its MIG-29 fighters to Ukraine!

Commenters: OMG yassss poland (peepee slobbering noises) yay ukraine! :marseyparty1: :marseyparty3:

Meanwhile USA is like "uh yeah we're not starting WWIII for some polak's obsolete aircraft but thanks for caring idk?


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Trading shitty old Mig-29s for F-16s is a heck of a deal. It's no surprise Poland really wants to make it happen.

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The only thing I'm surprised about is that F16s are still being made in the US.

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I'm not. The US Military may be moving on to fancier toys but the F-16 is still a capable platform to export to nations who don't want to pay F-35 money.

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I thought they would outsource it to allies who made their own domestic variant of the F16s and take a percentage.

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I believe they do that too.

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They don't call em polish cause that's the term for the people there. They call em polish because they're so smooth brained that it's like someone buffed the wrinkles out to a bright smooth shine. :marseysmoothbrain:

Like it was polished.

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Those reddit comments.


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They REALLY want us to get involved in WW3 just after we got done with our 2 decade long war.

I never knew redditors were so war happy

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