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electric futa sheep

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What is a futa? Can you post a picture so us people who dont know what a futa is can find out?

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My biggest litmus test for whether someone has true convictions vs solely making their political beliefs as part of their identity is how much they virtue signal about πŸš‚ issues. Theyre literally the least important group on the planet and if radlibs werent trying to make them seem important starting in the early 2010s there would not be bathroom bills, trans military bans, etc. I think πŸš‚ virtue signalling and activism is actually doing more towards their persecution than society viewing them as a marginal medical abnormality.

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Theyre literally the least important group on the planet




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wtf is a holo? hologram people?

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hologram people?

yes, like tupac

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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RIP TUPAC he only sexually assaulted a few nobodies


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your 3rd favorite Russian peoples

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that's a khohol r-slur, learn how to speak american or i'll report you

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At least gypsies are actually treated with the level of importance they deserve. Then again Im not a Europoor so they literally dont enter the convo here outside some TLC reality show.

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The militaty trans bill is so pointless. They hate the military and are bullied mercilessly. Especially in my unit as i tell everyone about p-do and suicide rates. None yet

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That's pretty true of every minority though. It always starts with reasonable stuff, then inertia carries the movement well beyond the point of reasonableness (specifically, more zealous ideologues end up jumping on the bandwagon and replace the originals), so there's backlash, and then the sides entrench because they both feel threatened. It's as predictable as the sun rising.

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Ratio + L + don’t care + didn’t ask + cry about it +

What the frick is this? I saw that p-do train who is obsessed with ratioing people (like that means anything to people :marseysmug2:) say something like this.

Also, I don't understand what is going on in that tweet. It looks like they just stole that old joke with the trans flag saying, "I don't know what country this is, but all the women there are mad ugly," and made it :marseytrain2: friendly.

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What the frick is this?

twitter user insults
they think shit like this is worth posting: ![](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/002/310/510/748.jpg)

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With zoomer attention spans in the shitter, I can't believe they have the wherewithal to longpost unfunny essays the way they do.

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Yeah that one went straight into my reaction pic folder. Tyvm

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wait but how are they transphobic if they're saying trans women aren't men

what does the Rock rationing mean then?

lol even in xer dreams the redditor loses

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The mere thought of dreaming about the internet is sad

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I dreamed today that I was stuck in infinitely expanding rooms and busting for a piss but anytime I tried to piss someone would come to the room and I'd get shy. I'd have rather dreamed about The Rock saying trans rights.

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