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Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. It's time to eliminate the menace of stupidpol's tankies.


Look at this cuck. Literally the entire thread is him awaiting the 5 Day Special Operation™ now on day 51 to succeed to own I don't even know who at this point.

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we won’t attack just a training exercise

we’re only looking to liberate the nations that want to join Russia, it’ll take a few days

we ran for the capitol immediately and have been stuck for weeks

we actually intended for this to happen and after zero real change we’ve decided we succeeded.

why would Russia ever lie about their intentions? It’s obviously American propaganda that’s doing this.

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Weird how they stopped their incoherent citation of baghdad.

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Wish I wasn't r-slurred and knew how to report to the giga jannies directly cause he also used no-no words. Sad!

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Why there hasn't been an awakening that tankies are the dumbest r-slurs on the planets is beyond me, also they r*pe child and women.

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Thanks for reminding me why I left that shithole.

Yes, US foreign policy is evil, but that doesn't mean you start peepeesucking literal expansionist fascist dictatorships just because the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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